Bendigo Motor Cycle Depot, High and Short streets.
Dowell Motorcycle may refer to a JAP racer frequently mentioned, but there is no mention of the Ballarat firm offering its own brand of motorcycle.
Frequently spelled "Dowel", there is no mention of the firm in the press prior to 1913. The workshop was damaged by fire in January 1917, and the contents of the store were advertised on Jan 13th for auction in Bendigo.
"Mr. R. Dowell, the local representative of Mr. E. W. Brown, of Melbourne, is exhibiting single and twin cylinders E.W.B. motor cycles, and also Rudge, Humber and King Dick motor cycles." Oct 1913.
"Bendigo Motor Cycle Depot, High and Short streets. At the same place is also on view the
J.A.P. motor cycle, on which Mr. Dowel has put up remarkable time records. He has for sale a few
second-hand machines, almost new, for which easy terms can be arranged."
Bendigo Advertiser Sat 6 Jun 1914
Source: Trove NLA
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