The Motor Cycle 1912 Jul-Dec
- A.A. and M.U. Membership, 819.
- — Notes, 1101, 1237, 1462, 1494, 1521
- Acceleration, llow to Improve, 119c
- Accessibility, 1541
- Accessories, Among the, 767, 836, 915, 1061, 1172, 1286-7, 1500,
- -- for Passenger Motor Cycles, 1285
- Accidents, Riding into shop Window, 1113,
- Acetylene Lumps, Bruy Boni Burner, 1060
- — Liquid. 1107, 1145 AO.i’. and French Competitions, 1183
- Air intake, Extra, 1563
- Air Propelled Motor Cycles, 1494, 1501
- A.K. (Spurting Belt, 767
- Alldays Midget Twin SidocaT, 1223
- Amateur Motor Cyclists’ Association, 742, 913, 930, 1150, 1206,
- — Police Traps, 1101 American Journalism, .78
- Amulree, Hill-climb, 1071, 1096 u
- An Open Letter to the Motor Cycle Trade,” by B. H. Davies. 1252
- Anerley Hill, Nuisance Caused by Motor Cycles, 1073
- Antipodes, Racing in the, 895
- Applebee, F. A«, “ My Most Exciting Ride,” 856
- Anols (1913), 1208, 12/3 Arms Hill, Climbing, 824
- Army Manoeuvres, Motor Cyclists and, 742, 99.1
- Australia. Hill-climbs, 1494
- — 150 Miles Handicap, 1523 Austria—
- English Muchino for, 1196 Pedestrians’ Bights in, 872
- Auto Cycle Club do France, “ Estafetto.” 1521
- Auto Cycle Union-
- Autumn One Day Trial. 1182, 1228b, 1299
- — Entries for, 1209
- — Judges’ Report, 1304a
- — List of Competitors, 1233 Notos, 1233
- Rudges, 1344 Championships, 1082 Dutch English Trial, 1211
- Events in 1913, bate of, 1182 Insurance Policy, 764, 814 Inter-club Conference at Liverpool, 1204a Notes, 742. 818, 873, 1073, 1181, 1212, 1298, 1345, 1578
- Open Competition, New Rules, 1444 Proposed Ten Buys’ Trial, 1298 Scottish Cyclists’ Union and, 742 Silencer Tests, 871.
- Six Daye’ Reliability Account of, From
- Braked in. 1063
- Entries, 817, 894, 906
- Judges’ Report, 1007, 1039
- Leucons of the, 939
- List of Awards, 956, 957, 1008, 10 72 Maps, Routes, etc., 904
- New Features, 819
- Notos, 930, 961, 998, 1004, 1523, 1554 Observers in tno, 873
- On an Enfield Sidecar, 1028
- Preparing for, by an Old Compel it. u , 804 Slow Hill-climbing in the, 907 Tyre and Belt Teste in the, 986 Tyro Makers and, 785
- Ten Daye’ Reliability Trial. 1467, 1487 Touring and Hotel Ohurgos, 960
- Tourist Trophy Race, 733. 762, 780. 782, 1240 Date of, 1913, 1267, 1270
- Engine Speeds, 791
- Features of Some Models, 738, 781 Future of, 740, 808
- Humours of, 741
- Junior Race, 743, 751
- Douglas Team Photograph, 801 1913 Event, 813, 819 Senior Race, 752, 761
- Indian Riders, Photograph, 802 Trado and the 1913 Races, 1151 Twin-cylinders, Suoooee of, 775 Automobile Club do France—
- Cometh Hill-climb, 1298 Grand Prix. 895, 959, 1018 I’rogrammo for 1912-1913, 1181 Six Days’ Trial, 959 The Motor Uvelo und the, 894
- Autumn Ono Day Trial. Soo Auto Cycle Union. Auxiliary Motors, 852
- Baby Peugeot Cycle Car. 1157, 1222, 1239
- Buck Hosts, 1161
- Bailey-Stanlov Match, 1175, 1181
- Bailey, 8. L., Brooklanda Impressions. 1508 Barnes, F \v.. “My Moat Exciting Ride,” 768 Bavaria. English Machines in, 1181
- Boarings, Roller, 1512
- — Wear of, 936, 976, 1036
- — Big End. 1466
- Beginner, Experiences of, 1518
- Belgium, Taking a Motor Cycle to, 853
- Belt Fasteners—
- Caro of, 981
- Dall, 1160
- Patent, 1026
- Belt ..r Clutch Slip, 1452
- Bolt Punch, 1553
- Bolt Rims. Dummy, 975
- Belt Shields, Efficient, 914
- Bolt Tensioning Device, 968
- Bolts- -
- Bradford. 1172
- Clincher, 1195
- Judge’s Report in the Six Days’ Trials, 987
- Metallic Canvas (Hassbcrger and Burnet), 1161 Punch for. 828, 854
- Reliability. 1038
- Spares, Carriage of, 832
- (Sde also Chain v. Belt Drive.)
- Bolts and Chains. Seo Chain v. Belt; Drive.
- Belts and Pullevs, 832
- Benzole Use of, 1188
- Benzole, Running on, 1462, 1551, 1555
- Bevel Goar Transmission, 876
- Big Trials, Red. Tape and, 914
- Birdlip, Climbing, 770
- Birmingham, Carlisle and Back Trial, 1097
- Border M.C.C. Inter-club Hill-climb, 988
- Bournemouth and District M.C.C., Speed Con test at Wimborne, 1267
- Bowden Wire Lubricator, 837
- Bowden, if IL, Marriage, 104 6
- Bradford M.C.C., Fatal Result of Hill-climb in Yorkshire, 1266
- Brakes, Control of, 1549
- Bristol M.C.C. and Bath M.C.C., Inter-club Match, 1042
- British Motor Cycle Racing Club
- August Meeting, 856
- Eighth Monthly Meeting, 1303
- Fifth Monthly Meeting, 846b, 847
- Godfrey-Garrett Case, 1344, 1433
- Junior and Senior Race at Brooklands, 1066a
- Junior T.T. Race, 1150
- Last Meeting of the Year, 1124
- Open Championships Meeting, 1176
- Brooklands—?
