Dalwood Bros
Dalwood Bros were located at 66 Regent St. Sydney from around 1913 (name only in Dec 1913, no details). The firm was still at this address in 1926, using the name R.C. Dalwood. By this time motorcycles rarely featured in advertisements.
Saward dates them as 1916 or earlier, mentioning Precision and JAP engines.
MOTOR CYCLES for Sale, Twin and Singles, Side Cars.
Dalwood Bros., 66 Regent St. Sydney.
The Sydney Morning Herald Wed 21 Apr 1915
Source: Trove NLA, Simon Fleming.
Manufactured in Victoria in 1905, powered by an Antoine engine.
Source: Simon Fleming
G.W. Davidge Saddlery Motor & Cycle Works of Narracoorte, South Australia, built bicycles to which engines were attached in 1913-1916.
In 1916 they were agents for Excelsior motorcycles, and advertised "Motor Cycles and Pushbikes built on the Premises."
Narracoorte Show
...Mr. G.W. Davidge, of Narracoorte, made a splendid display of harness and leatherware on a stand outside the pavilion. The exnibit comprise! light and heav. harness, riding saddles, and stable requisites, all characterised by excellent finish. The "Davidge" saddles, for riding and breaking, were much admired by visitors on the ground, Mr. Davidge also showed motor and free-wheel bicycle, the latter built by the firm on the premises and bearing "The Davidge" name.
The Narracoorte Herald (SA) Tue 6 Oct 1914
Bicycles were still being advertised in 1924, but the Davidge motorcycle appeared to vanish around 1919.
Source: Trove NLA
Davies-Franklin 1904~1913
Davis Bros of South Australia built motorcycles named Davis-Jap and Davis-Forward in the years 1914-1916. They also built bicycles and advertised the "Davis Standard Model Cycle". Their address was Payneham Road St. Peters (or Stepney). Stepney and St Peters are adjoining suburbs of Adelaide.
They may also have had premises at 196 Rundle St. Kent Town, about 3km from Stepney.
Source: Trove NLA
In 1910 Jack Day of Victoria built a motorcycle using an air-cooled V8 engine in a Chater Lea frame.
Source: Simon Fleming
Di Pietro
Ccompressed air engine
399 Sayers Rd, Hoppers Crossing,
Victoria, 3029, Australia
Website: engineair.com.au
FB: FB.com/engineair.com.au
Gordon in WA are listed as dealers, not manufacturers. However, the make is only mentioned in 1922, with Gordon as the seller. Nothing in the years before or after, and nothing in other states. WA registration records show two machines registered, both in 1922.
Sunday Times Sun 9 Apr 1922 (Trove NLA)
"Dojabout" £60. Easy terms [??] and any trial given. GORDON CYCLE AND MOTOR CO., Excelsior House. [??], Perth and at Kalgoorlie.
The West Australian Sat 20 May 1922 (Trove NLA)
Registration records:
Dojabout Reg# 1060 Metro Motorcycle 1922-23
Dojabout Reg# 996 Metro Motorcycle 1922-23
Dowell 1913~1916 (Bendigo, Vic.)
Rarer Australian Marques