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The Motor Cycle
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Today in Motorcycle History
The Motor Cycle 1917 Jan-Jun
A.A.S. (article) 106
Abbatt, F. O. H. (letter), 528
A.B.C. Flat Twin Engine, 379
— Motor Cycles (illus.), 75
A.B.M. (letter), 574
Acceleration (comment), 25
Accessibility, 427
— Again, 489
— on the Road, 191
Accessories, Useful, 458
Accident, An Extraordinary, 429
Accumulators, Care of, 269
Acetone as a Fuel, 386
Ackerman Spring Wheel, 371
A.C.U. Annual General Meeting, 303
— Report, 167, 209
— General Meeting, 212
Acetylene Lamps, 249
— Starting on, 54, 75, 105, 127, 145, 170, 172, 196, 242, 267
Acutt, L. R. L., 237
Addenbrooke, H. St. V.. 38, 82, 338, 370, 456
Adjustable Motor Cycle Stand, 56
Adjustment of Mechanical Pumps, 280
Advantages of Co-operation, 541
— Large Wheels, 372
Advice to Buyers of Second-hand Machines, 257
Aero Engine Design, Influence of, 461, 484
— Engines, Motor Cyclists and, 546
Aeroplane as Conveyance for Motor Cycle, 419
— Sidecar Bodies, 255
Aeroplanes for Sale, 521
-Esculapius (letter), 360
Africans in France, 352
After-the-war Problems, 536
Age for Driving Licences, 557
— (leaderette), 389, 423
— 14 To-day, 280
Agopian, A. (letter), 430
Agricastrol, 174
A.H.S., Sherborne (letter), 60
A.J.B. (letters); 527. 550
A.J.S. (illus.), 183. 593
— Coal Gas Test, 53
— Commercial Outfit, 434
— for Military Work, 309
— Russian Model, 390
— Spring Saddle Pillar, 112
— 2S4 h.p. Outfit, 491
Albion Piston, 124
All-British Magneto Industry, 186
— Overseas Trade (Overseas letter), 314
All-weather Sidecar, A Combination Fitme>t for, 600
Alpha (article), 155
Aluminium and Air-cooling, 561
— Cylinder, The, 286
— Cylinders (leader), 557
— — Future of, 594
Altitude. A Question of, 220
Ambulance Work near the Line. 474
America Enters the Arena, 356
— Military Motor Cycling in, 403
American D.R.’s, 415
— Excelsior (letter), 37
— Factories in England, 3
— Import Duty on Motor Cycles, 427
— Invasion of Australia, 306
— Lady Motor Cyclists as D.R.’s, 519
— Lightweight Design, 560
— Limousine Sidecar (illus.), 32
— Machines. 303
— — and Colonial Riders, 183
— Motor Cyclists, Ten Thousand, 521
— National Guardsman, 496
— Sidecar Record, 10
— Solo' Record. 52
— Tariffs on Motor Cycles, 449
America’s Uses for Motor Cyclists, 211
AM.LEE. (letter), 125
— London (letter). 60
Adette (article), 227
Air-cooled Cycle Cars, 439
— Engines (letter), 198
— Pistons, 414
— Plug, An, 488
— Runabouts, 500
Air-cooling, 497
— the Crank Case, 530
Air Leaks, 459
— To Eliminate, 224
— Pressure in Tyres, 431, 457, 480, 527, 528,
— Screws, Lecture on, 209
— v. Water-cooling, 266, 285, 312, 337, 361, 406, 457
Andreae, Bertha A. (letter), 126
Anderson Quartz Plug, 458
Angleterre, Apres la Somme, 468
Antoine V-twin Engine (illus.), 186
Anti-motoring Press, 521
Apollo Motor Cycle Horns, 174
Appeal from the Front, 169
Applications, 12,683, 475
Appreciation of the 3y2 h.p. P. and M., 564, 601
Apres la Guerre (letter), 480
Arbeco Fuel, 515
Arbuthnot Trophy, 161, 163, 259, 280, 302, 310, 449, 518
A Reader in H.M. Navy, 265
A.R.T. (letter), 338
Ariel 5 h.p. Outfit (illus.), 492
— Motor Cycle, 520
— Saddle Suspension, 112
Armenia, Men of British Armoured Car Section Resting in, 423
Armoured Cars in Mesopotamia, 569
— — in the Euphrates, 238
Armstrong Tricycles, 174
Army Motor Cycles, 59
— Distinguishing Badges, 548
A.R.R. (letter), 310
A.S.S. (article), 73
A.S.C. Workshop Staff, 238
Association of British Motor and Allied Manufacturers, Badge of, 541
— — Private Owners, 35
Atkins, Gnr. W. W., 160
Atkinson, Gnr. F., 395
— Sgt., 548
Austin Motor Co., Garages for Soldiers, 40
Austin-Jones, L.-Cpl. D., 336
Australia, New Speed Records in, 252
— Noisy Motor Cycles in, 357
— Oil Pumps for, 600
— The Business Sidecar, 410
Australian Active Service Sidecar built in War Zone, 420
— Imports of Motor Cycles, 505
— Reader’s Frame Design, An, 315
— Storm, An, 504
Australian’s Conception of an Ideal Mount, 397
Automobile Association’s Reduced Fee, 52
Auto Cycle Union Notes, 374
— Treble-purpose Road Sweeper, 56
Autoped, 35, 68, 398
Auto-Wheel, Starting an, 459
Auxiliary Motors, Those, 203
Average Prices, 35, 56, 79, 97, 115, 141, 186, 222, 236, 264. 275. 302, 332. 359, 373, 399. 427, 450, 471, 496, 511, 556, 570, 595
Avery Roff, E. (letter), 602
A Voice from Overseas, 589
Axford, Lt. Sydney R., R.F.C., 278
B 525 (letter), 310
Baby Two-stroke, Over-driving a. 273
Badge of Association of British Motor and Allied Manufacturers, 541
— — the Motor Cycle Divisions of the L .5. Army, 280
Balancing, 341, 363
Bailey Flyer Motor Cycle, 2
— 2nd-A.M. L. L., 160
Ball Bearing Connecting Rod, 479, 500, 575, 309
— Capt., 210, 291
Ban on Petrol Substitutes, 240
Bankes-Jones, Rev. R. M., 519
Barker, S. (letter), 104
Barrow, G.S. (letter), 575
Bartels, C.B.G. (letter), 185
Barton, Temp. Lt. B.C., 210
Bath Chair, Elieson-Carter Electric, 478
Baxter, Late Lt. E. F., 568
Beacon (letter), 430
Beard, A. E. (letter), 455
Bearing Pressures, 11, 73, 103, 125, 146, 198
Beasley, 2nd-Lt. H. P. (illus.), 518
Bedell, Allan, 397
B.E.F. (letter), 362
Bees, Sgt. Leonard A., 119
Bell, Chief Motor Mechanic G., 307, 493
Belgian Motor Cyclist as Airman, 420
Belt Drive, 375
— Slip, 531
— Wear, 527, 549, 573, 601
Bentley, Arthur W., 419
Benzole—After the War, 332
— and its Production, 327
Beresford, I. C. (letter), 527
Berkshire Motor Volunteer Corps, 541
Bertollaci, E. R. A. (letter), 383
Best_and_Lloyd, Ltd. (letter), 339
Bethwaite, I. G., 241
Beware the Motor Cycle Thief, 598
Bewildering Assortment. A, 333
Big Singles and Australia, 589
Binks Anti-konking Device, 556
— C., Ltd., 355
Black Cat Tank Crew, 160
Blackpool Motor Volunteers, 53, 99, 187, 449
Bland, H. J. (letter), 168
Blic Magneto, 597
Blind Heroes, Our, 281
Blow Hole, Stopping a, 200
Bonniksen Speedometer, 171
Bonython, John, 242
Booth, H. V., 408
Bore-stroke Ratios, 253, 288, 312
Bosch British Interests Bought by Vickers, 332
— (letter), 169
— No More, 567
Boswell, R. S. (letter), 196
Boursfield, J. S., 434
Boursiac, Henry (letter), 312
Bowden Wire Nipple, 108
Bowie, Cpl. M. P., 308
Boyd, R. L. (letters), 125, 457
Boyce, W. E., 174
Boyton, Flight-Lt. Geoffrey, 568
B. P. Motor Spirit, 18
Bradbury All-chain Drive, 230
Bradford Battalion National Motor Volunteers,
Bradley, Lt.-Col. R. W., 95
Bradshaw, Granville E. (letters), 18, 82, 12>.
— P. O. (letter), 289
Braid, Cpl. Raymond J., 564
Brake Lever, Fitting a Ratchet to a, 445
Breakage, An Unfortunate, 580
Brechin, M., 342 _nq
Bridgman, Mr. Ernest Ashford illus.), 2UJ
Brierly, Bob, 218
Briggs, F. (letter), 169
British and American Engineers, 426
— r. Foreign Magnetos (letter), 282
— Fuel after the War, 453
— Test of, 515
— Import* and Exports for March. 399
— Machines Abroad, Price of, 315
— in Portugal, 505
— Magnetos, 168, 288, 360
— and Prompt Service, 373, 4C7
— under Test, 250
— Motor Cycles, A Tribute to, 457
— Cycle Trade, Magnitude of the, 588
— Fuel (leaderette), 437
— Industry after the War, 51
- Trade. Protecting the, 166
— Roads the Best, 589
— Single r. American Twin, 397
Brittleness? Does Galvanising Cause, 455
Brooke Automatic Governor Pulley, 66
Brooks, Mr. Robert (letter), 397
Brophy Spring Frame, 108
Brough Flat Twin with Spring Frame, 423, 442
— h.p., 514
Broughton, A. (letter), 573
Brown, Co.-Sgt.-Major, 537
— D. Elyard (letters), 197, 198
Brownrigg, H. H. (letters), 37, 61, 529
B.S.A. (illus.), 451, 577
— Ascent of Mount Clarence by, 21*
— in Japan (illus.), 27
— S. Africa (illus.), 314 , .