- Impressions of, 1508
- Racing at, 822, 901, 1210
- Recordfl at, 1376, 1432
- Route to, from Coventry and Birmingham, 1089
- Brooklands T.T. Race, 1019, 1036
- Brook, R. V. C., LectuTO on Cycles, 1496
- Brown 1913 Model, 1183, 1215
- Browne, T B., M.LMoch.E., "The Progress of tlm Motor Cycle,” 1171
- B.S.A. (1912), Homo Experiences with, 1048, 1200
- Bushes, Mdcel, 1564
- Butter Tubs Pass, The (Yorkshire). 1275
- Bwloh-y-Groes, Ascent of, 739, 766, 786
- Caerphilly Open Hill-climb, 839
- Cairo-Alexandria Ride, 1523
- Calcott, The Latest. 1226
- Cambridge, Track Racing at. 791
- Gamula, British Motor Cyclists in, 742, 766
- Rooord Breaking. 846a
- Cap Cover, Oilskin, 1003
- Capo. First Speed Trial at the, 1345
- Flexibility Hill-climb, 1514
- Cupe Pou insula M.0,0. 100 Milo Trial, 1*000 xxx
- Bpood 't rials. 833
- Oar Driven?, Appeal to, 1120. 1173
- Carburettors, 1456
- Adjustment, 811, 916
- AIIIIMJ, 1102
- Automatic, 932. 837, 977
- Probloiu of, 966
- Twin Engines and, 890
- B. and B., 1099
- Imitations, 854
- B.S.A., 1200
- Binks Pattorn (1913), 1193
- Deposit in, 801
- Flooding, 1060
- Forced Peed, 1026
- Hamilton Bifuol, 940
- Heating of, 1113
- Improvements in, 1509
- Longueinure, 828
- Lukin, Experienced with, 1373
- New variable Jet, 886
- Perfect Mixture, 1024
- Petrol Pare! tin. 974
- Rotherham Pilot Jot O. 1002
- Spraying Device, Austin, 802
- Troubled, 1059
- Two-jet, Binks, 809
- Carrying a Child on a Motor Cycle, 144
- Carrier Motor Cycles, Taxation of, 1504
- Ceylon. Motor Cycling in. 1188, 1202
- — Machine foi> t368
- Cb?.i»' v "'H-THrive, 838, 890. 943, 967. 1009, 1034, 1037, 1057, 1064, 1090, 1091, 1101, 1173, 1242, 1550
- Chain-driven Machines, Experiences with, 943
- Chamonix, Motor Cycles in, 1516
- Ohater-Lea Cycle Car, 1195
- Chivalry of the Road, 1174
- Choice of Machine, 1440
- Christinas Motor Cycle Trials: As they usually are, and ae they might be, 1542
- Clicking in the Cylinder, 1058 Cleaning and Springing, 1477
- Club Competitions, Results, 793
- Aberavon, Port Talbot, and District M.C.C., 1132, 1377
- Aberdeen and District M.C.O., 1051, 1127
- Armagh and District M.C.C.. 1050
- Ayr and District M.C.C., 994, 1551
- Bedford and District M.C.O., 1077, 1133
- Belfast and District M.C., 799
- Belfast and North of Ireland M.C.C., 1023. 1077
- Birmingham M.C.O., 761. 797, 819. 821, 847, 874, 1050, 1132, 1240, 1269, 1465, 1499, 1530, 1552
- Bishop Auckland, Darlington and District M0.Q, 1214
- Blackpool and Fvlde M C.O.. 796. 827
- Bournemouth and District M.C.O., 1077, 1552
- Bradford M.C.C., 1133, 1269
- Brecon and Radnor M.C.C., 826, 1158
- Brighton C.O. (Motor Section), 1498
- Brighton and Hove Al 0 C., 1551
- Bristol M.C.C., 826. 903, 1075. 1132, 1240, 1269, 1377, 1530
- Brookdale CO., 1523. 1530
- Burnley A.O., 1127 1158
- Bury and District M.C.C.. 1465. 1498
- Cambridge University M.C.O., 1304b, 14C5
- Cambridgeshire M O.O., 1159, 1465
- Canterbury and District M.C.C., 935, 1159, 1304b
- Cape Peninsula M.C.O., 1075
- Cardiff M.C.. 1050
- Cathcart District MCC., 1159
- Cheltenham M.C.O., 1023. 1133, 1346
- Chester and District M.C.C.. 1240
- Chwterfield and District M.O.C., 799
- Chichester and District M.C.C., 1214
- Oliorley ami District M.O.C.. 763
- Clapton and District M.O., 994, 1133
- Colchester and District M.O.C., 1304b. 1377
- Cork and District. M.C.O., 797, 799. 934, 935, 1075, 1377
- Coventry and Warwickshire M.C., 935, 1158, 1498
- Oowbridgo and District M.C., 1075, 1131 Crossgates and District M.C.O., 851, 902, 1346
- Cumberland M.O., 1075. 1127
- — County M.O.C., 851. 903. 935, 1377 Cycle Car Club, 1346. 1465. 1499, 1498
- Daimler M.C C.. 763
- Derby and District M.C.O., 934, 1076
- Derbyshire and North Stafford A.C. (M.C
- See.); 964. 1105
- D«y’sbury M.O., 763. 902. 995. 1076. 1346
- Doncaster and District M.U.C., 763, 850. 1214. 1240a
- Dublin and District M.O.C.. 793. 799. 849 874. 902, 934, 1077. 1104. 1530
- Dundee and District MOC., 1132
- Durham and District 1 902
- East Yorkshire MU.. 799
- Eastern Province M.O.C, | ’oath Africa'. 1499
- Essex M.U., 763, 799. 850. 934, 935. 96u 1077, 1132, 1240, 1529
- Evwaham M . 761. 826. 850, 994
- Exeter and District M C.C., 793, 902,
- Fcilding (New Zealand) M.C.C., 1131
- Finsbury Park O.O. (M.C.S.). 874, 934
- Fleet and District M.C.C.. 903
- r olctdiill and North Warwickshire M.C.,
- Furness M.C.C., 1051. 1105
- Glasgow M.O.C., 826. 827. 934, 1103
- Gloucester M.C.O.. 793
- Goole M.C.C., 874
- Goulburn IN.8.W.) M.C.. 874, 1104
- Grosvenor (Manchester). M.O., 826, 1214
- Hamilton and District M-C.C., 799, 1
- 1103,
- 1530
- „ , 1022. 1269. 1377
- 1051. 1159
- Hampshire M.C.U.. 844 ~ _
- Harrogate and District M.C.C., 8ol,
- Haverstock M.C.C., 793. 844. 851
- Herefordshire M.C.O., 799
- Herts County A.C., 1105
- A. and Ae.C-, 796, 902. 934, 1050,
- 1346,
- 935,
- 1131.
- 1214
- 1075.
- 1377
- M.C., 1104
- Hertfordshire M.C.C., 1158
- Ilunslet M.C.C., 827. 1214
- Ipswich and District M.C.C., 796, 827, 1076
- John-o’-Groat’s M.C.C.. 827
- Kingston and District AI.C.C-, 1133, 1498
- Leeds M.O.C.. 965. 994
- Leicester and District M.C.C., 1051, 1076 -
- County M.C.C.. 763. 994. 1076, 1346
- Leven and District M.C.C., 1133
- Lincolnshire A.C., 826, 839. 842, 1103.
- Liverpool L,C.O.. 965, 1077, 1104,
- Llanelly and pistric^sU£P..r1103
- Luton and ~ ’
- 994. 1269, 1127, 1050. 1346 1135, 1530
- Manchester
- South Beds M.C.C.,
- K22’-
- Amateur M.C.C., 1135,
- M.C., 1022. 1103, 1105 .... 1050, 10?5
- 1131, 874. 1240, ^51. 5, 14B5 1075. 1530 1127. ^1531T~
- — Hundred _
- — M.C., 851, 935. 1022,
- Merionethshire M.O.C.. 826
- Mersey M.C-C., 826. 849. 874. 934, 995.
- 1132. 1304b, 1346,
- Merthyr M.C.C., 793, 1551
- Mid Bucks M.O.C., 1023
- — Staffordshire A.C., 902
- Middlesbrough and District M.C.O., 763, 827,
- 965 Motor Cycling Club, 764. 788. 837, 964. 965, 1104, 1131, 1159, 1269. 1346, 1377 of South Australia. 1304b
- — Cycle Uqion of Ireland (Ulster Centre),
- Newcastle and District M.O., 964, 1077, 1498, 1050, 1465 1132, 1023.
- Newport (Mon.) M.C.C.. 214
- North Birmingham A.C.. 826,
- — Derbyshire M C.C., 1551
- — London M.C.C., 965
- — Middlesex M.C.O., 797. 827, 1269< 1077, 1377 903,
- 1105, 1240a 1104,
- - Staffordshire AIC.C.. 903. 995, 1076,
- North-west London M.C.C., 763, 796.
- 1076, 1104, 1304b, 1529,
- Northamptonshire M.C.O.. 851, 1158
- Nottingham and District 1131 1214< 1077 824. 1552
- M.C.C., 851,
- Oldham and District M.O., 1214 Oxford M.C.C., 822. 824. 827, 1051. 1240,
- — University M.C.C.. 1304b
- Penang (Straits Settlement) M.C.C., 1377
- Pontefract M.O.. 797
- Portsmouth M-C.C.. 964. 1075, 1105, 1240
- Purley and District M.C.C.. 851, 965. 1105
- Rand M.C.C.. 1304b. 1499
- Bedditch and District AI.C.C., 827, 1133
- Rotherham and District M.C.C.. 826
- Scarborough and District 874, 1158 1214. 1551
- M.C., 799. 1022. 1104
- Scottish A.C., 1076
- — Border M.C-C., 874
- Sheffield and Hallamshire
- 850, 902, 994. 1075.
- South Birmingham M.C.C.. 827, 1022, 105Ch
- — Wales A.O., 799
- Southampton and District M.C.C., 1132, 1498
- Speedwell B.C.. 827
- Stockport and District M.O.C., 761. 1240a, 1377
- Stiatford-on-Avon and District M-C.C., 850.
- Btreatham and District M.C.C., 874, 934. 1023
- 1346, 1465.
