
Juno Motorcycles

Metropolitan Machinists Co of 75-6 Bishopgate Street Without, London

  • 1890 Jan/Feb. The Stanley Exhibition of Cycles at the Crystal Palace. Illustrated.

    1891 Advert for their 'Juno' range of bicycles. Illustrated

Juno was the name given to motorcycles sold by the Metropolitan Machinists Co of Bishopsgate, London, between 1905 and 1924.

  • Machines were often built to order, and the company started out with a 3hp solo and a 3½ hp forecar fitted with Fafnir engines. Later they turned to Precision, JAP and the 269cc Villiers engines. Typical of the era, the machines had belt drive, one or two speeds and Druid forks. Because the firm was small, production was limited.

    Post World War I the company resumed again, having stopped in 1915. Production was modest and the machines were mainly built to order and to customers' specifications.

    This trend continued until at least 1924, when they were advertising a lightweight fitted with a 147cc Villiers engine, two-speed gearbox and electric lighting. By that time the company was called the Juno Cycle Co.

Engine - 2½ h.p. two-stroke Villiers, 269 c.c.
Iqnition - U.H. magneto.
Carburetter - B. and B.
Change Speed - Single-speed or two-speed counter-shaft.
Transmission - Belt.
Dimensions - Height of saddle from ground, 31in. Ground. clearance, 6½in. Wheelbase, 52in.
Lubrication - Oil, mixed with petrol.
Other Features - Druid forks.
Price - £26 5s. and £33.

Metropolitan Machinists' Co., Ltd., 248, Bishopsgate, E.C.

British Lightweights, 1914

Sources: Graces Guide, The Motor Cycle

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