J.A.P. Motors to order. Singles £53
Twins £65. Any machine part payment.
"Ideal" Motor. 29 Victoria Avenue Albert
Park. Phone 10.178.
Winner Wed 21 Apr 1915 (Trove NLA)
Weekly Times, 26 February, 1916 p. 41. (Trove NLA)
Illawarra 1903-1905 (N.S.W.)
Invincible-JAP 1922~1928
Iris 1922~1928
Manufactured by Ixion Cycle Works, 116 High-street, St. Kilda, Melbourne, 1912~1916.
In Last Twelve Months.
(portion omitted)
Our Motor Cycles to order, with Precision, Japs., Fafnirs, Peerless Engine, or order. Famous as our racing bikes. Cut this out; and remember when ordering next machine for that extra burst of speed, it must be an Ixion. Special price for cash sales in new districts. Catalogues. 116 High-street, St. Kilda.
The Age, Mon 6 Jan 1913. (Trove NLA)
The firm was still trading in bicycles until at least 1925.
Rarer Australian Marques