Information on Australia and NZ Vintage, Pioneer & Antique, Touring and Racing Motorcycles including pre-war and early post-war eras
Leon Mitchel's covers some very interesting topics.
Don Cox has written Australian Motorcycle Racers In Europe In The 1950s.
Dennis Quinlan has been a household name in Australian motorcycle circles for many decades.
Murray Barnard has developed one of the most venerable motorcycle sites on the internet, which includes almost all known Australian marques.
Howard Burrows of Tasmania has a considerable collection of images posted to Flickr, some of which he has kindly allowed the use of on these pages.
Simon Fleming has built a site featuring the works of Robert Saward. It gives a list of the makes in the first edition (the second has over 500) with details of many.
Simon Fleming
Most Australian manufacturers began as cycle builders. This site has considerable background information on some of those marques.
Australasian Cycle Manufacturers' Directory
Mainly post Second World War (1955 approx.) - many of these were also motorcycle dealers/mfg.
Sydney Bicycle Dealers
Many were also motorcycle dealers.
The NZ Motor and Cycle Journal
with which is incorporated the New Zealand Wheel and Motor News.
Documents supplied by Martin Shelley
Motorcycle Riders Association South Australia
Hamilton and District V. V. C. Drivers Club
Vintage Motorcycle Club of Victoria (VMCCV)
Veteran Car Club of South Australia (VCCSA)
The club has an excellent page of resources for SA researchers. research
Terry Parker credits the club with information he has supplied.
Australia National Library
An extraordinary achievement - a great many newspapers and journals have been digitised and made searchable.
South Australia Library
Their motorcycle collection has a good many images dating back to the turn of the 20th century.
National Library of New Zealand
Libraries Tasmania
Includes newspapers not on TROVE