Australian Motorcycles

Invincible-JAP Motorcycles

Marketed by Turner Bros & Co., 343 Swanston Street, Melbourne 1922~1928

The machines were built by Firth Bros. Fitted with JAP 4½ h.p. singles and 770cc and 1000cc V-Twin engines driving through a Burman gearbox. The forks were made similar in style to those of Henderson and Excelsior, and the machines had a rear brake which was operated by the left foot with the clutch actuated by the right. There was no front brake. Saddle tanks were from Edwards Brothers, and the saddle was by Messenger.

Leon Mitchel owned one for some time and said he had a love/hate relationship with it. The controls were not on the positive side of that equation.

The firm also built Turner motorcycles from 1914 to 1919, and built machines for Carbine (Melbourne) from 1914. They acquired the Carbine firm in 1922.

The Gard Brothers were agents for South Australia.


"Invincible J.A.P." Models

A new 6 h.p. and 8 h.p. motor cycle evolved in Australia is the Invincible J.A.P., constructed from all-British materials. The builders of this machine have embodied a number of fitments similar to American big-powered cycles, and the design of the whole frame is modelled after them.

J.A.P. engines have been installed in the 4½, 6, and 8 h.p. models. The gearbox is the British Burman, with plate clutch, and the change is of gate pattern fitted to the tank, and so arranged that it is impossible to overrun the neutral. The twist grip control is a feature, also the big forks, and the 28 x 3 wheels, equipped with hubs for heavy service. The tubing used in the frame construction is Renold's heavy gauge reinforced, and the engine clearance is six inches.

The production has been manufactured for Australian conditions. Messrs. Gard Bros., of Gouger street, whose policy has always been 'British first,' have secured the local agency.

Trove NLA: The Mail (Adelaide) Sat 27 Oct 1923 Page 27

Turner Bros, 343 Swanston street, have a big display on Stand No 15 of Invincible-JAP machines of 4 ½, 6, and 8 h.p., the two more powerful being ideal for combination work with sidecars of the Goulding type. On the same stand there are models of Douglas machines - the well-known 2 ¾ h.p. and 3 ½ h.p. models, with horizontally opposed twin cylinders, a speciality with manufacturers of this machine. One of the more powerful mounts is a TT model, and a special design of brake to each wheel.

Melbourne Motocycle Show 1924
Trove NLA

Sources: Leon Mitchel,; Saward (via Simon Fleming); Trove NLA; Australia Post.

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