— Motor Cycles, A Consignment Ready for France. 375
B.T.C. (letter), 265
Bull. Driver G. H., 519
Bullock, W. E., Jun., 256
Bunn, Rfn. F. A. (letter), 218
Burdekin, Bombr., 593
Burma, A Motor Cycle m, 184
Burney and Blackburne, Ltd. (letters), 103, 543
Burslem, A. H. (letter), 38
Burberry’s Sale, 40
Burrell, Mrs., 537
Busby, Capt. Vernon, 160
’Bus Strike and Petrol, 449
Bush, T., 530
Business Names, 270
— Sidecar in Australia, 410
— The Motor Cycle in, 384
Butler, C. (letter), 315
— Edwin (letter), 406
Butt-ended Troubles, 200
Butterfield, A. (letter), 451
{missing lines}
Clarke, A. (letter), 59
— J. T. (letter), 59
IBythe,"^Little“"on (“us.). 172
C. L.C. (letter), 80
Cleaning Plugs, 488
Cleveland Two-stroke, 5oU
C. L.S. (letter), 241
Clucatos (article), 206
Clutch, Adjusting a, 364
— A Stiff, 485
— Control, 360
— Slipping, 411, 605
— The Use of the, 460
Clutches, The Control of (leaderette), 321
C.L.V.C. 2872 (letters), 168, 243
Clyno (illus.), 395, 493
Clyno Sidecar (illus.), 54
— Spring Saddle Pillar, 112
Clynos for Russia, 426
Coal Gas, Starting on, 319
Cockburn, R. W. (letter), 339
Cohen, I., 146, 272
Cold and Gummed Engines, Starting, 408
Collier, H. A. (letter), 146
Collier H., and Sons, Ltd. (letters), 242, 429
Colonial (letter), 382
— Riders and American Machines, 183
Combination Drive or All-chain ? 524
— of Trailer and Sidecar, 348
Combined Filter and Petrol Tap, 458
— Inlet and Exhaust Valves (leaderette), 321
— Lamp and Horn, A, 260
— Leg Shield and Coverall, 328
— Sparking Plug and Valve Cap, 342
— Valves, 324, 360
Comfort Accessories, 40
Commercial Motor Cycle Carriers, 277
Commissions for Motorists over Military Age,
Commonsense Magistrates, 473
Comparison, An Unfair, 258
Comparisons of Petrol Substitutes, 290
Competitions, 3
Complete Machines ? Ought Firms to Make the, 500
Compression, Loss of, 605
— Reducing, 582
— Taps, Obstinate, 340
Concessions to Military Motor Cyclists, 185
— Service Men (leaderette), 175
— — — — (letters), 218, 265
Contact Breaker, Sparking at, 200, 246
Control Levers, An Inverted View of, 597
— Protecting, 582
Converted Double-seated Sidecar, 335
Converting the Gas Lamp, 445
Cooke, W. J. Clifford (letter), 381
Cooling, Internal, 345
— the Engine Interior (leaderette), 343
Co-operation, Advantages of, 541
Cooper, H. (letter), 60
Copper Cylinders and Pistons, 383
— Pipe, Annealing a, 340
— Radiators, 161
Corke, W. J. Clifford (letter), 603
Cork Factory, Motor Cyclist’s View of, 382
Cornubius (article), 102
Countershaft Gear Box Design, 203
— Gears, Control and Ratios of (letter), 194
Courtney, W. E. (letter), 397
Cox, A. H. (letter), 381
C.Q.M.S. (letter), 218
Crank Case, A Heated, 460
— — Cleaning a, 532
— How to Clean, 37
Creasey, J., 414
Critics, The, 116, 136, 156- 208, 232, 263, 274, 330, 358, 378, 401, 432, 438, 494, 526, 578
Crouch. A. P., 342
Crow, Jim, 479
Cunningham, Mrs. T. E. (letter), 504
Curious (letter), 455
Current Chat, 10, 32, 52, 74, 98, 142, 162, 186, 212, 236, 258, 280, 302, 331, 354, 374, 398, 426, 448, 470. 472, 496, 520, 566, 594
Cut Along (letter), 219
— B.W.B. (letter), 311
Cycle and Motor Trades Benevolent Fund, 270, 521
— Car Redivivus, A, 249, 310
Cyclist (letter), 194
Cyclists’ Touring Club, 427
Cyclospat Legging, 79
Cygnet Rear Car, 49
Cars at Los Angeles, 348, 349
Cylinder Boring in France, 192
—- Distortion, 535
— Machining, 132
— Removing the, 435
— The Aluminium, 286
— Two Sparks in One, 183
Cylinders, Aluminium, 557
— Removal of, 264
Cymro (letter), 573
Daimler Adoption of Aluminium Pistons, 556
— Premium for Graduates, 209 Dalby, L.-Cpl. D., 447, 518
Damages, Claiming, 554
Danish Motor Cyclists’ Winter Sports, 359
Davenport, Sgt. W. A.. 238
Davidson, Lt.-Col. A. E., 95
Davies, A. G. (letter), 603
— Lt. Howard R., 474
— Sec.-Lt. H. R., 376
Davis Carburetter, 150
Davison, W. B. (letter), 105
Day, C. Geo. (letter), 480
D.C.W. (letter), 170
Deakin, T. W., 342
Decarbonisation, 595
Decarbonising, 454
— Flat Twins (letter), 80
Decision in Important Case, 497
Decline of Second-hand Values (leaderette), 247
Decompressor, An Improvised, 445
De Lissa, Osborne (letters), 81, 147
Dennell Motor Cycle (illus.), 552
Delo, Mr. T. J., 187
Descending a Hill, 605
Despatch Rider (and his Leg-shields) in the War Zone, 259
— in Egypt, 308
— Riders and Despatch Riding, 255
— Transfers, 377
— at Poona, 395
— attached to the R. Engineers, 447
— — Badge, 569
— in Egypt, 518
— — — France, 351
— Obtained, Sufficient, 419
— — of the 2nd Canadian Division Signal Co., B.E.F., 239
— — ; Signal Co., -519
— on North-West Front of India, 376
— The Pay of (letter), 381
— Vacancies for, 308, 351
— — Variety of Conditions for, 362, 405, 459, 603
— Rider, The Work and Training of a, 464
Detachable Head Cylinder, 563
— Valve Seatings, 340
Deuchar, W. R. (letters), 219, 361
Difference between Skid and Sideslip, 578
Difficult Starting, 221
Disadvantages of a Long Magneto Drive (leader), 413
Discharge, Silent (letter), 195
Dismantling, 291
Dispensing with Metal Fittings, 521
Disposal of War-worn machines (leaderette), 41, 234
Distinctive Badge, A, 395
Distinguishing Marks, 591
Dixon, T. P., 192
D.M.S. (letter), 504
Doherty, Sec.-Lt. T. O. C. (letters), 310, 429
Don’t Motor for Pleasure (illus.), 72
Double-acting Four-stroke, 473
Double-seated Sidecar, 335
Douglas, A Year on the Spring Frame, 276
— Engine, Air-cooling the Crank Case of a 530
— 4 h.p. and Sidecars, 594
— in the Desert, 26
— Lady’s Model (illus.), 216
— M., 445
— Motor Cycle (illus.), 142, 328, 482
— Tips, 414
— Taking Down a 2% h.p., 507
— 2% h.p. Lady’s, Road Test
— W., 388
Downie, A. M. R., 13
D.R. (letter), 288
D.R.’s attached to Headquarters Staff of H.B., M.G.C., 336
— in Egypt, Group of, 569
— of the Tanks, 336
Drew, Jack, 263
Drilling an Engine, 554
Drip Collector, A, 260
— Feed, 387
Driving from the Sidecar, 202
— Licences, 435
— Age for (leaderette), 389, 423, 557
— Granting of (letters), 126, 145, 170, 197, 218, 241, 265, 289, 310, 338, 361, 382, 407, 429 (leaderette), 87
Drying Up, 153, 431
Dry Sump, 535
Dublin Club’s Meeting, 302
Dug-out Debates (article), 176
Duplock, Gunner C., 377
Duncan, R. J. (letter), 243
Dunlop Rubber Co.’s Dividend, 427
Dunkin, J., 482
Dutch Motor Cycle Trials, 14, 58
Dyer, C. S. (letter), 456
Dynamo Lighting for Motor Cycles (letter),
Easting Screen, The, 600
East London Motor Cycle Club’s (South Africa) Carnival, 79, 258
Outing for Wounded.
