The Motor Cycle 1914 Jul-Dec
- Abbott, Ray, 469, 537, 703
- A.B.C. Motor Cycle, 230
- Tyre Gaiter, 236
- Abingdon Motor Cycle. 416
- Accessories—
- A.B.C. Tyre Gaiter, 236
- A. K. Chest and Throat Protector, 647
- Aluminium Solder, 347
- Amac Cut-out Switch, 651
- Apollo Light Car Horn, 90
- Atlas Sidecar Clip, 395
- Autofits Petrol Can Opener, 424
- Avon Belt, 571, 648, 653
- — - Tyres, 648
- Baby Hood, 649
- Badcock’s Bypass, 645
- Baird Petrol Gauge, 264
- Barbours’ Clothing,
- Bates Tvres, 646
- Beldam Tyres, 647
- Benton and Stone
- Tap, 471
- - Lubricator,
- — — — Tyre Carrier, 640
- Binks Jet, 638
- Bleriot Lamp, 655
- Bluemel's Shortproof Terminal, 651
- Bonniksen Speedometer, 653
- Bowden Brake and Control, 637
- Bradford Belts, 692
- Bransom and Kent Sidecar Chassis, 644
- Brooks Compound Saddle Spring, 236
- — Leggings, 646
- Brown and Barlow Carburetter, 494
- — Bros. Repair Platforms, 179
- Brown’s Lamp Bracket, 654
- — Mechanical Horn, 571
- — Workshop Bench, 40
- B. T.H. Magneto, 226, 247
- Buckingham’s Gogogenes Jack, 644
- Burberry Motor Cycle Kit, 649
- Burnett Tyres, 648
- C. A.V. Dynamo Lighting Set, 613
- — Magneto, 355
- Clair Silencer, 642
- Clincher Tyres, 647
- Clipper Tyres, 647
- Coventry Chains, 644
- Cowey Speedometer, 652
- Cox-Walker Lamps, 655
- Croft Petrol Gauge, 652
- Crown Countershaft Pulley, 347
- Cush Chain, 330
- D. A. Lighting Outfit, 262, 653
- Dall Belt Fasteners and Trouser Guard, 644
- Davison Petrol and Oil Gauges, 643
- De Lissa Air-cooled Valves, 360
- Dixie Magneto, 355, 650
- Druid Spring Fork, 370
- Drummond Lathes, 638
- Dumolite Rear Lamp, 167
- Dunhill Gradometer, 39
- Dunhill’s Rear Lamp, 654
- Dunlop Tyre Gaiter, 473
- — Tyres, 32, 473, 692
- Eastick Rear Lamp, 167
- E. I.C. Plugs, 651
- Elkhart Magneto, 650
- Enots Lubricator, 231
- Express Rubber Co.’s Waterproof Suit, 692
- Eyquem Dynamo Lighting- Outfit, 204
- Forward Plug, 327
- Fox Tyres, 648
- F. R.S. Electric Lighting Set, 417
- Gamage Knee-grip and Toolbag, 395
- — Lamps, 654
- — Luggage Carrier, 640
- -- Over-boot, 644
- Garner Whistle, 645
- Hammock Footrests, 236
- Harcourt Radiators, 644
- Harris Patches, 692
- Hobson Plugs, 650
- Holdtite Patches, 692
- Hunt’s Alklum Accumulators, 231
- — Electric Head Lights and Dynamo, 231
- — Etohte Rear Light, 39
- — Lamp Bracket, 641
- Iliffes’ Transfer Flags, 395
- Jelley Saddle, 420
- John Bull Tyres and Clothing, 649
- Jones Speedometer, 641
- Kempshall Tyres, 646
- Kerry Spring Fork Attachments, 642 Knee Tads and Body Rest, 413 Kumfort Knee Grips, 642
- I/ike and Elliot Tools, 643
- Light Car Body Co.’s Wind Screen, 642
- Lily (’bain Belt, 327
- Lodge Plugs, 651
- Low Cup Plug, 651
- — Generator, 425, 654
- Accessories—
- Lohr Pulley, 652 Arjf.
- Lucas Dynamo Lighting Set, 99, 346, 470
- — Lamps, 655
- Lyco Saddles, 652
- Mabon Variable Gear, 638 Max Tyres, 647
- Midland Tyres, 649 .Miller Lamp, 639 Mills Radiators, 124
- Mira Light and Dynamo, 651
- Morris, Russell, and Co.’s Air Cushion, 640
- Motor Factoring Co.’s Cleaning Brush, 638
- North British Rubber Co.’s Over-boot, 231 Oldfield Lamps and Generators, 639
- Oleo Plugs, 650
- O. S. Speedometer, 32
- Palatine Tyres, 646 Palmer Tyres, 648
- Palmer's Rear Suspension, 432
- P. and H. Lamps, 639
- P. Belt Punch, 652
- Pedley Tyres, 649 Philipson Pulley, 637
- — — Cam Bolster, 347
- Piggott's Belt Cutter and Punch, 395
- — — Fastener, 641
- — Clothing, 648
- — Luggage Carrier, 231 Plant’s Adjustable Pulley, 571 Pollin Belt, 640
- Redfern Tyre, 327
- Rich Endless Tubes, 647
- Rom Tyres, 646
- Rotax Horn, 637
- — Lamps, 639
- Rotherham's Compression Tap, 652
- — Lubricator, 330 <
- r- Squirt, 330
- Runbaken Plug, 395, 650
- Scott Carburetter, 640
- Searle Tubes, 692
- Selfridge Handle-bar Muffs, 647
- Service Coats and Caps, 647
- — Co.’s Rivet Punch, 643
- — Map Holder, 395
- — Rear Lamp, 654
- — Tyre Gaiter and Petrol Tank, 641
- Severn Patches, 327
- — Tyres, 648
- Simms Exhaust Chime, 644 Skefko Ball Bearings, 652
- Skew Tyres, 647
- Smithowen Valve Lifter, 347
- Smith’s Lamp and Generator, 654 Spencer Moulton Tyres, 649
- Sphinx Plugs, 692
- Spicer’s Waistcoat, 690 Stanley Belt Fastener, 645 Starley Tubular Wheel, 289
- Stelastic Tyres, 649 Stentophone Magneto, 657
- — Mascot, z641
- Stepney Tyres, 646
- Stewart Speedometer, 32, 653, 655, 692
- Stokes and Holt Pillion Seats, 231 Taylor’s Lamp, 639
- — Spring Strap, 472 Terry Spring Link, 327 Terry’s Rifle Clip, 644
- Thompson Dynamo Lighting Set, 395 Tynesider Seat, 638
- Ukantes Brake, 642 . .
- Vevo Union, 395 Vulcan Vulcaniser, 643
- Ward and Goldstone’s Lamps, 655
- Waring’s Legxtenshun Coat, 649 Watford Speedometer and Magneto, 643 Whittle Belts, 652
- Wilkinson Carburetter, 642
- Willers Extension Pipes, 642 Woodlam Valve Grinder, 39 Wood-Milne Tyres, 648
- Xl’all Saddles, 144, 652
- Acetylene, Dissolved,, 342, 345
- A.C. Sidecarrier,. 322 Action of a Two-stroke Engine, 104 Adjustable Tappets, 361
- A.E.C. Motor Cycle, 99
- A.J.S. Motor Cycle, 118, 509, 511, 521, 658,
- 663, 693 Albion Countershaft Gear Box fitted to a Rudge Motor Cycle, 275
- Allon Motor Cycle, 636
- Alp Motor Cycle, 264
- Aluminium Solder, 347
- America—
- Cartoons in, 301
- Chicago Show Statistics, 512
- Exports, 626
- Lighting Refinements in, 313
- Mrs. and Miss Avery, 296, 319
- Rural Postmen on Rounds, 524 Trend of Design in, 501
- Anglo-Dutch Trial, 163, 173, 229 Antwerp, Home from, 324
- Apollo Light Car Horn, 90 -
- Ariel Motor Cycle, 49, 52, 1^5. 201. 3M.
