The 1922 Olympia Show.
Mechanical lubrication, using a crank-case sump, leaves the Velocette two-stroke a remarkably clean exterior. As may be seen, the magneto is attached directly to the crank case, dispensing with a separate bracket. (March 1922)
VELOCETTE. (Stand 129.)
Mechanically-oiled Two-stroke.
2½ H.P. Model.
63x80 mm, (249 c.c): single cyl. two-stroke; mechanical lubrication; B. and B. carb.; chain-driven mag.; 3-sp. gear; clutch and kick-starter; chain drive; 24x2¼in. tyres. Price £65.
Veloce, Ltd., Aston Manor, Birmingham.
The Velocette engine has undergone radical alterations, and substantial advances have been made in respect of power output, silence, and balancing. The chief outward indication of these improvements lies in the exhaust system, twin pipes emerging from each side of the cylinder near its base, and leading into a large transverse silencer. Great pains have been taken to make all the joints in the exhaust system both sound and oil-proof. The public performances of this engine proved that in its old form it was exceptionally efficient; next year both its power output and its road manners will display further improvement. The remainder of the machine remains practically unchanged, though the new exhaust pipes have enforced alteration of the oil filler to a more convenient pattern. The weight of the three-speed model is still well under 180 lb., the two-speed model being proportionately lighter The sports model is fitted with a close ratio gear box. The engine of the latest machine is a development of the 1922 type of racing unit.
Although Velocettes are not sold as all-weather-finish models, they are practically clear of any plated parts near the ground line, and on the touring pattern very neat aluminium leg shields can be fitted in conjunction with the foot-boards.
Olympia Show 1922
The Motor Cycle, November 30th, 1922. Page 841