- Surrey Al C.C., 763, 827, 1022, 1530
- Sutton Coldfield AC- 848. 1159 and Mid-Warwickshire A.C., Sydney Al.C.C., 1499, 1551
- Taunton and District M.C.C., 851,
- Torbay and District M.C-C.. 850,
- Tunbridge Welle Al.C.C.. 995
- Tyldeslev and District Al.C.C., 1465
- Uxbridge C.C.. 797
- Waltham«tow M.C.. 874. 1076, 1132,
- M.C.C., 797, 799. 1105, 1131, 1214. 1465 1105, 1240a 1105 934,
- Welsh A. and Ac.C.. 796, 1131
- W'-xt Kent Inter-club Team Trial, 850
- W • t* rn District Al C. (London), 826, 1022, 1050, 1076, 1103, 1240a, 1498 995, 1051 1158. 1269
1 530
- Some lines missing
- Commercial Work. Machine for, 853 Compensation for Injuries, 1505 Competitions in 1913, 1519
- Compound Drive, 1326 Compression, 1143
- — Maintaining, 1534
- — Braking Effect of. 981. 1066. 1146 Constantinople, By Motor Cycle to, 937 Contact Breaker, Adjustment of, 1322 Conversions, 912
- Cost of Motor Cycles, 81'3, 814 Running a Motor Cycle, 1537 Counter-ehaft Gears and Belt Drive, 1550
- — Multi-gear on, 1197
- .Countv Councils, Liabilities of, 132.2
- Coventry and Warwickshire M.C.C., Annual Open Hill-climb, 816. 857, 960, 991,
- 1012, 1018, 1033
- Covers, Gashed, 907
- Crank Case-
- Draining, 1060
- Explosion in the, 997
- Genuinely Clean, 1057
- ReTeJise 1 J ° ~‘
- Craven Patent Four-sc-a-ted . Sidecar, 1308 Crouch Carette Cycle Car. 1238
- Cumberland County M.C.C. Speed Trials at Penrith. 899
- Membership, 819-
- Notes, 1237
- Activity at Brooklands, 1267
- Air-propelled Motor Cycles. 1494
- Alternative Road from Warrington to Preston, 1237
- — Police Traps, 1151
- Another Australian Record, 1495
- Anerley Hill, Nuisance at, 1073 Armstrong Three-speed Gear, 1266
- Army Manoeuvres, September, 1912,
- Attempt on the End-to-end Sidecar
- A.C.F. and the Motor Cycle, 894
- A.C.C.F. 1912-13 Programme, 1181
- Auto-Cycle Union. See that title. Autumn One Day Trial- See under Auto Cycle Union.
- Awards in the Six Days, 1072
- Bailey-Stanley Match. 1150
- Bad Surface on Honister. 846
- Behaviour on the Scottish Trials, 872
- Belgian Motor Cycle Race, 895
- Benevolent Fund Dinner, 1236
- Benzole, 1555
- — as a Substitute for Petrol, 1462
- Bowen, H. H., Marriage, 1046
- British Machines Barred, 790
- — Motor Cycles in Canada. 742
- Brooklands, Racing at, 1210
- Brooklands T.T. Race', 1019
- Cairo to Alexandria, 1523
- Championship Races at Ontario, 1378
- Climbing Sun-rising Hill, 1210
- Class Ji Records Broken, 1523
- Club for Brighton and District, Copper and Acetylene Generators, Coventry and Warwickshire M.C.
- climb, 960, 991 Cut-outs, Use of, 1150
- Cycle Car Carrosserie. 1083 Chassis, Definition of, 1210 Hour Record, 1344 at the Motor Show,' 1299 Dangerous Corners, 1522 D
- avis, J. W.. Death of. 1465 Detachable Wheels for Sidecars, 846 Dinner and Presentation to G. E.
- Douglas Cycle Car, Particulars of the, End-to-end Sidecar Record, 991
- Enfield Engine, 990
- Engine Speeds in the T.T., 791
- — Without a Flywheel. 1299
- English-Dutch Trial. See under A.C.U. English Machines in Buvaria, 1181 Obsolete, 991
- Exhaust Valves, Air-cooled. 1211 Experimental Engines, 991
- F. I.M.O., 1073
- First Cycle Car Trial. 1463
- — Details of 1913 Models. 1236
- — Speed Trial at the Cape. 1345
- French Grand Prix for Motor Cycles, 895. 930. ‘959
- IT« 111 Pepord. 1237, 1494
- French Motor Cyclists’ Differences i -Motor Cyclists’ Federation 1267 5
- — Reliability Trial, 1019
- — Six Days’ Trial, 1047
- Gaillon Hill-climb, 1129
- Ghent International Exhibition, 1522
- Godfrey-Garrett Case, 1299. 1344
- Glamorganshire Lighting Byelaws. 1465
- Gometz Hill-climb. 1298, 1463 1494
- Guide Cards through Towns for Motorists 152X
- Hasha, Eddie, Death, 1046 1072 ’ 3
- Hill-climb and the Police. 818
- — in Yorkshire, Fatal Result, 1266
- Hill-climbing, 791. 1210
- — in Australia, 1494
- Hind, Miss Muriel, Presentation to. 991
- Home-made Petrol and Excise Duty 1378 Hour Record Broken, 1181
- Hub Gears, 1083
- Illumination of Number Plates, 1431 Imitating the Aeroplane. 895
- Imports and Exports, 819. 960, 1047. 1151,
- Institution of Automobile Engineers 894
- International Federation of Motor Cycle Clubs. Irish End-to-end Record, 1128 1544, 1431
- Italian Road Race, 895
- Ladv Motor Cyclists. 895. 1129
- Ride from St. * ”
- Le Mans Circuit,
- Race, 895
- Lighting Byelaws,
- London to Constantinople, 1345
- Low Engine, 1211
- Mersey M.C. Oi>en, Trial, 1018
- Midland Reliability Trial. 872
- Results, 1344
- Military Motor Cyclists, 894, 991, 1128, 1129
- Models, 1913, 930
- Mont Yentoux Meeting 846, 873, 930
- Moorhouse Memorial Fund, 1073
- Motor Cycle, “ Estafette,” 1522
- . Taxation, 930. 1072
- — Cycles at the Paris Show, 960
- Registered, 1495
- — Cyclist Despatch Riders, 1495
- — uyclists and Charity, 1523
- M.C.C. Winter Run, 1180
- Mystery of Motor Cycles, 1495
- New 3? h.p. Sidecar Record, 1180
- — Main Road Out of Portsmouth, 1494
- Next Year’s T.T.. 819
- Nice, La Turbie Hill-climb, 1463, 1494, 1523 Norton, Light, 894
- Non-stop Runs on the Road, 1462
- Novel Fittings, 1523
- Obstructing the Highway. Prosecution, 1072
- Officially Observed Sidecar Ride. 1431
- One-armed Motor Cyclist, A, 1151
- Open Exhausts, 846
- Overloading Sideears, A Warning, 1072
- Oxford M.C.O., Open Speed Trials, 873
- Paris-Nice-Monte Carlo, 1345
- Paris Salon, No Motor Cycles Exhibited, 742
- — Show, 1431
- Pedestrians’ Rights in Austria, 872
- Petrol Committee, 960
- — Consumption, 895
- — Short Measure of. 1180
- — Substitute Wanted. 1522
- Phenomenal Petrol Consumption, 846a
- Police Traps. 819. 1180 1431
- Premier Cycle Co., Ltd., Coventry, Profits, 1047
- Rotary Engine Success in France, 1046 .
- Rotherham and District M.C.C., Speed Trials
- New Use for, 1129
- Two Lights on, 1299
- Signposts. Record Miteage, 1128
- Silencer Trials. 1128 « , TT •
- Six Days’ Trials. See Auto Cycle union. in France, 959
- Snowdon Climbed, 819
- Spa (Belgium) Race Meeting. 1072
- Spanish Motor Cycle Competition, 1237
- Speed Contest at Wimborne. 1267
- — Limit Applications. 895
- — of Motor Cycles, 1495
- — Warnings, 1522
- Stanley-Bailey Match. 1181. 1211. 1$3G
- Steel Cylinders, 1555
- for Record Work, 1463
- Stolen Machines. 742. 818. 1019. 1128. 1237.