Soldiers, 313
Eastern Hemisphere, Riding Conditions of, 188
Easy Starting (letters), 105, 125
— Device, 289, 582
Eccentric Hubs, 243
Economic (letter), 431
Economical Flooding. 224
— Two-stroke, An, 272, 406
Economy? 235
Edge Mud Shields, 115
Edmund, C., and Co., 310
— Spring Frame, Experiences of, 71
Edwards, Flight-Lt. G., 36
— W. F. Maitland (letters), 219, 288, 311
Edi.nency and I 481
Egyvd testing Motov Cycles in. 493
s'-.; St: ok mg. 341 Ehxt-.v Bath Chair. 4 28
Ignition <\x x1913'. Ltd. JetteO. 360
I g/m.-g t'ev Motov Cycles. 60 mom the Magneto. >41
Tad lam.m A Stmple >30
Electrically Ovevated Valves. 477
Elect vbuty ano. the Meter Cycle. 753
EUvwde. rhe Four Split. >59
Fd. 1. Sm eg Seat lie
Khesen Carter Electric Rath Chair. 478
Elimmate V l eaks. l\\ 7 24
Eliminating Weaknesses. 73. .'73
Emerson. K. V. 595
bhaery. W <30
Emmie Sidecars. 108 174
Rutield. Economy ot the 3 h.p.. 77:7
8 h.p. Jett er'. 50;
Gear Sin ?;; an 760
Russian Mlitary Model. 711
S d.xar. 6 tup. ;dlusA. 17. 497
"’oiR Five at 775
Firields ter the Russian Aim\. 191
Engine. ARC . 379
as a Rake letters'. 785. 407
Interior. Cooling the JeadoretUE 343 loses Power ar.d Stops. 460
Ms'imng when I let. 417
Ku on mg Rot. 199
S.Gear, Overhauling. 154. 743. 310
V ibis: ion. 364
will net Stand Magneto Advance. 579 Engines ot the Future. 37S Engineer letters^ 7 $S. 406
England, S 478 EngFsh-Fiendh Meter Terms. 477
Eng tv Rvldmu 534
Enlistment. The Terms of. 493
Enterprise letter'. 741
Epicure letter'. 317
Erratic Running of a 4,25 h.p, Engine. 501. 527. 601
Esnault-Pelteris Valve. 574
Rstiovd. R Verven. 145
Enk Easy Sts: t er. 556
Euphrates. Armoured Cars in the. 7eS
Everest. E. P. Jet ter), 163
Excel Metal Guards. 748
Excelsior .letter'. 717. 557. 578
for Overseas. 796
Twin 4 h.K. illus. description.'. 14
Exhaust-heated Carburetter. An. 596
Exhaust Pipe. k Rod het. 745
Exm.xr. A Four Days' Excursion tex 517
Expanding Gear Ring. 159
Exports and Imports. 55. 141. 7S1. 599. 450. 570
Extra Air. 746
Failure to Start. 770. 563
Faraday. Michael. A Great Englishman. 257
Faroe: Valve. 574
Farm Tractor at Work Jlkis.). 796
— Tractors. 570
Far West. An Impression ct the. 505
Faster V chill than on the Flat. 511
Featherweight Runabout. 579
— Sidecar. Is it Practical t 515
— Outfit. 587
Female Labour. An Opportunity k>r. 556
Fenn. A. G,, 141
Fe;:txm letter . 405
FiEaer. Sgt. A . 17. 197. 595
Fins. Cvx'ling. 366
Fire. An I neemn cn Cause et. >93
— Brigades. Sidecars for the 1 se of, -4.. -J61.
Firing- Irregular. 485
— on One Cylinder. 347
— The Order et. 565
— 1 never.. 199. 771 746
Fisher. Cvl. C R . 470
Fixing a Tarttl. 5.0
Flat Twin Advocate. ~4.
— A New Design. 475 _ _
- at the Rar setters'. IS. or. >1. l->.
— Engines leader). 509
— Overseas. 505
— Goes in America. 747
— How it Wears. 575
— Lubrication and the. 557
— Theory and Practice. 579. 57S
— New Large Sire. 579. letters' 47-6. 479. 456
— The. 374
— Matchless. 541
— Twins. A Room in. 475
— Few Questions. 757
— and Spring Frames. 449
— Even Firing on. 775
— Forced Induction for letters'. 168. 194 718. 745 511. 55
— Why they Start Easily. 573
Fleming Mr, W. _ dlus.), 186
Fleet Street Trathc. 497
Fletcher. J. /.etter-. 310
Flmtuat.ons m Seoond-har.d Prxvs. 558
Flexible Ccy.xr Tubing. 770
Flywheel Magneto Ths leaderette'. 175
— Position c-. 375
F.N. Shaft Drive. 750
— 2.75 h.p and Sidecarrier illas.'. 211
Football Match. A Remunerative, 449
Foot Pumps kdrauoed in Price. 174
Foreign Exports. 98
Forging v. Casting. 489
Forward Sparking Plug, 156
Four cylinder. Timing a. 221
Four Days Excursion to Exmoor, 512
Four-speed Gear Box Ratios. 205
Four stroke Jet tors*. 241, 407
Four Years Rider Jet tor), 194
Fowls on the Road, 486
Frame Design. 370. 405. 456
— (leaderette). 535
— Strengthening. 426
Francis. Capt. G. L. 192
Franklin Piston. 67
Freeman. A M.. 565
French Artillery Brigade, Motor Cyclists
Despatch Riders (illus.). 52. 307
Frenchman 's I dec. I. 481
French Polus at Picturesque Gateway
— Verdun. 352
From the Cauldron (illus.), 544
Front Brake Details. 133
— Chain Adjustments. 391
— Hub Design. 202. 235. 264. 555. 605
F.R.S. New Mechanical Horn. 404
Fuel and Second-hand Values, 237
— More Motor. 284
— Scarcity. Overcoming. 503
— Sureties in France. 375
Fuller. IV. A. Jotter), 551
Funok. G., VM.l A.E.. 561
Function. Design, and Construction of Magneto. 190
Fur.nelL A. E. .letter). 582
Furguson. S. -letter). 589
Fusilier. R. (letter). 457
Gamage. Eric N.. 52
Gardner. John letter). 381. 493
Gatrlli, Ing.. 274
Garland. Victor. Chief Motor Mechanic. 577
Garrett. ,L H, (illus,). 514
Garstone. A. J. (letter). 480
Gaspard. A. .letter*. 481
Gatooma Motor Cycle Races. 13
Gaudie. IV R. letter). 596
Gauges. The Fitting of. 557
G.E. (letter). 505
G.D. ^article). 469
Gear Adjustment. 4p5
— and Chain Adjustment, 519
— Box Clutch and Kick-starter Unit. 588
Ratios. Four-speed. 205
— Control improvement. 270. 554
— Lever Tip, 554
— Ratio tor a Light weight 411
— Ratios. 269. 586. 486. 575. 579
— — for a Hilly District. 460
Gears. Additional. 412
— and Cogs. 268
Generators. A Grumble st. 192
George. Cpl. R. W . 258
Germany Traded on cur Ignorance. 213
G.G. (letter). 382
GAL .letter*. 287
Gibbs. Phillip. 519
Gibson. Hugh. 162
Gilbert. H W. article*. 27
Gill. J\ H W„ 542
Girl Government Clerks Motor Cycles. 594
Girls Drive Gas C. < S ,i:. rmm 5’3
Gier, corse .letter*. 383
Goat. The. A Perverse Beast. 538
Ge-ddem Map F. W. 119
Good. J. F. 'letter'. 315
Goodwin. Mr. A.. 302
— Will. 266
Government and Unsold Newspapers. 556
— Motor Cycles (leaderette). 151
— Our Waggish. 465
Gradients. Measuring. 55. 105
Graphite as an Engine Lubricant. 525. 435
Lubricant. 580
GraphiteJaden Bearings, 544
Graphite. Use ci. 155
Graphiting Overhead Valve Rookers. 583
Gray. A. E .otters'. 145. 289. 427
— G. I' . The I ate. 356. 551
Grey. H G. letter'. 242
Greer.. F. R' letter*. 126
Greene. Crl. T. E . 56. 495
Greenhalgh. Pte. A .tins. . 178
Greetthorr. (letter*. 219
Greenwood. Pte M. .llus,\ 519
G.K.H. letter'. SO
Ground Clearance for Military Machines. 427
Group ci Italian Despatch Riders. 475
— Motor Machine Gunners, 474
Gudgeon Pin Fixing. 485. 551. 559. 82“
Haddock. Crl. T R. 576
Hall 2nd-A.M Neville. 140
Hamilton C.J.M. 451
Hammond. W. letter*. 551
Hammerlock Cotter Pin. 144
Hanaford. A letter . 17
Handle-bar Binding. 282 Design. 4$
HamiL-bars. E licking the. 519
Hard Starter. A. 224
Hardee. Mrs,. 122
Hardy F A . 472
Harley-Davidson (illus.), 411, 490, 525. 537
— in a Raffle, 74 604
— Interchangeable Wheels. 510
— Motor Co.. 270. 555
— M.C. Record. 52
— Tuning of. 66
Harmond. G. (letter). 362
Hart-Davies. Ivan B.. 259
Hartley-Smith. Mrs. M (article). 154
Harvey. O. E. (letter). 527
Hawes. John (letter). 126
Hay Motor. Evidently a. 479
— (letter). 310
Hayes. E. (letter), 501
Hazlewood 5 h.p. (illus. k 4S0
H.B. (letters). 501. 602
Heather. 2nd-A.M. F., 259
Heating the Air. 341
Heavy Fuel Flashpoints, 281
Running on. 363
— Fuels. How a Lea-Francis was Adapted t>
— the Use of. 204
Knocking on. 320
— Section M.G.C. Gunners. 211
Heavyweight Sidecar. The. 368
Hegan. Capt. H.. 548
Heflier. Lt. M. J. (letter). 19S
High Gear. Refusal to Run on. 292
High-tension Terminal. Water on. 582
Hill. Alick 8. (Mayor of Coventry). 212
— B. Alan. 193
— IL. 591
— Mr. Wilfred H.. 1S6
— Sec.-Lt. B. Alan (illns.), 447
— Wilfred. 122
Hints and Tips for Motor Cyclists. 450
— to Novices, 416
Historical Event. An. 444. 575
History of Road Construction. 256
Hitchcock, M. letters'. 60. 126. 172. 218. 266, 289. 361. 457
Hitching. Pte. A. H.. 255
H.M.B. article'. 48
H.O. (letter). 194
Hoad. Mr. A. S., 400
Headley, L. C., 414
Hodgson. Cpl. letter'. 575
Hodgkinson. Pte. N. C.. 591. 602
Hogg. j. E. (letter). 104
Holton. E B. (letter), 242
Holroyd. V A., and his Daughter illus.). 442
Home Fuel Production: Why Strangle. 506
Home-made Sidecars. 548
— Windscreen. 596
Home-produced Fuels' Why Restrict. 281
Honesty the Best Policy, 280
Honour for the Men of the Tanks- 474
Horse-power. 462
Horswul. J. (letter), 8?