- Prices in, 319
- Records, 659
- Auto Cycle Union—
- and Despatch Riders, 442, 482
- and Competitions, 275
- Autumn One Day Trial, 328, 370
- Charges for Certified Trials, 601
- East Midland Centre Team Trial, 87
- International Cycle Car Race, I.O.M., 163,
- 170, 197, 254, 300
- Notes, 121, 162, 370
- Six Days Trials, 17, 33, 43, 56, 65, 71-88, 91- 94a, 96, 98, 100, 109, 121. 128, 145. 157 Judges' Report, 194 Official Awards, 86, 88 Routes, 22
- Weights in, 88
- Autofits Petrol Can Opener, 424
- Auto Sidecar, 388, 514
- Auto-Wheels, Registration of, 229, 276 Autumn 'Midst Scottish Crags, 547
- Avery, Mrs. and Miss, 296, 319 zXxford, S. R., 301
- A.Y. Cycle Car, 36
- B
- Back, Rev. H. C. A., 523
- Badino, Baj, 89
- Bailey, S. L., 200, 394
- Baird Petrol Gauge, 264
- Ball, F. G., 627
- Bandsman Blake, 254
- Banks Three-speed Gear, 436
- Barbours’ Clothing, 692
- B.A.R.C.—
- Bank Holiday Races, 200
- Bass, E. J., 469, 726
- Bat Motor Cycle, 680
- Baxter, E. F., 443
- Belt Fasteners—
- Dall, 645
- Forward, 637
- Piggott’s, 641
- Stanley, 645
- Belts—
- Avon, 653
- Bradford, 692
- Star, 655
- Whittle, 652
- Benton and Stone Filler Cap and Petrol Tap, 471
- — — — Lubricator, 416
- Bethwaite, Corporal 1., 447
- Binks Jet, 638
- Birmingham M.C.C. Speed Trials, 28, 35, 39
- Blackburne Motor Cycle, 236, 396
- B.M.C.R.C., 168, 196, 253
- Board of Trade and German Commerce, 306
- Boucher, J., 186
- Bowden Brake and Control Lever, 637
- Bradbury Motor Cycle, 34, 129, 181, 469, 489, 599, 682
- Bradford Belts, 692
- Bradford M.C. and L.C.C. Run to Brighton, 227
- Bramble Sidecar, 182, 421
- Bristol M.C.C. Motor Cycle and Cycle Car Show, 469
- Bristol Motor Cyclists’ War Committee, 493
- Brooklands—
- Oxford r. Cambridge at, 59, 63 Racing Track, 276, 348, 397 Red Cross Field Day at, 7
- Brooks’s Compound Saddle Spring, 236
- Brough, G., 623
- — Motor Cycle, 262, 619, 623
- Brown and Barlow Carburetter, 494
- — Bros.’ Repair Platforms, 179 Workshop Bench, 40
- — D. M., 510
- — H. G., 666
- — Motor Cycle, 437, 617
- B.S.A. Carburetter, 674
- — Motor Cycle, 555
- — Successes, 236
- B.T.H. Magneto, 226, 247
- Burford Motor Bicycle, 214
- Burman Engine, 704
- Burras, E., 201
- Busby, Vernon, 302, 333, 377
- Buttearn, S. A., 180
- Buyers’ Guide, Annual, 393, 569, 574 581
- Buyers’ Guide Lightweights, 131-142.
- Alldays and Onions
- Alp of Middlesex
- Bown-Villiers
Brown Brothers 1914/1915
Calcott Motorcycles
Chater-Lea for 1914
Clyno Motorcycles
Connaught 1914
Coventry Eagle 1914
Dayton Motorcycles of London
Dunkley Motorcycles
Elswick Motorcycles
Fairfield Motorcycles
Gamage Motorcycles
Gerrard Motorcycles
Grandex Motorcycles
Hobart 1914
Invicta Motorcycles
Ivy Motorcycles
Ixion Motorcycles
James Motorcycles 1914/1915
JES Motorcycles
Juno Motorcycles
Levis Motorcycles 1914
Little Giant
Harry Martin Motorcycles
Mead Motorcycles
Imperial Metro
Motosacoche (GB)
New Comet for 1914
New Hudson
New Imperial 1914
New Ryder Motorcycles
NSU Great Britain
OK Junior 1914-1915
Omega Motorcycles
Millard Pacer
Paragon 2¼ h.p. two-stroke
Premier 2½ h.p. four-stroke
Radco two-stroke, 211 c.c.
Regal two-stroke, 349 c.c.
Regina of Derby two-stroke, 292 c.c.
Roulette Villiers, 269. c.c.
Royal Ruby two-stroke, 269 c.c.
Scott 3¾ h. p. two-stroke, water-cooled
Singer four-stroke, 299 c.c.
Sun two-stroke Vitesse, 269 c.c.
- Triumph two-stroke, 225 c.c.
- Trump 1914 two stroke Peco
- Velocette 1914 two-stroke, 220 c.c.
- Victoria four-stroke, 170 c.c.
- Wizard by Fowler and Bingham 2½ h.p. two-stroke
- Wolf 1914 2½ h.p. four-stroke
- Wooler 1914 2¾ h.p. two-stroke
- v-aerphijly Hill-climb, 25, 57
- - Open Hill-climb, 25, 57 Sidecar, 143
- ' althorpe Junior Motor Bicycle, 470
- -- bidecar, 182
- Cambridge, Motor Cycle Races at, 89 Campbell, W„ 204
- Campion Motor Cycle, 415, 480, 481 Canadian Motor Cyclists for the Front, 498 ?— Statistics, 731
- Carbon, Removal of, 10
- Carburetters—
- Automatic, 326 B.S.A., 674
- Brown and Barlow, 494 Cox, 674
- Everest, 674 Scott, 640
- Senspray, 618, 674
- Carden Cycle Car, 151
- - Monocar, 406
- Carlton Magneto, 373, 386 Carson, W. H., 480 Carty, S. W„ 689 Cat Cottage, Henfield, 610 Caulcrick, II. A., 567
- 'C.A.V. Dynamo Lighting Set, 613
- — Magneto, 355
- Cevennes and the French Alps, 522 Chain-driven Machine, Handling a 341 Chain or Cliain-cuiii-belt ? 213
- - Transmission, Care of, 41 Chater-Lea, Jun., J., 442 Motor Cycle, 314, 323
- Christinas Gifts for Despatch Riders, 466, 475, "" 601
- Citroen, A., 266
- Clark, Eli, 227, 236
- Clarke, Mr. and Mrs. E. L., 94b ('I.UB NEWS—
- Abergavenny and District M.C. and C.C.C., 130 Ashford and District M.C., 130, 203
- Acton and District M.C. and L.C.C. 399, 441
- Ballymena and District M.C.C., 202 Banbury M.C.C., 142
- Birmingham M.C.C., 28, 47
- Blackheath and District M.C., 19, 91
- Bolton and District M.C., 202
- Bradford M.C. and L.C.C., 92, 227, 252 Bridgwater Motor Cycle Corps, 351
- Bristol B. and M.C., 16, 21, 47, 92
- — M.C.C., 172, 344, 421, 466, 469, 492, 533,
- 565. 622, 627, 657, 687, 689, 732
- Buckingham M.C.C., 171
- Cape Peninsula M.C.C., 42, 63, 232, 288, 534 Cardiff and District M.C.C., 19
- Carlyle (Chelsea), C. and M.C.C., 19, 203 Cheltenham M.C.C., 19
- Chipping Norton and District M.C.C. 172 Colchester and District M.C.C., 91
- Cork and District M.C.C., 232, 351, 492
- Coventry and Warwickshire Motor Club, 56,
- 62, 121, 252, 511
- — — — — — Open Hill-climb, 232, 297, 329,
- 441, 465, 687
- Rally at Hatfield, 511, 601
- Deal, Walmer. and District M.C.. 171
- Derbyshire and District M.C.C., 171
- — — North Stafford A.C., 202 Dorset A.C., 19, 91
- Dublin and District M.C.C., 172, 200, 202, 226, 309. 312, 351, 375, 623, 732
- Eastern Counties M C.C.. 171, 203, 511
- East Fife M.C.C , 192, 197
- Edinburgh M.C.C., 200
- Essex M.C., 172, 232
- Finsbury Park C. and M.C., 232, 257
- Folkestone and District M.C.C., 62
- Glasgow M.C.C., 57, 60
- Grimsby and District M.C. and L.C.C., 91, 309, 353
- Hamilton and District M.C.C., 150
- Harrogate and District M.C.C., 62
- Herefordshire M.C.C., 63
- Kalgoorlie M.C., 465
- Leeds M.C.C., 171
- Leicester and District M.C.C., 321, 687, 710
- I.and East Fife M.C.C., 119, 732
- Lincolnshire AC. (M.C. Section), 171, 309,
- 353
- Liverpool A.C.C., 62, 119, 162
- Amateur M.C.C., 89, 119
- fxdtus and District M.C., 511
- Malvern and District M.C.C., 171
- Merscv M.C.. 21, 56, 58, 120, 422, 465
- Mid Bucks M.C.C., 203
- Middlesbrough M.C.C., 19
- Middlesex and District .M.C.C., 202
- Midland AC., 257
- Motor I nion of Ireland (Ulster Centre), 565
- Newcastle and District M.C., 91
- i .i » f’agnell and North Bucks M.C.C., 62
- Norfolk M.C. and L.C.C., 172
- North Birmingham A.C., 92
- - Z M ( 121, 451
- • I’II AC f London M.C.C,, 19, 92
- NW A.A.M 20, 92, 163
- ddham ami District M.C., 257
- >i" •...?< I i • • ? HI ate A192
- I'MHJHI and Dii»i<t M 92, 201
- Plymouth and Di lricl M.C.C., 130, 232
- Po/»*.monlh ami District M.C, 91
- C > .ml D) l/n I M C C , 91, 172, 551
- ff‘ uf Park M Ct, 257
- Scottish Border M.C.C., 130 Q
- Sheffield and Hallamshire M.C.C., 13U, Slough M.C. and L.C.C.,
- Southampton and District JLC.C.,
- South Birmingham M C C., 441
- Southern Counties Cycling Un ,
- Streatham and District M.C.C.^ 94a,,
- Sunderland M.C.C., 172
- Surrey M.C.C., 202 57 lg4 399
- Sutton Coldiield M.C.C., 1 , >
- Troedyrhiw and District M .C O.,
- Tunbridge Wells and District M.C.C, 172 Tyldesley and District M.C.C., 63
- Victoria (Australia) 408, bb
- Waterford and District M.C.C., 4bQ
- Wellingborough, Rushden, and District. i\l ^-1 Q g2
- Western District (L°ndon) M.C., 91
- West Hants M.C.C., 92, 232
- Westmorland M.C.C., 19,. 56, 203, 465_
- Wolverhampton M.CLC., 309, 351, 399,
- — M.C. Auxiliary Defence Force, 465 York County M.C.C., 171, 257
- Clubs and Affiliation in War Time, 707
- Clyde Motor Bicycle, 618
- Clyno Motor Cycle, 113. 341, 371, 392,
- — Eagle Motor Cycles, 725
- — Firms' Russian Government Orders, 443
- — Motor Machine Gun Battery, 566, 621, 688 Cowdale Hill, 480
- Cox Carburetter, 674
- — A. G., 689
- Creyton, W., 329
- Crown Countershaft Pulley, 347
- Cuffin Engine, 598 CURRENT CHAT—
- A.A. Members, Identification of, 329
- A. C.U. Affiliation Fees, 658 ‘
- — and Competitions, 301
- — Certified Trial Charges, 601
- — Six Days Trials Awards, 88
- — — Weights in, 88
- — Trials, 21
- American Exports, 626
- Americans after German Trade, 329 Appeals, Rules Governing, 419 Artillery Wheels on Sidecars, 442 Automobile Engineering and the War, 418 Axford, S. R., 301
- Bowden Brake Co., Ltd., Report, 626 Brooklands Track, 276
- — — Closing of, 397
- Brown, D. M., 372
- B. S.A. Profits, 374
- Cambridge, Motor Cycle Races, at, 89 Canadian Motor Cycle Shows, 626 Circuit de l’Eur Team Prize, 89 Colwyn Bay Speed Trials, 536 Comforts for Despatch Riders, 566 Continental Tours during War Time, 196 Coventry Hill-climb, 300
- — Premier, Ltd., 467
- — Cycle and Motor Trades Benevolent Fund.
