...cyclists to learn that the well-known English firm, Veloce Limited, Fleet-street, Birmingham, have accomplished something in motor cycle construction that has never been hitherto attempted, and the success this firm has met with placing upon the market a reliable machine which overcomes the defects mentioned above promises to revolutionise motor cycling. For, in designing the V.M.C. engine and motor cycle, Veloce Limited have attained their object, namely, to provide a machine which can ridden and controlled in the thickest traffic without fear of damaging the gears when changing, or ruining the engine for want of lubrication. The makers have also guarded against excessive wear of belt due to small pulleys and short drive.
NZ Motor and Cycle Journal, 25th April 1912.
L. 2½ h.p. Veloce engine, showing mechanical lubricator and oil pump under crank case, also outside flywheel and overhead inlet valve arrangement.
R. The complete machine. The large diameter geared down engine pulley will be noticed.
ON a recent visit to Birmingham we accepted an invitation of the Veloce Co. to sample the running of one of their 2½ h.p. machines. The day was not auspicious, for" all the morning it poured with, rain, and in the afternoon dried up just enough to give the tramlines and setts [1] a treacherous coating of grease. However, the low build and light weight of the machine emboldened us to make a start, so the low gear was engaged and the machine given a push, whereupon the engine started to fire slowly , so slowly, in fact, that we were able to depress the gear pedal to the free engine position with great ease and then mount the machine in comfort and tuck in coat tails, etc., before engaging the clutch. The gears are operated by a rocking pedal with the left foot, pressure backwards engaging the low ratio, and forwards the high.
The Low Gear Seldom Needed.
On letting in the low gear the machine slid gently away, and after slight acceleration in went the high without a suspicion of jerk. As far as power was concerned the low gear need never have been used, but we found it a great, blessing in the thick traffic and on the greasy roads. A slight sing in the gears was noticeable but not unpleasant, whilst the exhaust and the valve timing gear are beautifully quiet.
Through seas of mud we churned our way all morning, and though the particular machine lent us was fitted up in T.T. style with only regulation width guards they were so well arranged that the mud thrown up was not excessive. In the afternoon we had a practical demonstration of the advantages of forced lubrication, for on slippery roads in thick traffic one is relieved of all trouble in this direction by an occasional glance at the indicator, we noticed two points in particular, one was that the outside flywheel permitted the engine to run very slowly, and although it revolves in a contrary direction to the road wheels the effect is not noticeable; in fact, the machine is very steady in grease. Secondly, that throughout the heavy rain there was no suspicion of belt slip, which may be accounted for by the large geared-down engine pulley. The gear ratios used were 5½ to 1 and 9½ to 1 approximately.
The Works Organisation.
On returning to the works Mr. Taylor showed us round, and we were delighted with the jigs and tools in use and the careful way in which the parts are turned out. For the present year the 70 x 76 mm. engine only, will be manufactured, but it is possible that a larger model also will be marketed in 1913. Before leaving the works in Clissold Place we were introduced to Mr. Nat Woods, of Christchurch, New Zealand, who had just placed a considerable order for motor cycles with Veloce, Ltd.
The Motor Cycle May 23rd, 1912. Page 557
The Veloce London Agency.
The Wilton Cycle Co., Wilton Road, S.W, have secured the sole London agency for the Veloce motor bicycle, the excellent running of which was lately referred to in these pages.
The Motor Cycle OCTOBER 24th, 1912
Olympia Show
A very interesting and handy-looking machine is the Veloce, which made its debut at the Show. This model also is fitted with a 2½ h.p. engine, and has a two-speed gear in the crank case, as well as a free-engine arrangement and forced lubrication. Its method of oiling is quite unique and gives no trouble. An indicator rod passing up the side of the petrol tank keeps the rider informed as to the proper flow of oil. It will be interesting to know how this little machine performs on the road. We welcome it as a very promising looking mount, and congratulate the makers on their enterprise.
The Motor Cycle DECEMBER 5th, 1912
Notes. 1. cobbled stone setts