Hot Air, 387
Houghton. 2nd~Lt. F. M. C.. 279
Howard. R. G. letters'. 194. 241. 243. 265, 562
— H.K.F. (letter). 267
Hub Design. 424
— Front. 222. 255. 264. 353
— Gear Ratios. 565
— Repairs. Record. 222
— Wear in. 551
Hubs and Hub Protection. 503
— Eccentric. 243
— Waterproof, 278
Hubbard. E J E. 445
HuSam. Garden C. (letrerk 362
Hulse. Mr. E. 555
Humberette letter). 551
Humphries, R letter). 82
Husk arson. A. C. letter'. 537
Hutcheson, E. 388
HW 583 letter). 315
Hyde. C. A . 98
Hygiene ci Motor Cycling article), 70
Ideal Mount for a Lady. 575. 625
Ideas. Useful and Ingenious. 224. 282 322, 366 428. 414. 445. 488s 532- 854 53-
Identification Marks. 399
Imports and Exports. 55. 143. 28'.. 399 432
— Motor Cycles. Australian 82'5
Increasing Speed. 22
Incubus of the Sidecar. 4'6. 552
India. Meter Cycle tn. 229
Indian (illus). 1. 331
— Flat Twin Aboard an Aeron lane. 419
— Impressions. More. 155
— on Heavy Fuel. Running ar.. 532
— Powerplus flush. 51. 83 82- 434
— Sidecar Outfit illusO. 239
Induction Pipe Design oommsr: 118
— Heating ci 'errors . 128. 145
Influence of Aero Engine desigh 4 51
Injustice 100. Am 238
Inland Revenue 572. 825
Inlet Pipes, long letter 381
— Valve I it 222
Ir.nis. W . 59“ _
luspootmn ci Co.• m, rpec.x. Cons: -
I'.' Siler..*.ng. 855
lutercl angeacie oe .s. Har.eyD.v ? internal Cooling 345. 448
Inverted View of Control levers
Irish Enthusiasts
Alex (letter), Motor cyclists, news of
Irishmen in the Services, 336
Iron Cement, 532
Irregular Running, 531
Is a Bathchair a Motor Car? 399, 473
Isochronous Speedometer, The, 171
Italian D.R.’s Award, 475
- Two-stroke Twin, A Neat, 274
Ivy-Precision 3.5 h.p. Used for Driving a Lathe, 240
Jackson, A. A. (letter), 362
— G. W. P., 395
— W. (letter), 407
— W. A. (letter), 311
Jack Stands, 28
Jaffa Transmission Guard for Morgan about, 77
Janies (letter), 573
— 5-6 h.p. Twin 571
— Two-stroke (lllus. article).
J.A.P. Catalogue in Russian Language,
— Improvement, 190
J.B.T. (letter), 455
J.C.B. (letter), 479
Jet. A Variable, 322
— Fitment, A Variable, 488
J.F. (letter), 479
J.H. (letter), 565
J.H.M.R. (letter), 265
Joint, Making a. 390
Jones, G. S., 414
— Leonard R., 298
_ Mr. L. R., 329
— Rev. W. A. (letter), 82
Johnson, Percy, 124
Joy Metal Leg-shields, 115
Journalist Piracy in W.A., 521
Juggernauts, O. C. (letter), 565
J.W.B. (letter), 549
Kellog, Miss Shirley, 35
Kelway, W. I. S. (letter), 382
Kennedy, D., 601
Kent, R. Leslie, 238
Keene, Capt. Louis, An Interview with,
Kermode, R. C. M. (letter), 128
Kerosene, Good Results from Crude,
Kerslake-Smith, P. C. (letters), 311,
Kick-starter for Zenith, 60, 88
— Home-made, 169
Killerby, S., 314
Kirkee M.C.C., 123
Kit, Necessary and Unnecessary, 76
Knapton, L.-Cpl. E. (letter), 17
Konking (letter), 241
— To Prevent, 556
K.S.D. (letter), 528
Lacey, Alex (letter),
Ladies and the Motor Cycle,
— Riding Attire, 479
Lady Motor Cyclists (letter), 16
Lamp, A Breakdown, 260
Lamplugh, S. A., Ltd. (letter), 339
Lancashire Motor Volunteers Route '
Lane, Sgt. H. R., 13, 278
Langelier Machine, 458
Largest Motor Bicycle, 269
Large Wheels, The Advantages of, ;
Larson, M., 534
Latham, R. R., 528
Lawson, R. E. Dain (letter), 198
L.C. (letters), 502, 528
Leaderettes, 1, 23, 41, 65, 87, 111,
175, 223, 247, 271, 293, 321, 343, 365. ooa, 413, 437, 461, 487, 509, 533, 557, 581
Lea-Francis Adapted to the Use of Heavy t Fuels, 204
Leaky Petrol Taps, 3
L.E.P. (letter), 241
Leg Shield and Coverall, Combined, 328
— Shields, Useful, 248
Legge, N. (letter), 481
Lees, F. C., M.A. (letters), 170, 196
Lessing, Dr. K., 284
Lester, J. H. (letter), 456
Letters to the Editor, 16, 37, 59, 80, 103, 145, 168, 194, 217, 241, 265, 287, 310, 360, 381, 405, 429, 455, 479, 500, 527, 573
Lewis Gun Mounted on A.J.S. Sidecar, 523
L.H.T. (letter), 218
Licence Duty, The Repayment of, 497
— lee, Refunding, 532
~ hees, Rebate on, 213
Licences, 173
Light Alloys. The Uses of, 259
— Infantry (letter), 550
Lighting Dynamos, 439
Lightweight Chain Guards
Lightweights and Detail Design
Limitation of Lightweights
Linden, Lt. P. J. (letter)
Lindsay, Capt. A. (letter)
Little John (letters)
Lithgow Motor Cycle Club, 10
Liverpool Motor Volunteers in North Wales,
— Volunteer Motor Cyclists, 477
LK 1810, Peckham (letter), 61
Lloyd George’s one blunder (comment), 43
L.M.C., A Spring Frame, 300
Local Taxation Licence, 580
Lodge Sparking Plugs, 40, 86, 123
Lomas, H. (letter), 574
London Addresses, 248
— Motor Volunteer- Corps, 426
London-Winchester Roads, 341
Long Stroke Engines (letters), 59, 73, 81
— (J. L. Norton), 29, 73
— v. Short Inlet Pipes, 267
Loosely, G., 445
Lorry Drivers, The Daring, Dashing, 565
— Train, 60 m.p.h. on a, 565
Loss of Compression when Warm, 319
Loughborough, T. W., 423
Low, Capt. A. M., 187
— Gears Desirable, 315
Lubrication and Atmospheric Pressure, 280
— — its Administration, 182
— the Flat Twin, 587
— — — Two-stroke, 503, 508
— of Ultra Efficient Engines, 503
Lubricator, Valve Stem, 596
Ludicrous Derangement, A, 405, 549, 601
Luxurious Combination, 454
L.W.J.D., Nayasaland (letter), 183
Lynn, Miss Eliott, 525
Machine, The Choice of, 387
Mackenzie, E. G., 13
Mack-Ivor, J. D. (letter), 287
Madeira, The Motor Cycle in, 586
Madeley, C. Stanbury (letter), 360
Macready, Sgt., 523
M.A.G. Engine Co. (letter), 218
— — (comment), 67
Magneto, Altering a, 291
— Adjustment, 174
— A New British, 566
— Drive, Disadvantages of a Long (leader), 413
— Drives, 303
— Failure, A Curious, 529, 550
— Hooter, A, 567
— Industry, All-British, 186
Magneto-lighted Lamps, 269
Magneto Lighting, 554
— Oiling the, 531
— Reversing the Direction of Rotation of a, 332
— Size of, 407, 429
— The B.L.I.C., 597
— The, 190
— — Flywheel (leaderette), 175
— — One Piece, 570
— Timing the, 340, 411
— Tip, The £5, 511
— Trouble, Curious, 246, 268
— Troubles, 436, 532
— Tune, 462
Magnetos, C.A.V., 174
— Manufacturers and Enemy (leaderette), 271
Magnets, Purchasing, 508
— Steel for, 340
Magnitude of British Motor Cycle Trade, 588
Makeham, Sgt., 376
Making the Motor Cycle Useful, 245
Manufacturers and Enemy Magnetos, 271
— Union Officers, 98
Manufacturing Permits Extended (leaderette), 201
— — Extension of, 213, 216
Mansfield, A. M., 385
— H. J., 50
— Lt. Ralph, 141
Maorilander (letter), 589
Mariani, E. (letter), 383
Markel Motor Wheel, 2
Marston, John, Ltd. (letter), 429
Mason, 2nd-A.M. H. W. (illus.), 72
Master Repair Outfit, 240
Martin, James (article), 181, 266
Matchless, Comments on the Post-war (letter), 219, 242
— Flat Twin, 541
— 5-6 h.p., 90
— Military Model, 540, 541
— Motor Cycle, 7 h.p., Trip on, 24, 490
— Post-war Model (letter), 124