- 627
- Cyclecar Club Rally to Inspect 1915 Models,
- Dangerous Dogs, 443
- Design of 1915 Models, 567
- Despatches, 419
- Edwards Cup, 710
- Engine Starting by Acetylene, 419 Exclusive News, 120
- F.N. Works at Liege, 348, 421 Fosseway, The, 418
- Freak Finger Posts, 276
- Germany’s Tyre Trade, 374
- Green Street Green Fire Brigade, 442 Handicap on Two-strokes, 120
- Harrogate Corporation and Ten-mile Limit, 89 Hill-climbing in Switzerland, 20
- Horse Shoe Competition, 601
- lliffe and Sons, Ltd., Roll of Honour, 512 Indian Models for 1915, 559
- Indians and Track Racing, 396 International Trials Course, 162 Karslake. IL, 301
- Keeping Open Lines of Communication, 228 Levis and the Breakdown, 196
- Liverpool A.C.O. Liverpool-London-Liverpool
- Trial, 162
- Clubs, Proposed Amalgamation of, 600 London L.Scholarships for Coachbuilding, 396
- Lighting Regulations, 688
- Registrations, 229
- Low, Dr., 301. 490
- Lucas, Ltd., J., I rofits, 491
- Magneto Supply, 253
- M C C. Exeter Run Abandoned, 512
- —‘Roll of Honour, 443
- Mersey (Liverpool) M.C. Sporting Trial, 397
- Military Motor Cyclists, 56
- Trial, 328
- Motor Cycle Industry and Recruiting, 328,
- 349
- Thieves, 396 . .
- — Cycles for P.W.D. Officials m Nigeria, 57 for the Armies, 374
- — Cyclist at Lord Roberts’s Funeral, 601 Messengers, 328
- — Cyclists’ Camp at Bournemouth, 120
- — Machine Gun Batteries, 566
- — Trips for Wounded Soldiers and Belgian
- Refugees, 536
- Motosacoche Works, 373
- New Zealand Motor Cycle Clubs, 443 Oliver and Cotton Unofficial Record, 229 Olympia Show, 88, 372, Open Events Cancelled, Overseas Markets, 658 P. and M. Machines for Petrol at Is. a Gallon,
- — Imports, 442 *— Price of, 418, 442
- — Supply, 373, 442 Polhill, A Warning, 396 Profits in the Motor Cycle World, 467 Recruiting in Coventry,-The Awakening,
- Rudge-Whitworth, Ltd., Profits, 536
- Ruling the Roast, 163
- Russian Government Order for James and P. and M. Motor Cycles, 467
- Russian Government Orders, 419
- Severe Trials Vindicated, 418
- Sheppey Roads Closed, 513
- Sidecar Samaritans, 355, 374
- Sidecars for Simla Mails, 397
- — Scope of, 301
- Standardisation of Controls, 442, 601
- Stevens, Ltd., A. J., Profits, 513
- Stolen Machines, 56
- Stratford-on-Avon Mop Fair, 443
- Territorial Motor Cyclists, 373
- The Grand Prix, 57
- — Motor Cycle Buyers’ Guide, 467, 490
- — — — Equipment Number, 443
- Shilling Fund, 466, 475, 491
- -— Triumph Co., Ltd., and its Shareholders,
- Thunderstorms, What to do in, 121
- Timekeepers and Open Competitions, 21
- Triumph Cycle.Co.’s Profits, 491
- Vacancies for Despatch Riders, 374
- Wanted, an S.P.C.E., 20
- War Office Appeal for Motor Cyclists, 197,
- 228
- Reply to Football Association, 349
- Willersley Hill, 57
- Wolverhampton Non-military Motor Cyclists, 348 Work upon the Roads, 228
- Cush Chain, 330
- Cutting Down Running Costs, 215
- Cycaren Cycle Car Engine. 235
- Cyclecar Club’s Rally at Hatfield, 511, 601 Cycle Cars—
- A.Y., 36
- Back Axle Brakes for, 147
- Carden, 151, 406, 407
- D’Ultra, 346, 404
- Kennedy, 603
- Lulu, 537
- Morgan, 157, 420
- Nuremberg, 434
- Stafford, 469
- Thurlow, 40
- White’s, 94
- Winter, 523
- D
- D.A. Lighting Outfit, 262
- Dahn Two-stroke Motor Cycle, 592
- Dalton Sidecar Ambulance, 305, 306
- Dash for Liberty, 353, 363
- Davies, H. R., 150
- Dawn on the East Coast, 304
- Dayton Fire- Engine, 501 ,
- — Motor Cycle, 29, 128, 599 fc-fVJ
- De la Hay, T. C., 208
- De Lissa Air-cooled Valves, 360
- O., 119
- De Prey, F., 513
- Demolitions Fired by Magneto, 720
- Design of Drip Feed Lubricators, 610
- Despatch Riders’ Official Test, 708-9
- Detachable Wheels, 612, 676
- 1 Hamcnd Motor Cycle, 553, 684
- Dickinson, Corporal, 334
- — Miss J., 255
- Dissolved Acetylene, 409
- Dixie, Magneto, 355
- Dot Sidecar Outfit, 313, 705
- Douglas Motor Cycle, 66, 144, 160 180 187
- n Q20^r268’ 417’ 442’ 443, 458, 627, 666 K. S., 625
- Sidecarrier, 322
- Drew, .1., 482
- Drip Feed Oiling, 455
- Druid Spring Fork, 370
- Drummond Lathe, 638
- Lathes, 236
- Drysdale, ,1. D., 109
- D ultra Cycle ('ar. 346, 404
- Dunhill Gradometer, 39
- Dunkh\v Sidecar, 472
- Dunlop 'l'yre Gaiter, 472
- — Lyres, 32, 472
- Sidecar, 90
- Edmund Spring Frame Motor Cycle, 181
- Edwards Cup Trial, 687
- Eldridge, C. J., 211
- Electric Lighting, 239, 367
- Ellis, H., 469
- Enders, Corporal F. A., 445, 464
- Enfield Commercial Sidecar Outfit, 275
- — Machine Gun Sidecars, 468, 728
- — Motor Cycle, 50, 99, 125, 189, 443, 452,
- 508a, 521, 537, 620, 622, 635, 656
- — Sidecar Combination, 470
- — Two-stroke, 299, 508a
- Engines—
- Action of a Two-stroke, 104
- Burman, 704
- Cuffin, 598
- Cycaren Cycle Car Engine, 235
- Engine Konking, 503
- Fafnir, 94a
- Green, 482
- J.A.P., 461
- Peco, 483
- Peerless-Precision (Overseas Supplement August), 4, 495
- Peugeot, 9
- Precision, 93, 562, 595
- Sarolea, 644
- Simpson Two-stroke Engine, 204
- Spacke, 508
- Stiffness in, 127
- Tooth Rotary Valve Engine, 241
- Two-stroke Tips, 98
- Vitesse, 530, 532, 545
- Why I Favoured the Two-stroke, 111
- 7 h.p. Rudge Twin, 626
- Enots Lubricator, 231
- Essex M.C. Speed Trials, 30
- Evans, Mr. and Mrs. F., 450
- Everdell, Miss D. B., 369
- Everest Carburetter, 674
- Every-Clayton Motor Cycle, 124.
