ALMOST every week there are fresh additions to be noted to the two-stroke ranks, and one of the latest is the neat little mount to be marketed by Trump Motors, of Lombard Street, Birmingham. On a recent visit to the works we inspected the preliminary model, which will be altered in detail only, except for the frame construction described later. The 2 ¾ Peco engine, 75 x 79 mm. bore and stroke, is fitted, and carries a U.H. magneto, and either Amac or Senspray carburetter. The drive is either direct or by chain and belt with a two-speed countershaft gear, or through a three-speed hub, the same design of frame being utilised in each case.
Lubrication is quite separate from the petrol supply, oil being passed through a Best and Lloyd sight-drip feed direct to the cylinder, whence it feeds the bearings in the usual Peco manner. The lank is a neat oval in section, and has a large capacity. Druid forks are fitted, and the front mudguard has full valances.
Unusual Frame Design.
The frame construction to be employed is unusual, and the patentees, Mr. W. A. Forster, of Trump Motors, and Mr. C. Pearson, of Peco Motors, claim that it is unbreakable. As was pointed out to us, the most common point of fracture is just below the head lug, and a reference to the appended sketch will show that the down tube is duplicated in the case new frame. This divides the strains both from the engine explosions and from the pivoting action of the forks, while in the latter case it is considerably assisted by the curve in the top tube, which is designed with that object. This head construction is most interesting and forms a novel and practical feature.
Originality in design is always interesting, especially when there is sound reason for the departures from standard, and we were much impressed by the new Trump-Peco frame.
The Motor Cycle, July 9th 1914
Trump Motors, Ltd., 70, Lombard Street, Birmingham.