May, Col.-Sgt. Southcomb, 140
— Lt. Frank H., 255
M.B. (letter), 407
M.B., R.N. (letter), 529
M.C.B., R.F.C. (letter), 194
M.C.C. Annual Meeting, 113
McEwen, J. H. (letter), 60
McGhie, L.-Cpl. W. I., 141
McGregor, D., 342
McIntosh, G. J. (letter), 217
McLean, Wm. (letter), 127
Mead, F. W., 342
Mechanical Horn for Motor Cycles, 342
— Pumps, Adjustment of, 280, 339
— System Show Up, Weaknesses of, 182
Mechanist (letter), 242, 407
Medical Categories, 351
M.E.I. (letters), 128
Membership Scheme, A Temporary, 213
Men Called Up, Best Use of, 53
Mercer, Ivor E. (letter), 61
Mesopotamia, Road Conditions in, 238
Metal Fittings, Dispensing with, 521
Metals, Institute of, 375
Methylated Spirit as Fuel, 508
Metro. Single-speeder (letter), 168
Middlesex Territorial Volunteer Transport (illus.), 17
Misfiring, 173, 405
— at Slow Speeds, 291
Miles Chemical Vulcaniser, 404
Military Camp, A Visit to a, 334
— Machines after the War, 398
— Rough Usage for, 210
— Motor Cycling m America, 403
— U.S.A., 475
— — Cyclists, Concessions to, 185
— Notes, 12, 36, 49, 72, 95, 119, 140, 160, 192, 210, 238, 255, 278, 307, 336, 351, 376, 395, 419, 446, 474, 493, 518, 548, 568, 591
Milk and Honey (letter), 603
Mills, Lt. J., 119, 163
Millar, E. H., 275
Million Pounds Overseas Trade, A (leader), 293
Milner, J. (letter), 601
Miniature Motor Cycles, 74
M-L Magnetos under Test, 250
M.M.G.S. Badge, 395
M.M.K. (letter), 267
Modernising an Ancient Model, 364
Mogridge, Lewis, 475
Monocar, A Featherweight, 433
— H.P. for, 269
Monster Motor Cycles, 386
Monkey Knut, A (illus.), 500
Montgomery, Pte. W. J., 548
Morcom, Mr. H. B., 303
Morgan Motor Co., Ltd. (letter), 500
— Runabout, Transmission Guard, 77
Morgans Obtainable, 174
Mortham, H. T., 549
Moore, R. F. (letter), 481
Moss, Sgt. P., 119
Motor-assisted Bicycles (letter), 194, 217
— Cycles, 264
Bicar, 137
— Boat Patrol, In the, 192
— Cars for Hire, 520
— Cycle as an Aid to Press Photography, 472
— — Club of S. Australia, 355
— in Burma, 184
— — — Business, 384
— Madeira, 586
— — Engines, Water-cooling of, 227
— — Fitted with Wireless Telephone, 496
— — Ladies and the, 244
— Police in Australia, 10
— Speed Events at Christchurch, 359
— Storage, 543
— The Early History of the, 472
— First to Fly, 375
— Utility of, 240
— Thief, 53
— — Thieves, 550
— Cycles and Other Sports, 496
— Prices after the War (leaderette), 87
— the American Army, 236
— — by Rail, 121
— Census of, 163
— — Dynamo Lighting for (letter), 382
— — for Despatch Riders, 405
— Newspaper Delivery, 211
— Russia (letter), 360
— the Disabled, 282
— Lame, 139, 282
— in the Wilds of Africa, 420
— Warfare, 569
— Manufacture, 1
— not yet Recognised by U.S. Army, 449
— Rear Springing of, 180, 217, 266
— Stacks of, 548
— — Used by Police, 374
— Cycling and Toothache, 118
— Boot, A, 534
— in the Balkans, 447
— Scenes in Uganda, 446
— Sea Lions (illus.j, 553
— Cyclist D.R.’s of the Tanks, 141
— in the Australian Bush, 19
— Volunteer Combination, 377
— — Volunteers at Blackpool, 523
— Wanted in Southampton, 567
— Cyclists, America’s Uses for, 212
— and Aero Engines, 546
— National Service, 333, 357, 385
— R.F.C., 239
— as Ploughmen, 427
— Behind Europe’s Trenches, 498, 522, 565
— Disagree, When, 287
~ H°w they are Helping Uncle Sam in the War, 496
— in India, 395
— Mesopotamia, 446
— Motor Volunteer Parade at Liverpool,
— XV 355
— the R.F.C., 603
— 70 000 Army, 496
— Volunteer Riding Test, 452
Winter Sport in Denmark, 359
— Drivers in the Infantry, 210, 278
— (leaderette), 151
Motoring Family, A, 419
Motorist’s War Book (letter), 16
— Work, A, 420
Motor Launch, A Motor Cyclist on, 493
— Machine Gunners, A Group of, 474
— Gun Service, 474
Motor Spirit, A New, 567
— Trade and National Service, 53, 7&
— Transport Volunteers, 262, 376
— Volunteers, 375, 426, 499, 506, 521
— — and the Wounded in London Hospitals, 228
— — A New Corps, 332
— Recognition of, 77
— Route Test, 452
Motosacoche, M.A.G.-engined, 590
Mottram, Reg. W. L. (letter), 288
Moulinie, Andre, 307
Mountain Climbing in New South Wales, 604
Mount Clarence, Ascent of, 214
Mudguard Clearances, 565
Mudguarding (letters), 60, 104, 197
— Question Again, 446
Mudguards, Cleaning, 243
Mud Plug, A Hundred Mile, 428
— Protection from, 114
— What is its Proper Place? (leaderette), 111
— (letter), 197
Mullis, W. (letter), 59
Mundy, Rex, 193
Murphy, Leonard, M.I.E.E. (letter), 198
M.S. (letter), 288
M.T. Driver (letter), 479
— Officer’s Comments, 565
N.A.B. Spring Seat, 112
Names, Registration of, 209
Naphthalene Blocks (letter), 194
Naphtha, Running on. 319
National Motor Volunteers, Blackpool, 449
— in U.S.A., 553
— Liverpool, 15, 348, 355
— — — London Arear 123
— The Work of, 226
— Service and Motor Cyclists, 333, 357
Necessity Knows no Law (illus.), 171
Neish, Cpl. L., 352
Neumann, Miss Alice, 32
New American Designs, 2
New Bearings, Fitting, 532
Hudson, 6 h.p. (illus.), 245
Imperial Motor Cycles, 123, 450
— Russian Models, 316
— Spring Frame, 286
— Jersey M.C. Trial, 428
— Motor Cycles by Permit (leaderette), 111
Rover Cycle Co., Ltd. (letters), 302, 382
— Speed Records in Australia, 250
— South Wales, Mountain Climbing, 604
— Tanks Filmed, 548
— Zealand, Racing in, 102, 517
— Some Good Going, 315
Newcastle Motor Club, 53
Newspaper Delivery, Motor Cycles for, 211
Nias, Capt. A. N., 501
Nicholl, Lt.-Col. D. F., 193
Noise, Excessive, 220
— or Silence ? 526
Noisy Motor Cycles in Australia, 357
Non-slipping Belt, 342
North, F. C., 278
Norton Engines (letter), 37
— 4 h.p. and Sidecar (illus.), 398
— J. L. (article), 29
— 4 h.p. (illus.), 74, 272
— Motors and Repairs, 122
— Refinements, 592
— War Service Machines, 262
Nortons, Big Singles for Overseas, 294
Not Derelicts, but 1916 Military Models (illus.), 210
— too Old at , 406, 480
Novel Rear Lamp (comment), 43
Novice (letter). 16
— The, 478
Novices, Hints to, 416
N.S.U. Gear, 341
Nye, R. L. (verses), 192
Occasional Comments
Octagonal Metal Sidecar
Oil Consumption
— Pumps for Australia, 600
Oilskins, Dressing, 320
Oil, Where does it Go? 489
Oiling a Magneto, 412
Olieslagers, Jan, 420
One of the Boys (letter), 217
One Power Stroke per Revolution, 471 On Leave, 593
O’Rafferty, J. C. (letter), 431
Origin, Year of (letter), 217
Osborne, R. E. (letter), 17
Oswin, John (letter), 145
Outlook, 74
Outside Flywheels, 60, 103
Overhauling an Engine-shaft Gear, 154
— (letter), 310
— a 1914 6 h.p. Zenith, 326
Overhead Valve Engines and Tune (comment),67
— Valves, 1, 438, 501, 516, 555
Overheating, 386, 485, 555
Overseas, A Voice from, 589
— Big Single Nortons for (illus.), 294
— Competition, 497 .