- Excelsior, American, Motor Cycle, 502, 518
- — Single, Motor Cycle, 480, 683
- — Two-stroke Motor Cycle, 41B
- Excelsior-Millford Sidecar Carrier, 258, 356
- Exhaust Valves—
- Trouble with, 73
- Export to Neutral Countries, 601
- Express Rubber Co.’s Waterproof Suit, 692 Eyam Cross, Derbyshire, 582
- Eyquem Dynamo Lighting Outfit, 204
- Eysink Motor Bicycle, 556
- F
- Fafnir Engines July 16th, 1914.
- Field Steam Motor Cycle, 376
- Fielder, A., 218
- Flags on Transfers, 351
- Fletcher, Mrs. Gordon, 170
- F.N. Motor Cycle, 126, 331, 348, 564
- —? Sidecar, 231
- Fontainebleau Circuit, 21
- Forward Belt Fasteners, 637
- Fowley, B. P., 573
- France—
- A Dash across, 193
- Cevennes and the French Alps, 522
- Circuit de l’Eure, 89
- Experiences during Time of War, 259
- Grand Prix Motor Cycle Race at Le Mans, 20
- International Six Days Trials, 20, 21, 88, 89, 121, 122, 158, 160, 162, 186, 193, 196, 213, 225, 259
- Motor Cyclists in Place des Invalides, 490 Franklin, C. B., 375
- French Motor Cyclists in the Place des Invalides, 490
- — Red Cross Society, 625
- Frera Ambulance in Italy, 511
- Friend-Smith, C., 624
- Froghole Cottage, Newington, 443 F.R.S. Electric Lighting Set, 417
- G
- Gaby Two-stroke, 467
- Galopin, M., 445.
- Gamage Knee Grip, 395
- Gaunt, E., 513
- Gears—
- Albion. Countershaft, 275
- Banks Three-speed, 436
- Bowden Two-speed, 236
- Enfield Two-speed, 236
- Humphris Three-speed, 398 -
- Jardine, 414, 563, 653
- Juckes Three-speed Countershaft, 325
- Lea-Francis Three-speed, 482
- Mabon, 638
- New Hudson Countershaft, 153
- Notes on, 624
- Roc Countershaft, 167
- Sparkbrook Three-speed, 8
- Sturmey-Archer Countershaft, 274, 345, 507,
- 706 German-owned British Patents, Cancellation of, 582
- Germany-
- German and Austrian Motor Cycle Trade, 332, 415
- (Jormany--
- Gorman Ton Gommandments, 309
- Two Lady Riders’ I'Cx poriencos, 255
- Tyre Trade, 374
- Gibraltar Rock, 487
- Gibson, J., 498
- Gilbanks, E. F., 37.1.
- Golby Armoured Sidecar, 464
- Goodhart, Corporal E. .J., 491
- Goodwin, W., 366
- Gore, R. W.. 527
- Glengarriff Open Trial, 200, 226
- Glengesh Hill, Co. Donegal, 45, 46
- Gloria Sidecar, 182, 183, 306, 314, 597, 689
- — Sidecarrier, 322, 357
- Glostel, Miss, 39
- Graham, C. W., 271
- Grandex-Pup Motor Cycle, 616
- Grand Prix of Australia, 626, 700
- Grange, W. E., 469
- Gray, G. T., 487
- Green Engines, 482
- — Street Green Fire Brigade, 442
- Greenwood, Maurice, 225, 259, 312, 421 Gregson, G. A., 421
- Grindon Hill, 98, 479, 480
- Haddock, B., 118, 264
- Hallowes, Corporal B. J., 656
- Hammock Footrests, 236
- Hardee, Mrs., 396
- Harley-Davidson Motor Bicycle, 443, 485, 502, 723
- — Sidecarrier and Maxim Gun, 329
- Harris Patches, 692
- Hassard-Short, Rev. F. W., 442
- Hasson Folding Sidecar Frame, 724
- Hayes, E., 321
- Hazlewood Motor Cycle, 102
- Hazlewood 1914 5-6hp V-Twin, 161
- Hazlewood 1915 4hp 592cc Single, 599
- Henderson Motor Cycle, 63, 307
- Hill, B. Alan, 628, 736
- — Mr. and Mrs. S. L., 734
- Hill-climbing—
- Beacon Hill, 321
- Caerphilly Open Hill-climb, 25, 57
- Canadian, Toronto, 511
- Cape Peninsula M.C.C., 232
- Coventry and Warwickshire M.C., 232, 297
- Glencullen,* 309
- Glengesh Hill, ' Co.
- Donegal, 45, 46
- Honister Pass. 106
- Naze Road Hill, 312
- Peak District, 479-482
- South Harting, 89, 129, 130, 159, 172, 175
- Sty Head Pass, 37
- Style Cop, 164, 165, 232, 297
- Susa-Mont Cenis, 162, 163
- Vai Suzon, 162
- Willersley Hill, 57
- Wrekin, 144
- Hill, P. W., 218
- Hints for Beginners, 238, 303,..339, 389, 462,
- 691
- — to Novices, What to Wear, 178
- Hobart Motor Cycle, 103, 439, 513, 703
- Hobart Two-stroke December 17th, 1914. pp683, 684.
- Hobson, Corporal Graham, 348
- Hockley Motor Cycle, 684
- Holbrook, Commander N., 710
- Holdtite Patches, 692
- Holmes, Miss R. A-., 506
- Home from the War Zone, C. W. Graham, 271
- Horton, Lieut. M. K., 491
- Huggett, D., 458
- Humber Motor Cycle, 115, 391, 529, 592,' 613
- — — Cycles for Russian Government, 391 Humphris Three-speed Gear, 398
- Hunter, Mrs., 203
- Hunt, G., 481
- Hunt’s Etolite Rear Light, 39
- — Head Lights, Dynamo, and Alklum Batteries, 231
- Hutchinson Trophy, Circuit de l’Eure, 64
- Hyde, J. S., 527
- Hythe Canal, 634
- Ignition and Lighting, 146
- — Cut-out, 73
- Iliffes’ Transfer Flags, 395
- Illuminated Sign at London Colney, 451 Imports and Exports, 228, 329, 369, 441, 442 537, 566, 626, 658
- Indian Motor Cycle, 154, 207, 372 396, 467
- — — Cycles, 559
- — Sidecarrier, 388
- Intelligence Department, Motor Cyclists, 360 International Cycle Car Race, I.O.M., 163, 170, 197, 254, 300
- — Six Days Trials, 20, 21, 88, 89, 121, 122,
- 158, 160, 186, 193, 196, 213, 225, 259
- Invicta Motor Cycle, 236
- Irish Twenty-four Hours Trial, 29, 45, 46, 57 .— End-to-end, 122, 126b, 167, 170
- Isle of Man, Searching for Overseas Tracks in,
- 67 Italy—
- Circuito Valle Ticino, 89
- Frera Ambulance, 511
- Grand Prix of Turin, 56
- Imports and Exports, 513
- Italian Track Championships at Milan, 454 Motor Club of Italy Championships, 388
- — Cycles in, 229
- Road Racing in, 165, 537 Sports Club of Milan Championship, 388
- Susa-Mont Cenis Hill-climb, 163 Vai Suzon Hill-climb, 162
- Ivy Motor Cycle, 184, 430, 519 Sidecar, 184
- Ivy. A New 5h.p. Ivy Model. July 16th, 1914. p90
- Ivy. October 15th 1914. p435
- Ixion Motor Bicycle, 558, 570
- J
- Jacobs, W. A., 118
- J allies-Canoelet Delivery Sidecar, 258
- James Motor Cycle, 99, 121, 467, 511, 604
- James Two-Stroke Sept 24th, 1914. p362
- James Modification Nov 19th, 1914. p563.