- Stveathani and District M.C.C. Hill-climb, 990
- Successful Year’s Trading. 1181
- Suse-Mont Cenis .Hill-climb, 930
- Taylor. Vernon, Appeal by. 1180
- Taxation, 1'128. 1150
- — Business Motor Cycles, 1267
- — Petition, 1180, 1181 The Cvcle Car Club, 1267
- The Motor Cucle Appreciated in America, 990
- Three and Four Wheels. 1555
- Three-speed Gears for 1913. 872
- Through Floods on a Sidecar, 872
- — France and Switzerland on a Lightweight, 1210 1019 791 790 894
- Ace, 1461
- A Warning About, 1001
- Advantages and Disadvantages, 803, 830
- American Model, 1134
- Arden, 812
- Averies Four-cylinder,. 1082
- Baby Peugeot, 1222, 1239
- Bodies, 999
- Body Balancing on, 1137
- Brook lands Test. 1443, 1463, 1494
- Building Hints, 800
- C. and H„ 1049
- Chater-Lea, 1195
- Commercials, Use by. 1173 Cornering in. 1039. 1090. 1198
- Crescent, 1227
- Crouch Carette, 1238
- Definition of, 1037. 1063, 1092, 1129. 1137, 1145, 1173, 1175, 1191. 1210, 1435. 1533
- Design of. 1087, 1147, 1241. 1251, 1484
- Differential Drive, 1026
- Douglas, 1267
- Duo 8 li.p., A Run on. 1169
- Eagle, 898, 1461
- Engines—
- J.A.P., 1095 Manly and Buckingham., 1074
- Evolution of, 1281-4. 1433, 1466
- First Trial, 1463
- For Commercials, 1173
- Front Mudguards, 1083
- G. N. Latest Model. 1008
- History of the Movement, 1109
- Home-made, 1516
- Hoods and Screens on, 1434
- Hour Record, 806
- Humberette, 1152 Introduction of, 1090
- Jackson. 1165
- J.B.S., 1166
- Lecture by R. V. C. Brook, 1490
- Long Journeys on, 1308
- Marshall-Arter, 1540
- New Hudson, 1461
- P.D.A., 841, 842
- Peugeot, Baby, 1157. 1222. 1229
- Pointe in the Choice of, 1054
- Premier, 1179, 1180
- Price Limit, 1198
- Queries, 910
- Recorde, 1099, 1118, 1349
- Reliability Trials, 1462
- Rex. 1095
- Safety of Three-wheeled, 1237
- Singer. 817, 973. 1063. 1066, 1141
- Small Cars or, 914. 1248
- Springing of, 1349
- Stanley 1190
- Starting, 1196
- Swift. 1264
- Tandem and Sociable-seated. 1094
- Three and Four-wheeled. 1122. 1146, 1237
- Tinycar. 1461
- Transmission on, 1505
- Tourist Trophy for, Suggested, 807
- Wall. 841
- Walcycar by A. W. Wall, 1117
- Weight of, 1202
- West. 1160
- Cylinders—
- Cleaning, 1216
- Cracked, 1451
- Design. 1512
- Steel. 1462. 1555
- — Records made with. 1544
- Tip for Removing, 1146
- Dangerous Cross Roads, 1011
- ~ Corners, 1521
- — Driving, 764
- Davies. B. H-— ,
- An Open Letter to the Motor Cycle ^jadts 1252
- Decompressor Design, 918
- Faddist at Olympia Show, 1455
- Future if T.T. Races, Some Suggestions, 808
- Three Precipitous Northern Test Hills, 1245
- Week in the Isle of Man. 782
- What the Six Days’ Trials Taught, 970
- — J. W., Death, 1463
- De Dion Quad, Modernised. 1253
- De Rosier, Fund for, 785. 787, 790, 791
- Decompressors, 1010. 1216, 1513, 1519
- Design, by B. ±1. Davies, 918
- Mechanism, 1216
- Delivery of Machines, Difficulties of, 1137
- Demarara, Sidecars in, 1146
- Design, 1457, 1480
- — 1913 Models, 1499. 1548
- Designs of the Future, 829
- Desva Rennes, M. Chartier, New Sidecar, 1036
- Devonshire Roads, 814. 1010
- Dew Spider Quad, The Latest. 1002
- Differential, Substitute for, 1549
- Dijon Hill-climb, 818
- Doctors and Motoring,: 1197
- Dogs, Dangers of, 787. 813
- Owners’ Responsibilities, 910, 1452
- Double Motion Rotary Engine, 1030
- Douglas Bidets, Tips for. 814
- Driving Licences, 944. 1322
- — to Save a Life, 1545
- Dublin and District M.C.C., Speed Trials, 993
- Duplex Piston Ring, 1036
- Eagle Cycle Car, 898
- East Midlands A.C.U., Inter-club Trial, 1213
- Edinburgh and’ District M.C., Inter-club Hillclimb, 988
- Electric Horn, Fortavox, 767
- — Lamps. 828, 1060. 1452. 1535
- Elswick Works, Visit to the, 937
- Enfield Sidecar, Experience of, at Six Days’ Trial. 1028
- on the Road, 859
- Engines—
- Balancing, 802, 1143
- Bearings, 1518
- Binks, 1140
- Connaught 1912 Two-stroke 1478
- Cooling. 1512
- Crouc.h, New, 1017
- Cycle Car. 1074. 1095
- Enfield, 990
- Fast Running. 800. 852
- J.A.P. Cycle Car, 1095. 1209 :
- Knocking when Picking up Speed, 1113 . Running Easy. 811
- Long and Short Stroke. 1451
- Loss of Power, 909. 1059. 1112, 1144
- Low. 878. 1211. 1513
- — Forced Induction, 1192
- Oily. 838
- — Short Troubles and. 920
- Overheating, 811. 880. 1106
- Power Units, 1510
- Premier Twin, 1156
- Reversing. 1563
- Rotary, 1027, 1065
- Double Motion. 1030
- Gray. 1069
- Success in France, 1046
- Running Better at Night. 1486
- Six-stroke, 921
- Steel Pistons, Warning Against, 813
- Stiff at Starting, 996
- Timing, 1058
- — and Tuning, 1505
- Triumph Desaxe, 894
- Twin, Growing Favour of, 1135
- — Horizontal 500 c.c., 1541
- — Two-stroke Vertical, 1235
- Two-stroke, 773, 838. 1224. 1511
- — v. Four-stroke, 1564
- Lubrication. 1038
- Wear of Small, 1306. 1350. 1433. 1434. 1467
- 1518. 1550
- White, and Poppe, 879
- Four-cylinder. 1450
- ?Woolier Two-stroke, 1095
- English-Dutch Trial. 737, 779. 823, 842, 871 891, 930, 931, 1019, 1126. 1180
- English Machines Obsolete, 991
- Eric Sociable, 1347
- Essex M.C., Annual Run London-York, 993
- 1020
- Events for 1913. 1444
- Exhaust Siren, Taylor. 767
- — Valves—
- Air-cooled, 1211
- Pitting, 1189
- Timing. 879
- — Whistle. 1243, 1350. 1472
- Exmoor, Week-end Exploration of. 734
- Eyeglasses in Wet Weather. 770
- Fdddration Internationale dea Clubs Mute- cyclistea, 1073 , . , „n/I
- Few Points Simply Explained, A, 1324
- Filters, Carburetter Air, 940
- F.I.M.C., Paris Congress, 1526
- Fittings, Defective, 1550
- Flag of Distress, 889. 967
- Flywheels. Outside, 1511
- . Footrest, Heaby’s Spring, 836
- — Spring, 1472
- Forks, Spring, 1094. 1472
- — Springing of, 1451
- Frame, Anti-vibratory. 1536
- — Improvement. 1472
- France, International Cup
- British Machines, 791. 844, 1043, 1046 Trials. 1011, 1019. 1047.
- Regulations, 929
- French Motor Cyclists’ Difterences, 1555
- Friction Drive, 1033
- G
- Gaillon Hill-climb, 1129. 1154
- Gear of the Future, The, 1445 /li>
Gear Boxes, Mounting of. /li>
1539 Gears-—
- Albion Two-speed, 1471 /li>
- Armstrong. 1165, 1266
- Cam. 1512 Change Speed, 969. 1121
- Counter-shaft, 771. 894. 1197, 1271, 1550 /li>
- Four-speed, 858
- Gradients and, 910
- Gradually Variable, 1026
- H. and B., 1478
- Hub. 1083
- James Three-speed, 771
- Rigby Two-speed, 771
- Sedger Four-speed, 979
- Selective Clutch Gear. 771
- Speed and. 1196 Tnree-epeed. 771. 872. 968
- Triumph Counter-shaft. 894 Two-speed, 1506. 1536
- Variable, 807. 1026 /li>
- By-products of, 975
- Weight of, 1011
- Wear of Epicyclic Hub, 1228a /li>
- Generators, Copper and Acetylene, .1266 /li>
- Geneva, Hill-climb, 822
- Germany, Taking a Motor Cycle to, 853
- Trial, British Machines Banned, 790
- Ghent. Exhibition, 1521
- Glasgow, Racing and Records at, 930 Glamorganshire Lighting Byelaws, 1463
- Gometz Hill-climb, 1463. 1494. 1523, 1525. 1526 /li>
- Great Orme, Climbing. 1100
- Guide Cards Through Towns for Motorists, 1523
- Haden Tliree-speed Counter-shaft Gear, 771 /li>
- Hand Starting Device for Four-cylinder Engines, 1003 /li>
- Hands-off Riding. 1484
- Handle-bars—
- Control of Clutch and Gear. 740, 767
- Spring, 1509
- — Mounting, Daliaway. 802
- Harrogate and District M.C.C., Two Days’ Trial.