— Conditions and their Effect upon Design, 504
— Model, A Test of an, 296
— Models, More, 588
— Motor Cycles, 7, 92, 182
— Production, Handicapping (letter), 397
— Riders Home on Leave, 504
Opinions, 9, 93, 182, 313, 396, 503, 588
— Requirements, 601
— Trade, A Million Pound (leader), 293
Overtime Farm Tractor at Work (illus.), 296
Oxfordshire Motor Volunteer Corps, 280
P. and M. (illus.), 192
— An Appreciation of the, 564
— Booklet, Review of, 174
— — M.’s in the Somme Area, 307
Paine, Capt. E. W. M., 339
Palestine, A Picture from, 518
Palmam Qui Meruit Ferat (letter), 310
Palmer Tyres, 174
— — 700x75 mm., 270
— Lamplugh Pump, 34
Paraffin and Water, Running on, 366, 387
— Restrictions, 407
— Running a Two-stroke on, 435
— on (letters), 291, 319, 329, 341, 430, 436, 531, 579, 605
— Vapour, The Weight of, 269
Parker, Lt. Reg. G., 140
— Miss M. C. (illus.), 135
Parson (article), 539
Parsons Valve, 325
Partejoie, G. W. (letter), 431
Parts, The Speeds of, 350
Patents, Abridgments of, 40, 86, 150, 174, 270, 277, 342, 388
Paterson, Lt. Cyril, The Marriage of, 278
Patterson, Charles S., M.B., M.R.C.S. (letter), 195
— C. S. (letter), 127
P.C.K.S. (letter), 289
Penang, An Old Machine in, 505
Penney, Chas, (letter), 479
Percival, W. Spencer, 140
Perfect Two-stroke Plug, 25
Permanently and Totally Disabled (letter), 601
Permit to Drive, 579, 606
Permits, Agents to Obtain, 213
— Extended Manufacturing, 216
Pervyae, The Heroine of (illus.), 216
Petroil, 320
Petrol after All, Six Months’, 281
— — — Some (leaderette), 271
— Allotments (leaderette), 365
— (letter), 405
— Allowances, 42, 53, 65, 78
— and the Daily Press Again, 473
— Press, 495, 528
— Committee, The, 415
— Consumption, 364
— in Africa, 397
— Control Committee Announcement, 144
— System, 374
— Cooling, 529
— Dealers, Notice to, 167
— Distribution, A Suggestion for, 510
— Economies, Possible (leaderette), 533
— Economy, 602
— Famine, 281, 286
— for Parsons, 280
— Sale, No, 472
— Gauge, 534
— Float, Logged, 245
— Hotchpotch, 391
— in Paris, 3tw
— Licence, 339, 387, 460
— Licences, 32, 33
— or Paraffin (letters), 298, 362, 383
— Outlook, 280
Petrol-paraffin Mixtures, 144
Petrol Permit, Carrying a, 412
— Permits, 269, 412, 481
— and Supplies, 501
— Pills, 222
— Position, A, 567
— Suggested Refund of Licence Fees
— (leaderette), 131
— The (leaderette), 437
— What is the True, 389
— Prices, Fixed, 303
— Purchasing, 363
— Queries, 186
— Restrictions on Cars for Hire, 449
— Starting on, 322
— Stocks, 331
— Stories, 487
— Substitutes, 245, 268, 340
— and Starting, 172, 199
— Comparisons of, 290
— Question of, 166
— Testing, 187
— The Use of, 220
— Ban on, 240, 259
— Supplies, 411
— The Storage of, 386
— To Prevent Waste of, 582
— Use of, 213
— Users, Warning to, 53
— Waste, 501
Petroleum Pool, 398
Phillips Magneto, Government Test of, 222
Phoenix Sidecars, Types of, 244
Picardy Pitt (letter), 575
Pidcock, C. W. (letter), 198, 217
Pillion Seat, A Child’s, 445
Pilot Jet, A, 224
— — Control, 342
Pilots, Oversize, 280
Pioneer Journalism, 383
Pip-Emma (letter), 602
Piston, A Cracked, 486
— Design, Novel, 235
— Ring Pressure, 91
— Rings, Two-stroke, 203
Pistons, Air-cooled, 414
— Those Quivering, 211
Pivotal Joints, 388
Plastic Solder, 56
Plateau, M. de L. II. E., 352
— (letter), 194
— II. E., 575
Platinum Points, Fixing, 173
— Trimming, 320
Plug, An Air-cooled, 488
— A Self-cleaning, 414
Sooty, 340
Plugs, 401
— Cleaning, 488
— Cooling of (comment), 42
Police and Number Plates, 448
— Traps near London, 501
Pooling of Interest, 472
Popular Paper, A, 574
Port Designs on Two-stroke Engines (article), 69
— (letters), 105, 195, 217, 241
Post-war Manufacture of Motor Cycles, 536
— Matchless, Comments on the (letters), 219, 242
— Motor Cycle, 46
— Models, 243
Potatoes (illus.), 354
Potential Buyers, Attention to, 354
— Overseas Markets, 313
Pot-holes, Tarring over, 472
Potts, Flight-Lt. J. F., 119
Pountney, J. H., 591
Power and Economy, 414, 551
— Weight of Sidecars, 490, 528, 550, 574
— Lack of, 245, 292, 320, 364
— of a Motor, Calculation of the, 431
— Stroke per Revolution, One, 471
Practical Motorist (letter), 267
Pre-ignition, 268, 436, 486, 605
Preferential Treatment for Front Cylinders (leader), 65
Premier Motor Cycle, 3% h.p., 139
— in Japan, 27
Press Photography, The Motor Cycle as an Aid to, 472
Preventing Waste of Petrol, 229
Prices in the War Zone, 12
Pro-Ally Sentiments, Proof of, 566
Progressive (article), 69
— (letter), 195
Progress, Wolverhampton (letter), 60
Prohibition in India, 8
Protecting Control Levers, 582
P.T.L. (letter), 405
Pulley Gear as Clutch, Using, 554
Pulleys, Removing, 322, 362
Pullin, C., Marriage of, 399
Pushing Motor Cycles, 127
Puzzled, 235
Questions and Replies, 21, 39, 63, 84, 109, 129, 148, 172. 199, 220, 245, 268, 291, 320, 340, 363, 435, 459, 485, 507, 554, 605
R.A.C., 427
— Buildings, Future Use of, 99, 122, 142
Racecourse, An Original, 104
Racing in New Zealand, 517
R.A.C.’s New Name, 186
Radiating Fins and Aero Engine Practice, 107
— Broken, 435
R.A.M.C., Capt. (letter), 381
Rasenluna, N. P., 359
Raynes, S., 534 _
Rear Springing of Motor Cycles, 180, 21b 266, 2o/
Rebate on Licence Fees, 213
R.E.C. (article), 530
— (letters), 196, 500 .q
Recommended Routes, 64, 85, 110, 138, 1J’» 173, 200, 221, 246, 269, 292, 320, 34b 364, 387, 412, 430, 460, 486,$ 508^ 53^
Record ? Is it a, 273 . ? n
Recruiting Closed for Motor Cyclists in R.F.C.
Recruits dealt with by The Motor Cycle, 336
Red Cross Motor Carnival in New Zealand, Reducing Compression, 582
Redwood, Sir Boverton, 142
Reeve, L.-Cpl. S. A., 502
Refunding of Tax, 240
R.E.G. (letter), 265
Registration Act, New, 181
— of Names, 209
Reid, Cpl. G. C., 447
— Gordon C. (letter), 360
Reliability (letter), 502
Relph, W„ 596
Repairing Pot-holes, 281
Repayment of Licence Duty, 497
Replacing a Stud
Removal of Cylinders
Removing a Fly Wheel
— Pulleys
— Refractory Valve Caps, 265
Restrictions (letter), 266
Retrospects of a Rural Rider, 317
Rex Cantilever Suspension, 112
R.F.C. (letter), 311
— Motor Cyclists on the Somme, 307
— Mounts for the, 303
— Officers’ Tunics, 281, 303
— Recruits, 239
— Sidecars for the, 301
Rice, Capt. B. C., 419 _
Rid^ 2^'-
— ColdRmnsSof ^the6 Eastern Hemisphere, 188
Western Hemisphere, 304
Riley, Commander, 54
R.N. (letter), 431
R.N.A.S., 351, 376
Road Conditions, 332 in Mesopotamia, 238
— Construction, The History of, 256
— Map, A Useful, 594
— Rider (articles), 276, 476
— Speeds, 485
— Surveyors, Suggestion for, 543
— Taxation, 507
Roberts, G. A. (letter), 146
— Percy (illus.), 71
Robinson, Lt. F. A. (Eric), 49
Robb, Victor, 241
Roller Bearing Hubs, 399
Romyn, A. W. (article), 257
Ross, Mr. C. M., 315
Roosevelt, Sgt. Archie, 64
Roote, C. (letter), 219
Rotary-engined Motor Cycles, 53, 79
Rotary Engines, 546
Roundabout Cars, 497
Round Tower, Edge Hills, 297
Route to Avoid, 212
Rover (illus.), 430
— A Twin-cyiinder Chain-driven, 299
— 3y2 h.p. and Sidecar (illus.), 409
Rovers for Russian Army, 299
Royal Overseas Officers’ Club, 236, 306
— Ruby Chain-cum-belt, 230
— Motor Cycle, 99
Russian Model, 421, 426, 448
— Safety Stays, 426
— Sussex (letters), 82
RS 1166 (letter), 430
Rudge, A Round Tour on a, 390
— Multi and Sidecar, 483
— Multis, A Batch Ordered foj Belgian Government, 459
— Sidecar Model, Developments in (illus.), 440
— T.T. Direct Belt Drive, 231
Rudges in the T.T. Race, 460
Runabout, A Featherweight, 329
Run Round Sundon Way, 558
Russell, Cpl. Art., 568
— Cpl. H., 352
— Ronald S. (letter), 382
Russian Army, Enfields for the, 191
— — James for, 571
— Matchless for, 540
New Imperials for, 316
— Government, Sunbeam for, 396
— Machines, Gear Boxes for, 497
— Military Models, 426, 594
Royal Ruby, 399, 421
Rycroft, J., 60
Saddle Cover, 366
Saddles on Spring Frames, 58T
Safety First Film, 11
Sale or Return Still Exists, 374
Sampson Rotary Vulcaniser, 28
Sangster, C. G. B., 174
— C. T. B., 388
Sapper Sub (letter), 147
Sayer, Lt. L. (letter), 81
Sayers, C. W. (letter), 603
Saxpenny Motor Cycle, 572
Scare Press, 527
Schofield, F. E., 195, (letter) 407
Scoon, Flight-Sgt. R. S. (illus.), 119
Scooter in Australia, 374
Scott and Long Journeys (letter), 430
— Capt. A. M. C. (letter), 479
— - C. L., 420
— Lubrication, 507, 605
— gidecar (illus.), 9
— Sociable, American Impressions, 10
- - (letter), 37
— — Road Test, 4, 22
_ Trangulated Frame, 96, 115
— Tuning^ ^KT^OQ11"83’ 491
Scutt, R. C.