- — W. (Overseas Supplement, August)
- JAP Engines for 1915 October 22nd, 1914. p461
- Jardine Four-speed Gear, 414, 563
- Jelley Saddle, 420
- Jenner, Sergeant, 271
- J.H. Motor Cycle,’ 436, 493, 596
- Juckes Three-speed Countershaft Gear, 325
- K
- Karslake, H., 301
- Kelly, R. F. G., 367
- Kennedy Cycle Car, 603 . Keyzer, A., 615
- Khalioutyn, Lieut. N. W., 165
- L
- Ladies and Lightweights, 102
- Lady’s Record Ride in Lakeland, 210 Lakeland, Over the Roof of, 336
- Lamps—
- Bleriot, 655
- Brown, 654
- Cox-Walker, 655
- Dumolite, 167
- Dunhills, 654
- Eastick, 167
- Gamage, 654
- Hunt’s Etolite Rear Light, 39
- Lucas,' 655
- Lucas Dynamo Lighting Set, 99, 346, 470
- Miller, 639
- Oldfield, 639
- P. and II., 639
- Rotax, 639
- Self-contained, 361
- Service Tail Lamp, 654
- Smith’s, 654
- Taylor’s, 639
- Ward and Goldstone, 655
- Langton, F. K., 539
- Larking, Second-Lieut. R. G., 566
- Law, The, 205
- Leader Motor Bicycle, 51, 227
- — Sidecar Ambulance, 305 LEADERETTES—
- A. C.U. Six Days Trials, 33, 65, 145
- Carry On, 237
- Cheap Petrol, 359
- Christmas Gifts for Motor Cyclists, 453
- Clubs and Affiliation in War Time, 674, 707 Cyclists’ Touring Club, 145
- Design in 1915, 543
- Despatch Riders and their Weapons, 453 at the Front, -477
- Dynamo Lighting, The Fascination of, 177 Gear Design, Progress in, 405
- Hub and Countershaft Gears, 263
- Imports and Exports of Motor Cycles and Parts, 429
- Limitations of Lightweights, 585
- Motor Cycle Machine Guns, 335
- — Cycles for the Army, 634
- — — in Peace and War, 517
- Mudlarking with War Despatches, 695
- Noise of Two-stroke Engines, 209
- Noisy Engines, 1
- Olympia Car and Motor Cycle Shows, 287
- Overseas Trade, 287
- Patriotic Trading, 609
- Petroil Lubrication, 477
- Pressed Steel Frames for Motor Cycles, 33 Road Trials and their Lessons (Overseas Supplement, August), 1
- Second-hand Machines, Purchase of, 718 Sidecar Samaritans, 335, 374
- Sidecars and the Army, 609
- — for Despatch Riders, 634
- Sport and the War, 311
- Standardisation of Controls, 405, 429, 442,
- 601
- The Motor Cycle in Warfare, 209
- Two-stroke Motor Cycles, Encouragement of,
- 479
- Two-strokes and Lightweights, 97
- War and Motor Cycles, 718
- — Office Motor Cycles, 383
- Why Does an Engine Konk ? 479 Lea-Francis Motor Bicycle, 373, 480, 482, 491, 629
- — Three-speed Gear, 482 Letter to the Trade, 544 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR—
- Occident Insurance, Age Limits for, 156, 191 A.C.U. and Competitions, 296
- — Six Days Trials, 157, 426
- Advice from the Front, 344
- Artistic Appearance, 684b, 734
- Belt Fasteners, 713
- Brightening Cylinders, 246'
- Bristol M.C.C. 18-hour Trial, 664, 714
- British Magnetos, 247, 319
- Canadian Road Conditions, 119
- Carburetter Adjustment, 13, 47 Carburetters, 95
- Chain Cases, 713
- - Drive, Defects of, 473, 527
- Chills on the Abdomen, 114
- tiu' Veont. 489
- Vtt}* iU?^ filiation in War Time. 755
- 5' ' ^UVietiou of. 684a
- < c<onial Ideas. Singles : Twin>. . ’
- Roads. 270
- VMwyn Ray Ratxxs. 94b
- < emforts (or Despatch Riders, v '6 Competitions and the Wav. 5'5
- < impressed Air Engines. 449. 4 *5. 506
- I curtesy de Luxe. U4
- t rvstalhsauen of Metal. 5?7
- < y under Overheating. 605
- Delivery Tune. 604
- IVsign of Drip Feed Lubricators. 664
- Despatch Riders. 296. 40?
- Dissolved Acetylene. 54? 401
- Dogs and Motor Cycles. .15
- Double Purpose Machines, 47. 114. 218. 295.
- 542. 475
- IXjuglas Cylinders. Removal of. 506. 575
- Drew, Corporal. and his Douglas. 296
- Electric I ighting. 567
- Enemy Patents. 426
- Engine Kc: sing, 528. 572. 604. 650. 664. 684a. 714. . 55
- Eut:? g ct Valve Springs. 247
- Foreign Agencies. 270
- Motor Cycle Trade. 566
- Four-speed Morgan Cycle Cars. 15. 114. 157
- Free Factory Sites, 42.6
- Gear Ratios. 156
- Slip. 4 75. 489. 506. 575
- Heavyweights. Appreciation of. 606
- Hendee Special Sidecar Out tits. 295
- Hill-climbing on a Three wheeler. 218
- Horse-power and t'aivicity Relationship. 246 Hub Cup Fractures, 156
- Indicator Diagrams. 542. 401
- Institute of Inventors. 684a
- l ady Motor Cyclists. Proposed Trial for, 94b Riders in South Africa, 519
- Lightweight Sideears. 450
- T.T. Race. 15. 46. 401
- Vogue. The. 96
- Lightweights r. Heavyweights, 155
- Magneto Eecentricily. 270
- Married Men and the War. 544
- Military Motor Cyclists and the War, 5C.4 Remuneration, 518
- Minerva, A Converted. 295
- Missing Motor Cyclists, Mrs. and Miss Avery. 296
- Motor Cycle .Ambulance, 269
- in Mauritius, 190 Record Long .lump, 217
- — Cycles for Army Officers, 545 in Siberia, 545
- Cycling in Bagdad, 542
- Mute Appeals. 715
- Naze Road Hill, I 19, 26S
- Noisy Motor Cycles. 426
- Oildag, 605
- Overseas Requirements, 189. 191, 218. 246 Riders. Advice to, 46, 156 Specification. An. 15, 519 Trial, 95, 115
- Patents and the War. 295, 401, 426
- Peak District Trip, 4S9
- Pet roil Lubrication. 505, 526, 572, 604 Petrol-
- Consumption in Trials, 401 of Small Twins, 268
- Price of. 119. 155. 268, 319, 407 Substitutes for, 155
- Platinum Points. Break of, 714
- Plugs in Two-stroke Engines, 684b
- Powerful Solo Machines. 713
- Pressed Steel Frames for Motor Cycles. 116 Prices of Motor Cycles in Australia. 519 Removing Flywheels. 606, 630, 664, 685 Retreading Tyres. 217, 268
- Revs.. A Sermon for Speedmen. 489
- Riding Upstairs. 665
- Rings Sticking in Two-strokes, 684a
- Rudge Tommies Remembered, 684b
- Rule of the Road, 155
- Running Costs, Cutting Down of, 318. 427, 474, 630, 714
- Scottish Trials. 15, 94b, 116, 1S9
- Sentries, Difficulty of Hearing, 366, 427, 473 Sideear Design, 191
- — Mudguards, 366
- Silent Machines, 630, 714
- Small Bushes and Drip Oiling, 684b Sparking Plug Gaps, 45
- Speedometer Drive Covers, 318
- — Drives, 116, 189
- Sprocket Faults. 247
- Stnndnnlientiou of Controls, 450, 504, 526, 606 Starting Difficulties, 95
- Storm Kit Question, The, 344
- Suggestions to Prize Winners, 449 Thames Ferries, 45
- The Buttress, Hebden Bridge, 296, 366
- The Motor Cycle for the Front, 449
- Three speed Pedalling Gear, 367
- Tlirowing at Motor Cyclists, 246
- Thunderstorms, 45, 94b, 115
- T.T. Bars and Knee Grips. 270, 426, 450, 474. 630
- Two-speed Hubs, 665
- I • ntri k- Motor Cvrb.s fur Sidecar Work, 504
- ’ Tips, 605
- Tyres, Possible Scarcity of, 296
- Size of 367
- IfnUrrMil Ri-ar Lights. 15, 96, 217, 247
- I' niter nil Repairing Hnuse, 295
- Weight , M' H and Coimige, 449
- le Vack, 118
- Levis Motor Cycle, 99. 109,
- Lighter Spirit, The. 696
- Lighting and the l aw, 75
- Refinements in \meriea. 315 Lightweights and Ladies. 102
- Two strokes. 88
- An Ideal Machine, 345 Buyevs Guide. 151 14? in Lakeland. 106
- Merits of. 179
- Progress of, 125
- The Lightweight Vogue. 98
- I'wo strokes. 105
- W here they Score, 109. 148
- Lily Chain Belt. 527
- Lincolnshire A.<\ Speed Trials at Mablethorpe.
- 309 Linde. M, .L. 513
- Lit tie (.Want Motor ('vole. J52
- Nap. 120 W B.. 491
- I itton Slack llill. 482
- Liverpool Motor Corps. 491
- Loudon Motor Cyclist Reserve Committee, 48c
- Longfield. Sergeant-Artificer, 721
- Lord. Mr. and Mrs. R.. 67
- I ovegrove. R. W.. 538 Low. Dr.. 301. 490
- Generator. 42.5
- Lubrication. Drip Feed.