- 995 Hasha, Eddie, Death. 1046. 1072, 1119
- Hazlewood 3 ½ h.p. Twin. 1068
- Henderson, American Four-cyl. Machine, 1274
- Herts County A.C., Hundred Miles’ Open Reliability Trial, 1148
- Last Trial. 1520. 1522 /li>
- Hill-climbing, 764. 770. 896, 1017. 1018, 1037,
- 1100, 1173. 1184. 1210, 1463, 1493, 1494 /li>
- Are Motor Cycles Good Hill-climbers, 911 /li>
- Dulness of Average, 1034
- Formula, 791, 838
- — for Flexibility. 1031
- Police Permission, Necessity for, 818
- Some Old Memories. 815 Hills, Starting on. 1060
- Hind. Miss Muriel, Presentation to, 991
- Hints and Tips, 1060
- Holley Automatic Carburetter. 977 /li>
- Honister, Bad Surface on, 846 Hubs—
- Clutch Control of Three-speed, 858 /li>
- Epicyclic, 1057
- Backlash in, 858
- Life of. 1219, 1241. 1306. 1349 /li>
- Three-speed, 1064. 1472
- Saunders, 1161
- Two-speed Free Engine, 1052
- — (Pinson and Blaxleyl. 1161 /li>
- Hub Gears, 1083
- Humber New Models. 1199 /li>
- Humberette, November Trip on, 1446
- Ignition-
- Accumulator, 1197
- Dry Battery, 1441
- Imports and Exports. 819, 960, 1047. 1151. 1344. 1495 /li>
- Improving an Old Machine. 1025
- Improvements in Motor Cycles, 1549
- India—
- — Sidecars frj, 1244
- — The Motor Cycle in, 1084
- — Industry Abroad, The. 855
- — Insurance, 764, 814, 922. 1277
- — International Conference, 1432.
- — Federation of Motor Cycle Clubs, 1344
- Luncheon and Conference at Olympia, 1469
- Ireland—
- — Competitions in, 1021
- — End-to-end Record, 1128
- — Trial, 820, 821, 847
- Isle of Man-
- — First Lady motor Cyclist, 809
- — Holiday in, Information as to, 800
- — Off Day in, 777
- — Proposed Club for. 1237
- — Week in, 782
- Isochronous Speedometer. 1102
- Ixion Passenger Machines at the Show, 1481
- Japan, Motor Cycles in. 1535
- Jersey, Motor Cycle Regulations Jet. Choked, 1243
- Judging Distances with One Eye, 1487,
- Are Motor Cycles Good Hill-climbers? 911
- Change Speed Gears, 969
- Cut-outs, 1537 Cycle Car, The, 803
- and Sidecar Bodies, 999 Definition, 1191
- Test on Brooklands, 1444
- Designs of the Future, 829
- — Cars. 1109
- Sidecars and, 1279
- Future Olympia Shows, 1444
- Industry Abroad, The, 855
- Junior T-T. in the Wet, 733
- High Price of Petrol, 1475
- Lessons on the Six Days’ Trials. 939
- Motor Cycle for Two, 1053
- Motor Cycle Taxation, 881, 1081, 1217
- National Road Guards, 1247
- Next Year’s Reliability Trials. 1507
- Olympia Motor Cycle Show, 1371
- — Features, 1323
- Paris Show, 1475
- Road Surfaces, 1027
- Rotary Engines, 1027
- Running Costs, 1537 Silencer Tests, 881, 1247
- Taxation, 1109
- Two-stroke Engines, 773
- Why the Quadricycle Died, 1053
- Warning Signs, 999
- Youthful Drivers and Recklessness, 829
- Leechman, D„ Paper on 1913 Models, 1499
Letters to the Editor—
- Acetylene, Dissolved, 1145
- A.OU. Ten Days’ Trial, 1467, 1487
- Amateur Police Traps, 1122. 1201, 1240b
- Appeal to Car Drivers, 1120, 1173, 1240b
- Application of Brakes, 1548
- Arming of Motor Cycle Companies, 1307
- Automatic Carburetters and Twin Engines, 837, 890
- Behaviour of Certain Motor Cyclists, 98'1
- Belt and Chain Transmission, 1202 Benzole, 1551
- Bevel Gear Transmission, 837, 876
- Bowden Wire Lubricator, 837
- Brakes in the Six Days’ Trials, 1063
- Braking Effect of Compression, 981, 1066
- British Motor Cycles in Canada, 766
- Bwlch-y-Groes, Ascent of, 766, 786
- Care of Belt Fasteners. 891
- Cattle Grazing on the Roadside, 966
- — on the Roads at Night. 1063
- Chain v. Belt Drive, 838, 890, 967, 1009 1037, 1064, 1090, 1091. 1092
- Chivalry of the Road, 1174, 1272, 1307
- Clean Design, 1548
- Clutch Contiol, 1147, 1241
- Colonial Motor Cycles, 922
- Combined Chain and Belt Drive, 1242
- Competitions in 1913, 1519
- Compression, Braking Effect of, 1146
- Cornering in Cycle Cars, 1039, 1090 Cost of Motor Cycles, 813
- Counter-shaft Gears and Belt Drive 1550
- Cycle Oar Design, 1484
- Cycle Cars. Sec that title.
- Cylinders, Tip for Removing1, 1146
- Dangerous Cross Roads, 1011
- EawTfeTT.lee, 1203, 1240b, 1270
- Decompressors, 1010, 1519
- Defective Fittings, 1550
- Definition of Cycle Cars, 1037 _Q_
- De Rosier, Jake, Fund tor, 785, 787
- Devonshire Roads, 814, 1063
- Dilatory Attention to a Foreign Order 1121
- Does an Engine Run Better at Night? 1486
- Dogs, Dangers of, 787, 813
- Engine Cooling, 1519
- Evolution of Cycle Cars, 1433, 1466
- Exhaust Whistles, 1350
- Experiences of a Beginner, 1518
- Family Coach, A, 1466
- Few Lines about New Zealand, 982
- Fair Treatment, 1307, 1348, . 1433, 1486
- Flag of Distress, 889, 867
- French Reliability Trial, 1011
- Gears, Change Speed, 1121
- Godfrey-Garrett Case, 1433
- Hill-climbing, 764, 1173
- Some Old Memories, 815
- Hoods and Screens on Cycle Cars, 1434
- Hub Gears and Belt Drive, 1173
- Improvements in Motor Cycles, 1549
- Inconsiderate Biding, 1173, 1270
- Inglorious Devon, 966, 1010
- Judges’ Report on Six Days’ Trial, 1039
- Judging Distances with One Eye, 1487, 1519, .1548
- Lagonda Tricar Built in 1905, 921
- Large Variable Pulleys, 1240b
- Life of Epicyclic Hubs, 1241. 1306, 1349
- Liverpool A.O. Open Hill-climb, 1271
- L. C.C. and Driving Licences, 922
- Long Journey on a Cycle Car, 1308
- Loose Bushes, 1350
- Low Engine, 878 Loose Bushes, 1350
- Lubrication, 1145
- Importance of, 1075
- — of Two-stroke Engines. 1038
- Magneto Hints, 815
- Military Motor Cycling, 1271, 1517
- Modernising an Old Pattern Mount, 838
- Motor Cycle in Ceylon. 1202
- South Africa, 838
- for Military Purposes, 983
- Insurance, 764. 814, 922
- Mania, 921
- Taxation, 1091, 1202, 1271, 1350
- — Cycles in Chamonix, 1516
- the Malay States, 765
- M. C.C. London-Exeter Run. 1468
- — Team Trials. 764
- Mudguarding, 1484
- Nail Catchers, 1349
- Necessity for Read Lights or Reflectors, No Tool Contest, 1039
- Novel Interpretation of Competition Rule,
- — Machine Promised, 1519
- — Sidecar, A, 1010 Oily Engines, 838. 920
- Overloading, 765
- Over-zealous Policeman, An. 815 Pemy-Bal Jlill-climb. 1037
- Petrol Consumption, 764. 785, 786, 921,
- 1090,
- — Gauges, 1348
- — Price of, 765
- — Substitutes, 1121 Pillion Seats, 877, 921, 966, 981
- Power for Sidecar Work, 785. 813, 878,
- 967, 982. 1063. 1350,
- Presentation to Mr. F. Straight, 889
- Price of Motor Cycles, 786. 920, 1486
- Sidecars—
- Sinq-ip-cyiinder, 1121