Sea Level, 7,800 feet above
Searle Tubes, 86
Second-hand Prices, 257 259 PRK W
— After the War 41
— Fluctuations
— Machines, Advice to Buyers of 057
— Market, 570 buyers of, 257
Second-hand Values, Decline of (leaderette), 247
— Declining, 236
Self-cottering Valve-springs 415
Self-lubricating Leaf Springs, 28
Service Men, Concessions to (leaderette), 175
Seventeenth W.D. Volunteers
Seven Years’ Reader of the Blue ’Un (letter), UUJ
S.G.W. (letter), 315
Shaft Drive, 449
Shaika Fort, On the Way to, 238
Shannessy, Lt.-Col. J. J., 72
Sharp, David (letter), 549
Sharpies, Sgt. T., 449, 523
Sharvell, A., 534
Sheet Metal Forks, 450
Sheldon, Lt. W. H. H., 13
Shellshear’s, Mr. W. G., Spring Frame, 207
Shield, Pte. Frank L. (letter), 169
Shifting Spanner, Use of, 27
Shock Absorbers, 576, 601
— from a Sooted Plug, 583
Shoda, T. (letter), 338
Sidecar, A Home-made, 237
— Ambulances, 525
— in France, 95
— Another Use for, 374
— Attachment, The Selection of a (leaderette), 343
— Body, Fitting a New, 218
— De Luxe (leaderette), 365
— Driving from the, 202
— Featherweight, 515
— for Business Purposes, 434
— Manufacture in the War Zone, 420
— Mudguard Attachment, 473
— Outfit, Specification of (letter), 311
— Screen, A, 174
— Suspension, 342
— The Heavyweight, 368
— versus Cycle Car (letter), 61
— Weights, 496
— Wheel, Making a Cone for, 606
— Wheels, Springing the, 584
Sidecarring in Burma (illus.), 184
— near the Equator, 446
Sidecars for the R.F.C., 301
— Use of Fire Brigades (leaderette) 247, (letter) 266
— on Lightweights, 291
— Phoenix, 244
— The Power and Weight of (illus.), 490
Siffken, Sgt.-Major B. C., 193
Sikh (letter), 529
Silencer Efficiency, 265
Silent Discharge, 153, 195
— Motor Cycles (letter), 60
Silver, Mr. Tom, 589
Simple Starting Tip, 229
Simplification, 254
Simplifying the Two-stroke, 394
Simplex Power Unit (illus. description), 120
Simpson, W. A. J., 312
Simms Motor Units, Ltd., 174
Sims, Rear-Admiral W. S., 475
Sinclair, Sgt. J. H. (letter), 197
Singer Lightweight, 256
— 3 h.p. and Utility Sidecar, 357
Single v. Twin-cylinder Engines (letters), 16, 38, 59, 82, 103, 128, 146, 169, 195, 219, 337, 367, 480
— — Twin in Grease, 238
Singles, What Tank Despatch Riders Think of, 279
S.K. (letter), 549
Skids, Avoiding, 206
Sledging in Denmark, 359
Sleight, Pte. W. E., 80
Sleeve Valve Motor Cycle Engines, 431
Slipper Type Piston, 235
Slow Speeds, No Power at, 172
Small, Ed. A., 265
— Power after Overhaul, 486
Smith, Driver A. A., 475
— J. Clinton (letters), 339, 429
— S. (letter), 429
Soldier’s Trip to Visit Wounded Brother, 537
Solo (letter), 550
Solvent Naphtha and Mixed Fuel, 453
Some Bicycle (letters), 381, 430, 455, 479, 502, 528
— Bike, 511
— Petrol after All (leaderette), 271
— Pluck (comment), 25
Sooted Plug, Shock from a, 583
South Australia, Motor Cycle Club of, 355
Spain with a Sidecar, In, 44
Spare Wheel, Carrying a, 459
Spares, No More, 275
Sparking Plug and Cooling Arrangement, 534
— A Novel, 458, 500, 551
— Condensation, 249, 335, (letters) 311, 383
— Design, 501, 527, 574, 602
— Position of, 200
Sparklets, 40, 150, 174, 222, 270, 342, 388
Special Hire Permits, 541
Speed, Changing, 320
— Limits, 575
— Records in America, 397
Speedie, John (letter), 267
Speedometer, Isochronous, The, 171
— Watford, 174
Speeds of Parts, The, 350
Spoke Holes in a Hub, Drilling the, 458—
Spokes, Mending, 368
Sporting Reminiscences, More, 178, 392
— Trio, 448
Sportsman’s Use for Motor Cycle, 63
Sphinx Manufacturing Co. (letter), 362, 500,
— Sparking Plugs, 40
Spring Fork (letter), 381
— Forks, The Mounting of
— Frame, British, 314 „ , „ \
— — Campaign and The Motor Cycle (letters), 381, 479
— Design, A French, 312
— — Flat Twin Brough (illus.), 442
— L.M.C., A, 300
— New Imperial, 286
— — Problem (letter), 310
— — Substitute, A, 182
— What is a (letter), 198
— Frames Again, 373
— and Frame Breakages, 519
— A Side Issue, 583
— — Growth of, 542
— More (letters), 207, 237, 289, 312, 373
— Saddles on, 587
— Seat Pillars, 112
— Wheels, 371
Springing, 303
— the Sidecar Wheels, 584
Springs and Mudguards (comment), 133
Sproston, Cpl. A. J. (illus.), 536
S.S.D. (letter), 338
Stand Clip, New Design of, 275
Stanhope, Spencer, 543
Stanley Shock Absorber, 124
Starley, Mr. W., 450
Start, Failure to (letters), 194, 246
Starting Device, 530
— Difficult, 173, 606
— in Cold Weather, 173
— Mixture, A Strong, 26.7
— on Acetylene, 242
Steam Light Car, A, 280
— Tractor with Load of Timber, 297
Steel Cylinders of German Aero Engines, 155
— Radiating Fins on Iron Cylinders (comment), 118
Stephens, Miss M., 135
Stephenson, C. H. (letter), 195
Stepping Stone Sparking Plug, 362
Steerwood, F. T. (letter), 81
Stocks, J. W., 98
Stolen Sidecar, £5 Reward for, 354
Stone, Phillip, 575
Stone’s, Mr. C. T.. Spring Frame, 207
Stopped Cheque, 412
Stops for Carburetter Levers, 322
Storing a Sidecar, 580
— Heavy Fuels (letter), 287
— Petrol Substitutes, 258
Stratford Court, Excessive Zeal at, 10
Street Lamps (letter), 219
Strong, E. J. L. (letter), 16
— Starting Mixture, 287
Stuart, A. F. (letter), 431
Stud, Replacing a, 322
Sturdee, Mr. Thankfull, 472
Sturdy Midget, A, 217
Sturmey-Archer Gear Control (letter), 61
Suction Drip Feed, 507
Sub (letter), 362
Substitute, A Good, 222
— Tip, A, 258
— Using, 532
Substitutes, 487
— Analysis of, 212
— by Permit (leaderette), 223
— (letter, 265
— Home-produced, 332
— The Use of, 233
Sudden Pulling Up, 508
Suggestions for a Title, 209
Suggestive Signpost, A, 377
Summers (Dvr.), Jack W., 238
— L.-Cpl. J., 569
Sunbeam (illus.), 172, 384, 396, 495
— 8 h.p. Russian Military Mount, 396, 429, 495
— Military Models. 402
— Motor Cycle, 8 h.p., 57
Sun Cycle and Fittings Co., Ltd., The (letter), 287
Sundon Way, A Run Round, 558
Swaine, J. (letter), 527
Swinton, Col. E. D., 160
Swiss Despatch Riders, 590
Syme, Bruce (letter), 429
Tandem Four-wheelers, 511
Tank Badge, A New, 474
— Appreciated, 518
— Creator, 541
— Heroes, Honours for, 568
— Minor, 455
— A Suggested Featherweight Monccar, 433
— Repair, A Temporary, 606
— Sidecar (letter), 82
— Talk, 419
— The Price of a 278
— to be Used as a Delivery Van, 566
Tanks. 13, 119, 140, 160, 351
— A Tribute to the Men of the, 192
— The Boche, 447
Tail Lamp Connections, 225
— How to Keep Alight, 408
Tell Tale, 245
Tanner Force-feed Oil Pump, 42, 86
Taplin, G. W. (illus.), 210
Tappet Adjustment, 383
Tariff, A Preferential, 399
— Fixing a, 370
Tate, A. H. (letter), 397
Taylor, Cpl. J. W. (letter), 405
— G. D. (reader’s reply), 173
Taymans, E. (illus.), 97
— Madame, 211
Taxation, A Suggestion for Future, 455
Taxis Only for Hire, 473
Tax, Refunding of, 240
T.C., Falkirk (letter), 38
Teasdale, E. A. (letter), 310
Technical Sergt.-Major, R.F.C. (letter), 500
Ten Thousand American Motor Cyclists, 521
— Years Ago, 205, 228, 441, 546, 592
Terror of the Road, 102
Testing Motor Cycles in Egypt, 493
Test of an Overseas Model, 295
— — British Fuel, 515
The Goat-A Perverse Beast, 538
The Motor Cycle and its Readers, 257