- 585 of Racing Machines. 185
- Lubricators. Design of Drip Deed. 610 Lucas, l td.. ,L. Profits 491 Lulu Cycle Car. 537
- Lyminge Windmill. 463
- Mablethorpe Speed Trials. 509. 553
- Mabon Variable Gear. 658
- Mackay. Sergeant Major, 446
- Magnetos— .
- B. T.1L. 226
- Carlton, 373, 386
- C. A.V.. 355
- Dixie, 355. 650
- Elkhart. 650
- Splitdorf, 650
- Stentophone, 657
- Supply of Various Makes. 253. 272
- Thomson-Bennett. 535
- Manchester Athletes' Defence Corps, 608
- Matchless Motor Cycle. 28. 50. 253. 346. 433.
- 470, 486. 554. 721. 752
- Machine Gun Sideear. 721. 752
- Sideear Quick-firer. 721
- Ma veil. E. P.. 348
- M.C.C.
- Cinema Show. 533. 600. 626. 687
- Closing Run to Horley, 492
- Devonshire Tour. 198. 212. 218. 227. 228.
- * 235 252
- Race Meetings at. Brooklands. 92. 118
- McMallv. 179
- Mead and Deakin Sideear Ambulance. 571
- Mechanical Hooters. 211
- Mendip on Motor Cycles, 406
- Message. The. in Morse. 69S
- Metro Motor Cycle. 508, 59’8
- Midget Bicar. 116
- Midland Light Car Club. 56. 88. 126a
- Mignan's Motor Cycle. 327
- Militarv Motor Cycles—
- Design of. 187. 320, 540
- Militarv Motor Cycling Notos. 11. 220. 249.
- 267. 314. 390. 445. 538, 629. 656. 690
- Cyclists. 56. 70, 100. 230, 239. 240. 246.
- 247. 249. 253, 267, 273. 314, 324. 328, 333, 347. 560. 370, 42'2-424. 452. 487. 520
- Mills Radiators, 124*’ Milner. A.. 39
- Moeatta, Cyril, 445
- Moffat. A. L. 201
- Mogridge. L.. 443 Mor&al Head. 481
- Montgomery Sidecar, 184
- Morgan Cycle Car, 429, 461 v
- — Monocar. 157
- — Sidney. 506
- Morris, Miss E., 66
- Motor Cycle Ambulance, 269
- — — and the Country Tradesman, 149
- — — Constabulary Force, 265
- for American Fire Brigade, 605
- — — in War, 377
- Machine Gun Battery, The Future of.
- A.E.C., 99
- A.J.S., 118. 509, 511. 521, 658. 663, 693 4 h.p„ 509
- Alldays Two-stroke. 110, 252
- A lion, 636
- 125, 201. 439, 493, 560. 607.
- 722
- Bat, 680
- Blaokburne. 236, 396
- Bradbury, 34, 129, 181, 469, 489, 590. 682
- Bradbury 4 h.p. Three-speed August 6th, 1914
- Bradbury 4 h.p. Chain Drive November 26th, 1914. p599
- Brough. 190, 262. 6 19. 625
- Brown. 437. 617
- U.S.A . 555
- Motor ('voles
- Burford. 214
- Campion, 415, 480, 481
- Chater Lea. 314
- Two stroke. 103
- Clement Garrard. 125
- Clyno, 115. 541. 571, 592. 594. 451, 751
Connaught, 103, 109.
- Connaught for 1915 December 17th, 1914. p681.
- Connaught Two-stroke for 1915 December 3rd, 1914. p617.
- Connaught 1914 Flat Twin December 24th, 1914. p706.
- Coventry Cagle 725
- Dahn. 592
- Dayton, 29. 128. 599
- De Luxe. 502
- Diamond 553. 684
- Dot. 515. 705
- Douglas. 66,
- Edmund, 181 l ai Hehl. 50, 508a. 521.
- Two stroke.
- I'.very ('layton.
- . . H . n - —
- 187, 468.
- 443,
- , 622,
- 114. 160.
- 417. 442.
- ?JOO. 268,
- 627, 666
- 99. 125.
- 557. 299. 508a
- 124
- Excelsior. 255, 480.
- (A meriean), 502.
- I'.ysink. 556
- Dairy. 126
- Field Steam. 376
- KN.. 126. 251. 331. 348. 564
- Gaby Two stroke, 467
- Grandex Precision. 50
- Grandex Pup, 61b
- Harley Davidson, 445. 435, 502. 723
- liable wood. 101. 161. 599
- Henderson. 63. 307
- Hobart. 102, 439. 513. 683. 703
- Hockley, 684
- Humber. I 15. 391, 529. 592, 613
- Indian. 154. 207. 372. 596. 467, 559 Invicta, 236
- Ivy. 90. I&4, 435, 436, 619
- lxion. 558. 570
- James. 99. 12 1, 562. 467. 511. 565, 604
- Two-stroke. 562 .LIL. 436. 495. 596
- Leader. 51. 227
- Lea Francis. 373. 480, 482. 491, 629
- Levis. 99. 109. 196. 248. 508. 436. 551.
- 468,
- 53k
- 545
- Popular, 308
- Little Giant. 152
- Matchless, 28. 50, 255. 546. 458. 470. 436. 554. 721. 732
- Metro. 508. 598
- Midgot Bicar. 116
- Mignan's, 327
- Motosaeoche. 113, I 19. 125, 373
- New Hudson. 100, 2 18. 250. 280. 570. 659
- Imperial. 101. 159, 482. 596
- Ryder, 105
- Norton. 126b. 129. 616
- Norton Progress July 30th, 1914. p161
- N.S.U., 126
- N. D.T.. 217, 726
- O.K., 49. 554. 594. 661
- Omega Two-stroke, 508. 662
- Overseas, 50. 73
- P. and M„ I 17. 329. 333, 447. 537, 557
- Twin. 125. 167, 196. 211
- Paragon. 99. 678
- Peugeot. 152. 155
- Premier. 323. 592. 439. 707. 710
- Premier 296cc Two-stroke, 569
- Premier Novel Two-stroke, 661
- South Harting Hill-climb, 89, 129, 130, 159. 172, 175
- Quadrant. 52, 485, 682
- Radeo, 417, 485. 598. 678, 699
- Regal-Poco, 652
- Regal-Precision. 103
- Rex Jap. 52. 360. 398. 399. 445. 544, 571.
- 679
- Rover, 521, 371. 594. 600
- Rover Side Carrier, 3½ h.p., 445
- Rover, Countershaft Geared Rovers in 1915, 565
- Royal Ruby. 103, 485, 561
- Rudge 7-9 h.p.. 626
- Twin. 21. 25. 57. 68, 270, 595
- Rudge-Multi. 156, 184. 525, 333, 347, 591
- Rudge 1915 Models Nov 26th, 1914. pp593, 594.
- Scott. 50. 188, 621, 635, 656
- Singer, I 18
- Two-stroke. 350, 377
- Sparkbrook Two-stroke, 507
- Stafford. 467
- Sunbeam. 159. 208. 52 1. 368, 562, 623
- Sun-Vitesse, 532, 545. 661
- Swift, 725
- Symplex, 679
- rl' M (' 2
- Triumph, 113. 179, 185. 271, 375. 421. 469. 489. 554, 685
- Two-stroke. 113
- Trump-Peco, 61
- Veloeette, 102. 561, 662, 663
- \ indec, 438, 618
- Westovian, 124
- Wizard. 181
- M oll. 126, 598, 660
- VVooler, 166, 500, 595
- Yale, 503 „ , x r...
- Zenith. 169, 201, 217, 248, 545, 542, 564.
- An 8 h.p. Twin-cylinder Zenith-Green August 20th, 1914
- Motor Cycle Records in 1914, 729
- Cycles, Cure for Noise. 400
- for Russian Army, resting, of, 393
- in German Army, 42 1
- Cyclist Despatch Riders Ten Years ago. 44a
- Cyclists and Armoured Cars. 552, 601
- for the Intelligence Department, o4<
- in China. 452
- on Active Service, 586
- Wimbledon Common, 223, 224
- Useful Work for, 463 .
- Union of Ireland (Dister Centre) end to end Trial, 122. I2ob
- Motosaeoche, 118, 119, 125
- Naze Road Hill, 312
- Neill. H . 504
- New Comet Motor Bicycle, 705
- Hudson Countershaft Hear. 154
- Motor Bicycle, 100, 218, 250, 280, 570, 659
- — Sidecarrier, 322
- Imperial Motor Bicycle, 101, 159, 482, 596
- Newman, H., 538
- New Zealand-
- Championship of, 186
- Racing, 659
- Waikari Sidecar Trial, 731
- Noble, 1). IL, 567, 702
- Noisy Motor Cycles, 400
- Norman Cross Column, 712
- — lMiss, 398
- North British Rubber Co.’s- Over-boot, 231
- Northover, Sergeant H. R., 329
- Norton Motor Cycle, 126b, 129, 161, 328, 616
- Norton 1915 Models December 3rd, 1914
- — Sidecarrier, 328
- Nuremberg Cycle Car, 434
- N.U.T. Motor Cycle, 217, 726
- — Sidecar Ambulance, 726
- Oblin, A., 119
- OCCASIONAL COMMENTS, 6, 35, 66, 100, 147, 179, 239, 265, 290, 320, 345, 361, 385, 409, 433, 455, 478, 499, 519, 546, 587, 611, 634, 675, 697, 719
- Oil in Small Quantities, 320
- O.K. Motor Cycle, 49, 554, 594, 662
- Okuizumi, Captain, 39
- Oldfields’ Lamps, 639
- Oliver and Cotton, Unofficial Record, 229
- Olympia Show—
- Arrangement of, 8, 88, 178
- Suggested Amalgamation' of the Car and Motor Cycle Shows, 287, 329, 372, 374
- Omega Motor Bicycle, 508, 662
- Ommaney, A. L., 659
- Open Letter to the Trade, 544
- O. S. Speedometer, 32
- Overseas Motor Cycle, 50
- Oxford v. Cambridge at Brooklands, 59, -63
- P
- Palmer’s Rear Suspension, 432
- P. and M. Motor Cycle, 117, 124, 167, 196.