- Silence, 1549
- Silencers, 966, 1272, 1435, 1468, 1484, 1516
- Silver Plate v. Nickel, 982
- Six-stroke Engine, 921 Sociable Tricar, 1010
- Home-made, 1145
- Speedometers and Wheel Sizes, 766
- Springing of Cycle Oars, 1349
- — of Motor Cycles, 1145, 1201
- Stanley-Bailey Match, 1175
- Starting with a Kick Starter, 877, 920
- Steel Pistons, 813, 877
- Substitute for Differential, 1549
- Petrol, 1517
- Suggested Revision of the Motor Acts, 1120
- Suggestion to Olympia Exhibitors, 1201
- Surface on Kirkstone Pass, 1270
- Taxation, 1121, 1146, 1175, 1306
- Ten Mile Limits in Scotland, 876
- Territorial Motor Cyclists, 1486
- The Cycle Car Nothing New, 1090
- Three-speed Hubs, 1064
- Throttle Valve Suggestion, 1271
- Tips for Douglas Riders, 814 T.T. Races (1913), 813
- Transmission, 1066, 1242, 1307, 1549
- — Question, 1467, 1487 Two-stroke Engines, 838
- Tyre Bursts on Tnree-wheeiers, 1240b, 1270
- — Care of, 1468
- — Levers, 1307
- — Makers and the AC.U. Six Days’ Trial, 785
- — Wear, 1467, 1486 Tyres, 1092, 1145
- — Suggested Improvements, 1009
- — Tyres and, 1308
- — Wear of, 1242
- Unborn Runabout, 1348, 1435, 1516
- Variable Gears, 1011
- Warning Signs, 1090
- Waterproof tllue, 981, 1011, 1037
- — Magnetos, 966 Waterproofing for Motor Cycles,
- — Machines for Winter, 1240b
- Wayside Petrol Vendors, 1092
- Wear of Bearings, Importance
- Lubrication, 1038
- Clutches, 1038 Small Engines, 1306, 1350, 1467,
- Weatherproof Finish. 1551
- Weights of Cycle Cars, 1202
- What is a Cycle Car? 1092
- Winter Riding, 1120
- Youthful Drivers and Recklessness, 920
- Licences, 1189, 1321. 1535 Light Vehicle, A, 854
- Lighting Byelaws, 1211, 1439
- Lightweight Engines, Wear of, 1280
- — Maintenance, 1372 Lightweights—
- Heavy Tyres on, 1367
- Through France and Switzerland on, Liverpool A.C.O.—
- Hill-climb at Rivington Pike, 1204
- One Day Trial, 1100, 1130
- Results, 1127
- Open Hill-climb, 1271
- Local Government Board, Compulsory
- London Registration Marks, 1129
- Longsleddle, Hill-climb, 1127
- Loss of Power, 1441
- Low, Dr. A. M., Experimental Forced Induction Engine, Invented by. 1192
- Lubrication, 853, 1038, 1456. 1512
- Forced, 1218
- Importance of, 976. 1145, 1175
- Lubricators—
- Automatic, 940
- Sight-feed, 854
- Luggage Carrier Problem. 807
- Lukin Carburetter, Experiences with a, 1373, 1549
- of Efficient Silence, 122J
- Mablethorpe Speed Trials. 1021
- Magneto Controls, 1280
- — Cut-outs, 1321
- Magnetos—
- Eisemann, Hints as to. 815
- Handle-bar Controls, 1539
- Hot Spark at Low Speed. 810
- Queries, 1106
- Timing, 769, 944. 1112
- U.H., 1366
- Waterproof, 966. 1157. 1167
- Malay States, Motor Cycles in, 765
- Manufacturers’ Union, Annual Dinner, 1431
- Marseilles Race Meeting. 818
- Martin Harry, My Most Exciting Ride, 1035
- Matchless-Jap. 1228
- Mersey M.O.C.—
- Hill-climb at. Pen-y-Ball. 1184
- Ar-??? ^n-climb, 896. 1017. 1018, 1037
- Mid-Warwickshire A.C.. Annual Reliability Trial.
- Midland Reliability Trial. 872
- Military Motor Cyclists, 894, 983. 1029, 1061, 1093, 1128. 1129. 1271. 1495, 1517
- Notes, 794. 825. 834. 900. 942. 1029, 1168
- With the Combined Armies. 1110
- Misfiring. 800, 1024. 1033, 1059, 1197
- — at Slow Speeds, 1452. 1564
- — on Pilot Jet, 1504. 1564
- Model Specification
- Models 1913, 1289-97, 1309-16, 1343
- “Motor Cycle" Buyers' Guido of. 1351-61
- Modernising an Ghl Pattern Mount. 838 Mold Fam man. Height of. 764
- Mont Ventmix Hill-climb. 818. R46, 930
- Moorhomm Memorial Fund, Closing, 1073
- Moser Twin Engine, 1365
- Motor Acts. Suggested Revision of, 1120
- - Cyclo Ohio de France, Grand Prix, 857, 989
- “Motor Cycle, The,” Buyers’ Guide of 1913 Models, 1351-61
- Motor Cycling Club
- — Eleventh Annual Dinner, 1497
- — Hill-climb and Brake Test. 897
- — London-Edinburgh Trial. 1189
- — London-Exeter and Baek. 1305
- — Run, 1468. 1493. 1523, 1552
- — Winter Run, 1180
- — Cycle for Two, 1053
- — Cyclist and the Tramp. 1538
- Motosacoche, New Model. 1142
- Mudshield, Auto-Aero. 772
- Mudguards. 1456. 1497, 1484
- Front. 1472
- My Most Exciting Ride—
- — Applebee. F. E.. 856
- — Barnes, F. W., 768
- — Collier, C.. 784
- — Harry Martin, 1035
- — Bert Yates, 835
- Mysore, Sidecarring in. 1174
Nail Catchers. 1349
Natal, Hill-climb, 1183
National Road Guards, 1247
N.O.U., Youthful Drivers and Recklessness, 920
Nearly 80 m.p.h. on the Open Road, 882
New Hudson-
Nine Months’ Experience with, 887
1913 Models. 1134
— Models, 1074, 1172
— Zealand—
Coat of Motor Cycle in. 1441
Motor Cycling in, 1485
Two-day Trials. 795
Nice. La Turbie Hill-climb. 1463, 1494, 1523
No Tool Contest, 1039
Non-stop Runs on the Road. 1462
North American Continent, Road Making in the,
— Wales, Tour on a 4 h.p. Sidecar, 1086
North-west London M.C., Annual Gymkhana,
1123 London-Gloucester Run, 1476
Norton. J. L.—
Photo, 800
Record Breaking, 1069
Novel Machine Promised, 1519
Number of Motor Cycles. 1495, 1554
— Plates, Partial Illumination of, 1180. 1431
Obstructing the Highway. Prosecution, 1072
Air-cooling and Water-cooling on Voiturettes, 1198
Air Throttle Start, 858
All-black Motor Bicycle, 1198
American Journalism, 778
Automatic Carburetters. 832
Backlash in Epicyclic Hubs, 858
Belts and Chains, 1057
Tests. 1034
Pulleys, 832
Belt Repair Kit, 858
Buying a Racing Mount. 807
By-products of the Variable Gear Boom, 975
Carriage of Spare Belts, 832
Cheap Covers, 1248
Cleaning and Springing, 1477
Clutch Control of Three-speed I-Iubs, 858
Combined Near Side Lamp for Sidecars, 975
Compound Drive, 1326
Cyclo Car Price Limit, 1198
Tourist Trophy. A. 807
Cycle Cars—
Body Balancing on, 1137
Definition of, 1137
Small Oars and, 1248
Drip Oiling and Carbon Deposits, 1326
Dulness of Average Hill-climb, 1034
Dummy Belt Rims. 975
Efficient Belt Shields, 914
Epicyclic Hubs, 1057
Exhaust Valve Lifters. 907
Experiences with Chain-driven Machines, 943
Fly-up Stands, 778
Four-speed Gears, 858
Future of the T.T., 740
Gear of the Future, 1445
Gashed Covers, 907
Genuinely Clean Crank Case, A, 1057
Handle-bar Control, 740. 1119
— Magneto Controls. 1539
Hasha. Eddie. Death of, 1119
Hosing Down, 1248
Humours of the Runabout. 1198
Keynotes of Olympia, 1445
Leaning In and Out on Cycle Cars, 1198
Life of Epicyclic Hubs. 1219
Lightweight Engines, Wear of, 1280