— Spring Frame Campaign, 479
— ; 2d. (leaderette), 201
Thomas, D. (letter), 243
Thompson, A. E. (letter), 398
— II. E., 285
— M. M.. 409
— Pte. E. M. (letter), 455
Three-cylinder Engine, 552, 567
Three Years’ Motor Cycling, 451
Throttle-controlled Force-feed Oil Pump, 400
Lubrication (article), 34
Through Feminine Goggles. 334, 482
—• Zululand and Natal, 409
Thwaite, C. B. (letter), 337
Tilop (letter), 103
Timing an Engine, 199, 507
— the Spark, 268
Valves and Ignition, 606
— Wheels. Noisy. 221
Timken Roller Bearing, 404
Title, Suggestions for, 209
Tool Roll Tip, A, 260
Tomblin. IL A. (letter), 17
Track of War, In the (illus.), 193
Traction Engine versus Motor Cycle, 349
Trailer and Sidecar, Combination of, 348
Transmission Experiences, Some, 230
Travelling by Train, 426
Travers, Pte. J. M. (letter). 565
Trenches and Rest Billets, 473
— A Tip from the. 573
Trial Runs and Licences, 199
— Troubles. 393
Tricycles, Armstrong. 174
Tropics. Au Old Machine in the, 183
Trollope. Flight-Lt. A. E.. 474
Triumph 4 h.p. Sidecar Outfit (illus.), 184
— Gloria Sidecar Outfit, 555
— Outfits, 301
— Motor Cycles (Ulus.), 13, 33, 50, 152, 493
— 3U h.p.. 397
Triumphs for War Zone (illus.), 418
Tully. Minnie (letters). 527. 550
Turner, Cyril J. (letter), 405
Twin Engine (leader), 509
— Engines, 549
— Magneto for a Single-cylinder. 199
Twisting Handle Control (S. Sadler), 28
Two-speed Gear. Fitting a, 436
— Wanted, A Sporting. 439
Two-stroke. An Economical. 272. 381
— Cleveland. 560
— Design. 4S1. 528, 549, 602
— Engines. 431
— in America, 78
— Canada. 455
— Port Design on, 16S, 195
Two Sparks in, 411
— for Sixpence, 510
— Improvements, 342
— Lubricating a. 508
— Lubrication. 355
— Machines. Climbing Abilities of (letter). 339 ,
— Petrol Consumption. 527, 573
— Piston Rings. 203
— Purchasing. 355
— Radial Engine (patent). 150
— Rattle. 354.
— Simplifying the. 394, 456
— Timing a. 507
— Tip. A, 4SS
— r. Four. 494. 502. 549
— Four-stroke, 407. 457
— (letters). 241, 355
Tyre Experience, An Unusual, 187
— Imports Stopped, 449
— Mileage Cost Chart, 121
— Prices, 270
Tyres and Economy, 445
— Rise in Price oi, 212
Uganda, Motor Cycling Scenes in, 446
Ulster Centre, No Competitions in, 331
Umholoti River (illus.), 504
Unequal Lubrication of V Twins, 551
Uneven Firing, 199
Unit Construction, 388
Universal Model, The, 314
Unsatisfactory Running, 363
Unsold Newspapers, The Government and, 356
Upton, Gunner L. P., 279
Useful Leg Shields, 248
Use of Substitutes, The, 233
U.S. Troops for France, 376
Utility Machine, The, 463
— of the Motor Cycle, 240
— Sidecar, 435
— v. Fads, 463
Vacheron, J. R. (letter), 457
Valve Arrangement, Concentric, 277
— Springs, Removing Self-cottered, 323
— Stem Lubricator, 596
— Timing, 172
— — on Twins, 66
Valves and Efficiency (letters), 61, 170
— Combined, 324
— Electrically-operated, 477
— Overhead, 438, 501, 516
— Pit? Why do, 415
— Squeaky, 246
— II. (The Critics), 470
Vandervell, Mrs. C. A., and Wounded Soldiers, 11
Vaporine Petrol Substitute, 174
Vaporiser, A. H. Burslem (letters), 38, 80
— An Efficient, 408
Vaporising Paraffin, 554
Variable Jet, A, 322
— Fitment, A, 488
— Pulley Gearing, 270
Variety of Conditions for Despatch Riders, 279
Veloce, Ltd. (letter), 601
Velocette Two-stroke, The, 272
Verdun, Photographs of, 50, 193
Vibration, 220
Vickers, Archibald, Ltd. (letter), 287
— Bombr. W. H., 390
— Clyno Machine Gun Sidecars, 498
Vickers-Jones, Basil, 12
Visit to a Military Camp, 334
Vitesse, Engine Names, 268, 287
Voltage of a Magneto. 531
Volunteer Motor Cyclists, 455
Gathering of, 375, 426. 448, 499
North Country, 478, 521
— in North Wales, 424, 425
— Liverpool, 477
— — — Orders for, 506
Team Trial. 348
The Work of, 226, 278, 351
Wanted. 448
Volunteers at Blackpool, 472
V. S. Gear, Dismantling a, 436
Vulcaniser. A New Portable, 404
Wadia. K. D. (letter), 243
Wakefield s, C. C., Nev. Motor Oil, 174
Walker. H.. 408
— (letter), 17
— Miss Mav (articles), 83, 482, 558
— Mr. A. C.. 435
— W. P. (article). 132
Wallace. L. (letter), 267
Wallen. J. H. (letter). 266
Walmsley s, Rev. A. M., Family (illus.), 183
Wanted, a Good Lightweight, 551
War-battered Machines Buried in Snow (illus.), 210
War. In the Track of (illus.). 193
— Meeting. Another Remarkable. 574
— Model Motor Cycles. Triumphs. 418
— Cycle. The Life of a, 308
— Service Machines. Norton, 262
— Time Mascot, 411
— Necessity. A. 204
Work and Lady Motor Cyclists (article), 134
War-scarred Motor Cycles, 544, 601
War-shattered Machines and the Public, 581
War-worn Motor Cycles, 547, 569, 581, 601
— __ — The Disposal of, 234, 237, 581
Ward, A. (letter), 527
— E. C., 277
— Pte. L. (letter), 528
Warden, G., 483
Warming the Air (letter), 81
— Up, Slow in, 579
Warwick, G., 342
Wasp (article), 564
Waste of Petrol, Preventing, 229, 242, 582
Wasting Petrol, 520
Water-cooling, 344
— of Motor Cycle Engines, 227, 288, 383
Water Injection in a Petrol Engine, 37, 80, 104
— in Petrol, 374
— on High-tension Terminal, 582
Watford Speedometers, 174
Watkinson, Art.-Cpl., 548
Watson, Cpl., 523
— lst-A.M. S. F., 255
— S. F. (illus.), 520
Weak Compression, Under-lubrication and, 508
Weaknesses, Eliminating (leaderette), 223
Welcome to a New Ally, 396
Weaver, W. R. (letter), 217
Welding, Facts about, 174
Welsh Mountains, A Jaunt to, 158
Western Australia, Road Racing in, 374
— Hemisphere, Riding Conditions of the, 304
Westwood, Driver, J. B. (letter), 397
W.F.C. (letters), 312, 406
W.F.W. (letter), 574
Wharfdale, A.S.C., M.T. (letter), 601
What is the True Petrol Position? (leaderette), 389
Wheeler, R. N. F., 279
Wheels, Spring, 371
— The Size of, 427
Which Type of Machine ? 541
Whitaker, Frank, 210
Whitehead, H. R. (letter), 455
White, Miss Mary, 331
— Oil, 579
Whitham, S. A. M., 395
Whittick, R. B. (article), 20
Whitworth, S. F. (article), 233
Why Black? 225
— not Three Cylinders? 552
Wilde, A. H. (letter), 168
Wilkins, G. W„ 74
— M. C. (letter), 16
Williams, Eric (illus. and article), 46
— G. (letter), 406
— R. (letter), 397
Williamson 8 h.p., 491
Willis Petrol-paraffin Carburetter, 2.8
Wilson, Major W. G., 541
— R., 530
— Capt. W. Frank (letter), 430
Windscreen, A Home-made, 596
Wiring a Lighting Set, 485
W.M., Workington (letter), 37
Women Despatch Riders, 472
Wood, A. (letter), 551
— Evan, J. (letter), 574
— Mrs. Stevens, 448
Woods, Frank M. (letter), 383
Woodhouse, Capt. J. W., 95
Woodman, Lt. T., 12
Woolf Graphite Lubricator, 89
Work and Training of a Despatch Rider, 464
World-wide Trade, 473
Worn Belt Pulley, 172
Wounded Soldiers’ Outing (illus.), 598
— on the Mersey, 542
Wray, A. (letter), 38
Wright, Lt. J. L. (letter), 589
— Sgt. F. G. (Overseas letter), 314
W.T.P. (letter), 457
Wyatt, H., 601
Yarrow, H. (letter), 289
Year of Origin (letters), 217, 265
Youths for the R.F.C., 447
Zenith Belt and Chain Transmission, 231
— Overhauling a 1914 6 h.p., 326
Zephyr Motor Attachment, 164, 222
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British Motorcycles