- 211, 329, 334, 447, 467, 537, 557
- — — — Sidecar, 175, 184
- Paraffin as a Fuel, 72
- — P. and M. Arrangement for Use of, 151 Paragon Motor Cycle, 99, 678
- Ainsworth Tricar, 310
- Auto-Wheel Attachment, R. O. Clark, 64
- Binks Two-jet Carburetter, 428
- Brooks and Holt Saddles, 476
- B.S.A. Three-speed Gear Box, 542
- Bunau-Varilla Streamline Body for Cycles, 476
- Combined Engine and Speed Gear, A. E. Thomas, 176
- Douglas Lubrication System, 310
- Dufaux Overhead Valve Lubrication, 428 Exhaust-assisted Carburation, 428
- German-owned British Patents, Cancellation of, 582
- McGregor Carburetter, 64
- Norton Cycle Car, 476
- Peco Lubricating System, 542
- Rudge Reducing Gear, 310
- Sidecar Body, Wathen, 176
- Two-stroke Engine, D. Ruva, 64
- Water-cooling Arrangement. 176
- Patents and the War, 295
- Peak District Tour on a Rover, 430
- Trial, 479-482
- Pearson, Rex, 109
- Peco Engines, 483
- Peerless Precision Engine (Overseas Supplement, August), 4, 595
- Penrith M.C.C. Speed Trials, 201, 217 Perkins, A., 252
- Petroil Lubrication, 409
- Petrol at a Shilling a Gallon, 410
- — Consumption Trials, 240
- — Imports, 566
- — Measuring at Hill-climbs, 270
- Peugeot, 152, 153
- — Engine, 9
- Philipson Pulley, 347, 637
- Cam Bolster, 347
- Phillip,, F., 721
- Phillips, P. B., 627
- Picture Hill, 481
- Piggott’s Belt Cutter and Punch, 395
- — Luggage Carrier, 231
- Piston Ring Tip, 455
- Plant’s Adjustable Pulley, 571
- Plugge, L. F., 324
- Porthcawl Open Speed Trials, 26
- Portmarnock Speed Trials, 172, 375
- Powell and Hanmer Lamps, 639
- Pratt, W., 702
- Precision Engine, 93, 562, 595
- Premier Motor Cycle, 323, 392, 439, 569, 661,
- - 707
- — Sidecar Machine Gun, 707, 710, 735
- — Sidecarrier, 323
- Pressed Steel Sidecar Chassis, 408, 455
- Purcells’ Sidecar, 214, 645
- Purchase of Second-hand Machines, 691
- Quadrant Motor Cycle, 52, 483, 682
- R
- Radco Motor Cycle, 4.17, 485, 598, 678, 699
- Rally Sidecar, 175
- Records in 1914, 729
- Red Cross Field Day at Brooklands, 7
- Redfern Tyres, 327
- Reed, H., 608
- Regal-Peco Motor Cycle, 632
- Regal-Precision Motor Cycle, 103
- Reid, Miss M., 190
- — R., 345
- Revs, Sermon for Speedmen, 457
- Rex-Jap Commercial Sidecar Outfit, 258, 328
- — Motor Cycles, 32, 360, 398, 399, 443, 544, 571, 679
- Rex Sidette, 183, 203
- Rhodes, H. Alan, 264
- Rice, B. and E., 568
- Riddell, Howard, 413
- Rifle Shooting, 320
- Riley, Mrs. Mary, 210, 336
- Road Racing in Italy, 165
- Roberts, C. A., 538
- Roc Countershaft Gear, 167
- Roots, Mrs. Doris, 268
- Rope, W., 726
- Rotax Motor Cycle Horn, 637
- Rotherham, A., 467
- Rotherham’s Lubricator and Squirt, 330
- Round Scotland on a Borrowed Motor Cycle, 3 Routes—
- Ashford, Kent, to - Ilfracombe, 127
- Bristol to Margate, 72
- Finsbury Park to Exeter, 737
- Leicester to Torquay, 358
- London to Holyhead, 736
- Reading to Edinburgh, 128
- Swansea to Land’s End, 128
- Swindon to the Highlands, . 73
- Wellingborough to Glasgow, 495
- Rover Motor Cycle, 371, 373, 448, 565, 594, 600
- — Sidecarrier, 321, 348, 371
- Rowden, Glyn, 421
- Rowlandson, S. A., 468, 487, 510, 606, 629
- Royal Devonshire Yeomanry, 450
- — Ruby Motor Cycle, 103, 485, 561
- Rudge Ambulance, 325, 333
- — Disc Wheel Sidecar, 309
- — Motor Cycle, 7-9 h.p., 626
- — Multi, 156, 184, 325, 333, 347, 591
- — Sidecarrier, 323
- — Twin Motor Cycle, 21, 23, 57, 68, 270
- Rudge-Whitworth Profits, 536
- Runbaken’s Sparking Plug, 395
- Running Costs, Cutting Down, 215
- S
- Saddles—
- Leatheries, Ltd., 652
- Lyco, 652
- Xl-All, 144, 652
- Sampson Sidecar, 143
- Sansom, Miss May, 103
- Savannah 300 Mile Race, 658
- Schofield, Miss E., 626
- Scott, Alfred A., Ill
- — Miss W. J., 255
- — Morgan, and F.N. in Ireland, 242
- — Motor Cycle, 50, 188, 621, 625, 656
- — Sidecar, 183, 621
- Machine Gun Outfit, 621, 625
- Scottish A.C.U. Meet at Callander, 27
- Scottish Trials—
- Judges’ Report, 18
- Lessons of, 44
- Marking System, 148
- Results, 21
- Searle Tubes, 692
- Second-hand Machines, Purchase of, 691
- — Motor Cycles, Guide to Prices., 163
- Semple, G. A., 526-
- Sending Goods to the Army, 392
- Senspray Carburetter, 618, 674
- Service Map Holder, 395
- — Sidecarrier, 387
- Severn Patches, 327
- Sheffield Special Constables, 567
- Shoreham Toll Bridges, 457
- Sidecarriers—
- A.C., 322
- Ariel, 323
- Clyno, 357
- Douglas, 322
- Enfield with Quick-firing Gun, 468, 728
- Excelsior, 356
- Gloria, 322, 357
- For Tradesmen, 322, 323, 387
- Harley-Davidson, 329
- Indian, 388
- Matchless, 438
- Mead and Deakin Ambulance, 571 Mills-Fulford, 540
- New Hudson, 322
- Norton, 328
- Premier, 323
- Rex Daily Mail, 328
- Rover, 321, 348
- Rudge, 323
- Rudge 7 h.p. V Type Engine July 2nd, 1914. p23.