IhfAVtiijliiI Mnlntomumo, 1372
Luggage Carrier Problem. 007
Magneto Control*. 1200 Mcdium-powered Machine, 1210
Methods of Awarding Hjiociid Prize*, 1001
Moral of l’orlork, Tim. 1001
Mounting of Gear Boxes. 1639
1913 Carburettora, 1509
— Trials, 1509
Oil-carrier for Throe-Mpocd Hahn, 032
P rifle of Motor Cyole^. 1372
Red Tape and IHg Trials, 914
Registration, Omnibus Numbers for consultants and Journalists. 740
Right, Hide for Speedometers, 858
Runabout, An Unborn, 1280
Show Hustling, 1477
Slow Hill-climbing in the A.C.U. Six Days, 907
Small Car or Oyclo Oar. 914
Spares, Carriago of. 778
Speedometer Driving Shafts, 914
Spring Handle-bars, 1509
Steering Design, 778
Taxation, 1119
Top Tube Toolbags, 1219
Transmission Notew. 943, 1539
Two Defects of Some Repair Outfit, 1001
Tyre Bursts, 1167
Ugly Transmisflions, 1034
Useless Straps, 943
Variable Geare, 807
Wanted, Better Springing. 1477
Warning about Cycle Cars. 1001
Waterproof Magnetos, 1167
Oil-earners for Throe-epeed Hubs, 832
Oil Grooves, 800
Olympia Show 1912 1371
Accessories at the, 1286, 1300-2, 1362-5, 1427
Chain-driven Machines at the, 1374
Cycle Cars at the, 1299. 1415, 1461
Drip Oiling and Carbon Deposits, 1326 Faddist Among the Motor Cycles, A, 1455
Features, 1323
Forecast and Guide to, 1327-42
Future of, 1443
International Conference, 1432
Gossip, 1464
Keynotes of, 1445
Ladies’ Motor Cycles at, 1453
Machines at, 1464
Number of Motor Cycles at. 1459
Our Artist’s Impression. 1458
Passenger Machine and Fittings at, 1449, 1481 Third Annual, 1379. 1426
Calthorpe November 28th 1912
Centaur Nov 28th 1912, p386
Royal Enfield November 28th, 1912 p1392
Connaught 1912 Two-stroke
FN 1912
Forward Cycle Co
Gloria Sidecars
Grandex November 28th 1912, p1393
Hazlewood 1912-1913
Hobart 1912-1913
Humber at 1912 Olympia
Kerry-Abingdon 1912-1913
Levis 1912-1913
Lincoln Elk 1912-1913
LMC 1912
Matchless 1912 Models
Tourist Trophy Types, 1375
Visitors’ Grievance, 1466
On Manoeuvres, 1061 One-armed Motor Cyclist, A. 1151
One Day Autumn Trial. See Auto Cycle Union. Open 24 Hours’ Trial, 1097 .
Overalls, Deluge Suit. 836
Overheating, 1144, 1189
Overloading. 765, 132,1
Oxford M.C.C., Open Speed Trials, 873
P. and M., In the West Country on a, 1062
Device for Burning, 964
Running on, 890, 1517 Paris, Little Salon, 1524
Paris Salon-
Motor Cycles at the. 960
No Motor Cycles Exhibited. 742 - Show, 1475. 1488 1492
Paris-Lifege Run, 742. 792. 793
Paris-Nice-Monte Carlo, 1345
Parifl-Tours Reliability Trial. 1125
Passenger Motor Cycles, Accessories for, 1285
Passes of the Pyrenees, 1048
Patch Presfl, Ohemico. 836
Patents, by Eric W. Walford
Balancing Device fLilly). 802
Bat Frame. 1216
Backrest (Brooks and Morral!), 1161
Belt Fastener, 1026
Belt Punch (Shellev). 854
Belt Tensioning Device, 968
Belts, Metallic Canvafl (Ilassberger and Burnett). 1161
Canoelet Sidecar, 1161
Carburetter, Forced Feed, 1026
— Spraying Device (Austin), 802
Connecting Rod, 1190
Cycle Care. Differential Drive, 1026
Cylinder Cleaning, 1216
Decompressor, 1216
Ariel, 1190
Mechanism of, 1216
Exhaust Whistle, 1472
Frame, Anti-vibratory, 1536
— Improvement, 1472
Front Mudguards, 1472
Gears, Gradually Variable. 1026
Hub, Two-speed, 1161
Hube, Three-speed, 1161
Light Car (Vallat), 854
Lubricator, Sight-feed. 854
Motor Cycle Radiator, 1216
Oil-retaining Tappet, 968
Oil Tank, 1161
Petrol Gauge, 854 Poppet Valves, 1052
Rear Springing. 1472
— Wheel Mounting. 1536
Saddle Springing, 1052
Sidecar Clip, 968
Hhloeur Frame, 1636
Silencer. 1472
Spring Foofr<«b<, 1472
• Forks. 1472
Handh-bar Mounting, 802
- Kent Pillar 1606
Threfl-specd (fear, 968
- Hub, 1472
Two-^pecd Frce-cnglno Hub, 1062
Hear, 1506. 1536
Tyro Repair Outfit. 1161
Valve Cooling Device, 1062
Pedestrian#, (‘ureleuHn^ - <rf. 1216
Pcn-v-Ball. Climbing of, 1166
Penrith, Speed Trial- at.
Absence of. Accident, 821
Lighted by the Magneto. 923
Necessity for, 877
— Springing, 1472
— Wheel Mounting, 1536
Record Breaking at Canning Town. 1006 Records—
Australian, 1495
At Brooklands, 1376. 1523 1542
Cycle Car. 1268. 1344
End-to-end Sidecar, 991
Five Mile, 1156
French Hour. 1237. 1494
Hour, 1156, 1181
Irish End-to-end, 1128
Sidecar Track Record Lowered, 875
Single-cylinder, 1213
Standing Mile and Standing Five Miles, 990,
• X X- 1006
Registration, 1058, 1143
Omnibus Numbers for Consultants and Journalists. 740
Transfer to Wife, 1025
— of Motor Tricycle, 916
Reliability Trials in 1913. 1507, 1509
Suggestion, 1348
Repair Outfits, Two Defects of Some, 1001
Repairer Selling Parts of Machine Under Repair, „ 1107
Rex 11913). 1228a
Rims and Tyree?. 845. 888
Road Dangers, 765, 815, 1063
— Surfaces, 1027
Roads, Worst in England, 1129
Roadside Repair, A, 838
Roman Roads, Bringing into Use Again, 819
Itonteix Four-cylinder Runabout, 1320
Rotherham and District M.C.C. Speed Trials, Results. 959
Rotherham Pilot Jet Carburetter, 1002
Aldershot to Holyhead, 1243
Windermere, 1113
Bentley (Hants) to Blackheath, 1452
Birmingham to Coventry and. Brooklands, 1089
Inverness, 916
Bradford to Weymouth. 1368
Byfleet to Harwich, 1441
Camborne (Cornwall) to Ilfracombe (.North Devon). 879
Camborne-Reading-Aberdeen. 811
Cambridge to Keswick. 1106
Portsmouth. 1106
Chatham to Plymouth. 1143
Darlington-Bradford-London, 1112
Fulham to Wellington (Salop), 811
Glasgow to Leicester, 1451
Gloucester to Highbridge. 1033
Guildford to Bedford. 770
Hounslow to Newark, 944
Ipswich to West End of London, 770
Kilmarnock to Canterbury. 1032
Leeds to Grimsby and Bangor, 810
London to Constantinople, 1345
London-Warwick-Chester. 880
London to Bournemouth, 1188
Ipswich, 1188
Newcastle-on-Tyne to King’s Lynn, 810
Newcastle to Bournemouth and Back, 1025
Portsmouth to Eastbourne. 1564
Port Talbot to Woolwich 769
Stamford to Swansea. 801
Warwick to Putney Bridge, 1112
Wood Green to Folkestone, 996
Woolwich to Weymouth. 852
Rowdy Behaviour, 1100, 1120
Royal Automobile Club—
Associated Clubs’ Gala Day at Brooklands, 875
Signposting Alternative Road from Warrington to Preston, 1237
Ruby. Trial of a, 912
Rudge Cycle Car Experiments, 1209
- 1913 Models, 1194, 1195
Amateur-built, 1533
Chota. 1532
Continental, 1317
Parnacott, 1509
Ronteix Four-cylinder, 1320
Unborn, 1348, 1435
Sabella, A Run on
Saddle Springing,
Brooke, 923
Xl’all, 1140
Sehink, G.. Suicide, 1073
Scotland. Ten-mile Limits in.
