IN our issue of November 19th we published details of alterations and improvements in the Velocette engine and transmission, though at the time a complete machine was not available for photographic purposes. The illustrations we are now able to publish show the neat lines of the new models. The 50x73 mm. engine is mounted in a loop frame, and the machine, which is strikingly compact and workmanlike, is chain-driven throughout. A spring drive and internal rear brake are included, and the carrier is arranged to take a special tool bag, which in no way detracts from the general appearance of the machine.
Altogether the machine gives one the pleasing idea that every part has been designed to fit in its proper place, an idea which we regret to say is only too seldom afforded by most light and reasonably priced motor cycles.
The Motor Cycle, December 1914
Veloce, Ltd., Fleet Street, Birmingham.