- Service, 387
- Watsonian, 387, 438
- Sidecars—
- Auto, 383, 514
- Bramble, 182, 421
- Cairns, 143
- Calthorpe, 182
- Canoelet, 183, 258
- Chater-Lea, 323
- Clark’s Ambulance, 305
- County, 214
- Dalton Ambulance, 305, 306
- Dunkley, 472
- Earle, -90
- Enfield, Commercial, 275
- F.N., 231
- For Despatch Riders, 63.3
- Gloria, 182, 183, 306, 314, 597, 689
- Golby Armoured, 464
- Hasson, 724
- Ivy, 184
- Leader Ambulance, 305
- Lining up of, 9
- Matchless, 554
- Millford, 258
- Montgomery, 184
- P. and M., 175, 184
- Purcell’s, 214, 645
- Rally, 175
- Rex-Jap, 258
- Rex Sidette, 183, 203
- Rudge Disc Wheel, 309
- Sampson, 143
- Scott, 183
- Sheet Iron, 573
- Sidecar with Autumn Guns, 588
- Sidette, 143
- Springing of, 182
- Stokes and Holt, 143
- Swan, 184
- Sydenham, 183
- U. and I., 653
- V. A.L., 183
- Watsonian, 184, 438
- Williamson, 183, 438
- Zenith Ambulance, 532
- Sidecar Samaritan, The, 440
- — with Autumn Guns, 588
- Sidecarring for Ladies, 439
- Sidette Sidecar, 143
- Silver, H., 259
- Simms, F. R., 391
- Simpson Two-stroke Engine, 204
- Singer 1914 Two-stroke p350
- Singer Two-stroke, 378
- Smith, A. A., 632
- — Ernest, 165
- — Frank (Overseas Supplement, August). 3 ?—
- Mrs. Ernest, 103
- Smithowen Valve Lifter, 347
- South Africa—
- Arn'iolz, Miss Hilda, 319
- Continental Cup Trial, 288, 289
- Johannesburg-Durban Race, 57, 61
- Lady Riders in, 319
- Two Hundred Mile Trial, 534
- South Harting Hill-climb, 89, 129, 130, 159. 172, 175
- Spacke Engine, 508
- Sparkbrook Motor Cycle, 507
- — Three-speed Gear, 8
- Sparking Plugs—
- Bluemel, 651
- Cleaning of. 455
- E. I.C., 651
- Hobson, 650
- Low, 651
- Oleo, 651
- Reliance, 456
- Runbaken, 395, 650
- Barbour and Sons’ Clothing. 542
- Bayliss, Thomas, and Co., 476
- Beard, Brown, and Co., 476
- Brooks and Co., J. B., 476
- Coan, R. W., 738
- Components, Ltd., 392
- County' Chemical Co., 738
- Coventry Chain Co.. 476
- Dunlop Tyres and Belts, 32, 542
- F. B. Engines, 738
- Feay’s Tar Remover, 476
- F.R.S. Lamps, Ltd., 542
- Gaby Motor Co., 542
- Gall and Inglis Road Maps, 64
- Henderson Spring Carrier, 476
- Kempshall Tyres, 476
- Kumfort Motor Accessories Co., 542
- Little, W. B., and Sty Head Pass, 64
- Lycett’s Belts, 64
- Mobilubricant, 32
- North British Rubber Co., 476
- OilSilkette. Coats, 32
- Palmer Tyre Co.’s Balance-sheet, 738 Pedley Belts, 738
- Piggott, Ltd., J., 542
- Pratt’s Spirit, 738
- Royal Ruby Motor Cycles, 738
- Rudge Motor Cycles, 32
- Severn Belts, 738
- Shell Spirit, 476
- Simms Motor Units, 542
- Sturmey-Archer Gears, 476
- The Motor Routes of Germany, 32
- Tuck and Sons’ Christmas Cards, 738
- Zenith Motors, Ltd., 542
- Speedometers—
- Accuracy of, 409
- Bonniksen, 653
- Jones, 641
- O.S., 32
- Speedometers—
- Reliability of, 345
- Slewart. 32, 692
- Watford, 643
- Sphinx Sparking Plugs, 692
- Spicer's Waistcoat. 690
- Sport and the Crisis, 311, 384
- Springfield (Mass.) Police Squad. 690
- Springing of Motor Cycles, 290, 361 Sproston. A. .1 . 488. 491. 538
- Stafford Cycle Car. 467
- Motor Bicycle. 467
- St. Andrcws Speed Trials, 192. 197
- Stanley. C. E.. 162. 170
- Starley Tubular Wheel. 289
- St. \ rootlet's Motor Cycle Pace, 689
- Stent opbone Magneto, 657
- Simeus \ ,1. Overseas Supplement August', 2
- T., 121
- Stewart Speedometer, 32, 692
- Stocks, .1 W.. 443
- Sub.-Lieut., 538 Sturmev rebel* Countershaft (tear, 274. 345.
- 507. 706 Sty Head Pass. 37
- Sulky Trailer, The. 40
- Sumner, \ A' 169
- Sunbeam Motor Cycle, 159. 208, 321, 368, 562.
- 623 Sun-Vitesse Motor Cycle, 532. 545, 661
- Sutton Coldfield M.C.C. Hill ('limb, Style Cop. 164, 165
- Swan Sidecar, 184
- Swift Motor Cycle, 725
- Sydenham Sidecar. 183
- Simplex Motor Bicycle, 679
- Taylor, Corporal, 391, 460
- Vernon, 437
- Taylor’s Spring Strap, 472
- Terry Spring Link. 327
- Tests for Despatch Riders, 708 9
- Thomson Bennett Magneto. 533
- Thompson. 11. M.. 516
- Thompson’s Dynamo Lighting Set, 395 Thurlow ('vole Car, 40
- T.M.C. Sideear Outfit, 2
- Tooth Rotary Valve Engine, 241
- Toronto Motor Cyclist, 516
- Motordrome, 737
- Touchet, M.. 701
- Tours-
- Ireland, A Tour in, 73
- M.C.C. Devonshire, 198, 212. 218, 227, 228, 235, 252
- Mendips, 406
- Over the Roof of 1 akcland, 336
- Peak District. In the, with a Rover, 430
- Scott, Morgan, and F.N. in Ireland, 242
- Tradesmen’s Sidecarriers, 322. 323
- Trials
- A.CAT. East Midland Centre Team Trial, 87 Six Davs, 17. 22, 33. 48, 56, 65, 71-88.
- 91 94a, 96, 98. 100, 109. 121, 128, 145. 157, 194
- Anglo-Dutch, 163, 173, 229
- Birmingham M.C.C. Speed, 28. 35
- Bristol M.C.C. Land's End Run. 657. 659,
- Castleford Speed, 89
- Colwvn Bav Speed. 21. 56. 58, 120. o3b
- Continental Cup Trial at the Cape, 288
- Copenhagen M.C. 513
- Doncaster M.C. Speed, 10 Edwards Cup Trial. 687, 710
- Essex M.C. Speed, 30
- Glasgow M.C.C. One Day, 60
- Glengarriff Two Days Reliability Trial, 200.
- 226 Harrogate Two-day, 62
- International Cycle ('ar Trial, I O.M..
- 170. 197, 254,
- Six Davs, 20, 21, 88, 89, 121. 122.
- 160? 162, 186, 193, 196, 2 13, 225,
- Irish Twenty lour Hour, 29, 57
- End to end. 122. 126b. 167. 170
- Liverpool K.C.C., Liverpool London Liverpool. 162
- Triumph Cycle Co.'s
- M otor ( \ ele. I I 3,
- Two-stroke Motor
- Trow Hill, 627 Trump Peco Two-stroke, 61
- Twin Belt Drive, 456
- Twin Cylinders, Timing of. 72
- Two-stroke Engine. A. A Scott, III Two stroke Machinos-
- and Parafin, 230, 292
- Engines. I I I
- Removal of Handicap on, 120
- Tips, 540
- Types of Pistons for, 142
- Two Thousand Miles Trial in 1915, 164
- Tynesidcr Seat, 633
- Tyres—
- Avon, 648
- Bates, 646
- Beldam, 648
- Burnett, 648
- Clincher, 647
- Clipper, 647
- Dunlop. 472
- Vox, 648
- Kcmpshall, 476, 646
- Max, 647
- Midland, 649
- Palatine, 646
- Palmer, 648
- Pedley, 649
- Rom, 646
- Severn. 648
- Skew, 647
- Tyres—
- Spencer-Moulton, 649
- Stelasitc, 649
- Wood-Milne, 40, 648
- U. and I. Sideear, 653
- Underhill, V., 73, 78
- - (Overseas Supplement, August), ?,
- Vallee Pieaud, M.. 701
- \ \. 1, Sideear, 183
- Valve Hockers, 320
- Springs, Eitting of. 147
- Veloeotte Motor Cycle. 102, 561. 662. 663
- \ eringa, A., 266
- Vovo Union. 395
- Vickers Light Machine (Jun, 72 1. 735
- Victoria M < ’.(Speed Trials. 408
- Vindee Motor Cycle, 438, 618
- Vitesse Engine, 530, 532, 544
- w
- Wade, A IL, 628
- Wall Auto-Wheol, 677
- Walbro Wind Screen, 724
- Waller, (’., 513
- W ar Office and V twins. 423
- W’ Speedometer, 643
- Watsonian Sidecar, 184, 387, 438
- Weak Mixture and Misfires, 361
- Werner, Miss. 412
- Western Signal Companies’ Despatch Riders,
- 536
- Westovian Motor Cycles, 124
- Wheyman, Mrs,. 189
- Why an Engine Konks, 497, 5o3
- I 1 )on't I ike Sidecars, 7 I I
- Wilkin. G. W.. 109
- Will the Solo Mount Survive Winter in France, 718
- Willhro Extension Pipes, 692
- Willersley Hill, 57
- W’illiams, Eric and Cyril, 468, 490
- G. Valentino, 468
- Williamson Sidecar, 183, 438
- Winston, N. L.. 521
- Winter, Corporal B. IL. 567
- ,1. IL. 521
- Cycle Car, 523
- Wizard Motor Cycle, 181
- Wolf Motor Cyclo, 598, 660
- Woodlam Valve Grinder, 39
- Wood Milne Tyres, 40
- Woolor Motor Cyclo, 166, 500, 595
- Wrekin Hill-climb, 144
- Vale Motor Cycle, 502
- Yorkshire Invitation Team Trial, 89
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