Scottish Six Days’ Trial. 790,
Behaviour in the. 872
Judges’ Report. 899
Notes, 938
Resulte, 860-9
Round the Scottish Trials a»<
Seat Pillar. Spring, 1506
Second-hand Machines. 1550
Hints on Buying, 811. 1368
Points to Observe in. the Purchase of, 1367
Sheffield and Hallamshire M.C.C.—
Open Hill-’' • — -
Speed T
Sidecar Wi
Sidecars, i
Axles. 15- 3
Bat and Phoenix 7 h.p„ 1466
Bodies, 999
Baby, Novel, 835
Brakefl for. 1434
Burelto Stand, 1004
Canoelet, 1161
Channel Steel Frame, 1068
Clip. 968
Collapsable. 1220
Combined Near Side Lamp for, 975
Craven Four-seated, 1308
Decorated at a Fete. 1476
Demerara. Use in, 1146
Design. 1091
Desvarennes, Monsieur Chartier. 1036
Detachable Wheels, 846
Double-floated, 1174. 1216
End-to-end Record. 991 1018
Enfield, 859, 1028
Experiences with, 983
Fitting of, 1033
Fixing. 1537
Four-cylinder Machine, On. 801
Frame, 1536. 1563
Gloria, 1182
Holt’s Cantilever Sidecar. 1016
Hooded. 1120
Hub. Dustproof, 1060
In North wales on a 4 h.p., 1086
Jack for, 836
Lamp by Brown Bros.. Ltd.. 1004 Lights on 917. 1025. 1101. 1440
Machine for a Novice. 1025
Matchless, 1228
Mysore, Use in, 1174
New Use for, 1129
Non-stop. 24 Hours’. Run, 1462
Novel Type, 1010 I/IPQ 1470
Official Long Distance Ride. 1462, 1470
Overloading, 1072
Picnic on Sidecars, A. 815 , ,d
Possible Designs for 1914 and Onward, 1554
Postal Service, Use in. 1541
Power for, 1467
- Required for Sidecar Work’9^^9|13, 87K
Recommendation for Users. 1046
Records, 3j h.p., 1180
Safety of, 1065
Scott. 795 4
Sidecar for a Potterer, A, 801 Single-cylinder, 1121
Spindles, 1516, 1551
Starting. 1244
T.M.C. Combination, 1095 Track Record Lowered, 875. 1019 21 h.p. Sidecar. 1018
Two-<seated. 1555
Two-wheeled, and Taxation, 873 Wind Screen, 1004
Signposts, Mileage Records, 1128 Silence. 1107
Compulsory, 1221 Silencer Test. See A.C.U.
Silencers, 1079, 1138. 1164. 1247, 1272. 1435.
1468. 1472. 1473, 1484. 1516, 1512
Official Regulations, 1563
Tests. 871, 881. 966. 1033, 1128, 1239,
Silver Plate v. Nickel, 982
Single or Twin, 1032
Six Days’ Trials. See Auto Cycle Union.
Snaresbrook to York and Back, 24 Hours’ 1020,
Snowdon, Climb, 819, 840
Sociable, Home-made, 1145
Some Experiences with a 1912 B.S.A., 1048
South Africa, Motor Cycling in, 1485
Spa, Belgium, Kilometre Race, 1099
Race Meeting, Entries, 1072
Spares, Carriage of, 778
Sparking Plugs, Position of. 1143
Speed, 1521
— Gears apd, 1196
— Misfiring at, 1196
— of Motor Cycles, 1495
— Timing for, 1276
— Warnings, 1521 Speedometer, Bonniksen, 1102
— Driving Shafts, 914 Speedometers—
Right Side for, 858
Wheel Sizes and. 766
Spencer, L. W., Week-end Exploring Exmoor, Spring Frames, 1145
— Improvements. 828
Spring. Need for Improvement, 1477
— of Motor Cycles, 1213
Springbok Fork, 1366
Stands, Fly-up. 778
Stanley. G. E.—
Chat with, 1207
Dinner and Presentation to. 1236
Stanley-Bailey Match. 1150. 1211,
Starters, Waite Kick-starter. 836
Starting, 1144, 1504
— Difficulties, 1277
— on Hills, 1060
— on Stand, 1188
— Sluggish. 1107, 112
Steam Motor Cycle, 1554. 1556
Steering Design, 778
Stolen Machines, 818. 1019, 1072,
Straight, F.. Presentation to. 848.
Streatham and District M.C.C.. ~ r
Sumatra, Motor Cyclo in. 877
Suse-Mont Cenis Hill-climb. 930
Sutton Coldfield A.C.. Annual Reliability Trial.
Swift Cycle Oar, 1264-5 13°3, 1345
Switzerland, Tour in, Machine for, 810, 1436
Tandem Seat, Bradley, 767
Tank, Air Lock in the. 1321
Tappete, Oil-retaining, 968
Tasmania, Side-cars in. 1485
Taxation, 881 930. 1081 1101. 1109, 1121, 1128. 1135. 1146, 1150, 1163, 1175, 1180, 1181. 1202. 1267, 1268, 1272. 1306, 1350,
Committee’s Report, 1072
Doctors and, 1367
Exemptions, 976
Horse-power Rating. 1091
Opposing the New, 1208
Queries, 916
Taylor. Vernon, Appeal bv 1180
Territorial Motor Cyclists, 1486
Thousand Miles Unofficial Trial, 1114
Three and Four Wheels. 1555
— on, a Cycle Car, 1249
Three Precipitous Northern Test Hills, by B. H. Davies, 1245
Three-wheelers, Tyre Bur^+OI}kA124?1Ln
Throttle, Misfires Except at lull, 1440
Tilbury-Gravesend Ferry, 991
To?bayKand°L)i^triet Open Hill-climb 1071 ?TlOaceMDate%01thIrai20®aCFm’ other T.T.
news see A.C.U.
Tours— m
Continent, A Tour, on, 810
Switzerland, Tour in, 810
Transmission, 1066. 1242^^1307, ^1467.^ 1487,
Belt and Chain, 1202
Bevel Gear, 837
Combined Belt and Chain, 774, 838
Controversy, 1369
Notes, 943
Ugliness of, 1034
Trials, English and Scotch, Proposal to Combine, 1519
— Method of Finding Vinners, 1513, 1554
— in 1913. 1507, 1509
Tricar Driving, Age Limit for, 1563
— Lagonda, 921
— Rejuvenated, 1201
— Single Gear, 769
— Sociable, 1010
Torpedo-bodied, Streamline Converted, 941
Triscombe Hill, Ascent of, 833
Turin. Grand Prix, Result, 742
Twin Minerva, Timing a. 909
— Success of the, 775
Two-speed Single v. Single-speed Twin, 1451
Tyre Levers, 1307
— Solution Flask, 1004
Tyres, 1145
Bursts. 1167
Care of, 1468
Considerations as to, 1088
Double-clinch, 1068
Experiences with, 1092
Giving at the Bead, 1504
Improvements Suggested, 1009
John Bull, 1553
Lever for Removing, 1188
Liners, Advantages and Disadvantages, 852
Non-skid, Skew, 1172
Rims and Tyres, 845, 888
Steel-treaded, 1126
Tyre and Belt Tests in the Six Days' Trialt, 986
Wear of. 1242, 1466. 1486
Tyres and Nominal Horse-power, 1505
- Unofficial 1,000 Miles Trial, 1114
- Valves—
- Cooling Device, 1052
- Grinder, Reciprocating, 828
- Grinding, 917
- Lifters, Exhaust, 907
- Substitute for Grinding. 1060
- Poppet, 1052
- Position of, 1510
- Timing, 880, 1112, 1276
- Vibration, 1090
- Voiturettes, Air-cooling and Water-cooling on, 1198
- W.D., A Day on, 1078
- Wall Auto Wheel, The Latest. 1003, 1004
- Warning Signs, 999. 1090
- Warwickshire Cyclist Battalion, 1029
- Water-cooling and Easy Starting, 1144
- Waterproof Glue, 981. 1011, 1037
- Waterproofing a Motor Cycle 1479
- - for Motor Cycles, 1200. 1240b, 1349
- Waterproofs, 1083
- Waterproofs, A Week in. 978
- Weatherproof Finish. 1551
- Werners. Parts for, 854
- Wet Weather Tip. 1083
- What the .Six Days’ Trials Taught, by B. H. Davies. 970
- Wheeler, A. W., Accident to, 1181
- New Model, 1172
- Winter Riding, 1120
- - - Useful Hints, 1547
- Woolwich, Plumstead and District M.C., Interclub Competition, 789
- Yates, Bert, My Most Exciting Ride, 835
- Ye Beast of the T.T.. 1558
- Youthful Drivers and Recklessness, 829
- Zenith Improvements for 1913, 1212
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