Rex-Acme Motorcycles

Rex-Jap Motorcycles

Rex-JAP were motorcycles produced from 1912 to 1916, by the Rex firm of Coventry, and sold by the Premier Motor Co of Birmingham.

They produced a range of singles and V-twins using JAP engines in their existing frames. To begin with the machines had two-speeds and belt drive, but by 1914 there were only V-twin engines, but with three speeds and all-chain drive.

A shaft-driven model was announced in the press towards the end of 1914 but it seems unlikely this progressed past prototype stage.

They continued production until 1916, but the marque did not re-appear after the war.

    1. Post-WWI the firm amalgamated with Rex-Acme.
    2. The Rex Dirt-track of 1929 also used the JAP engines.


The Premier Motor Co., Aston Road, Birmingham, has constructed a most substantial Colonial model. The crank case clearance is no less than 5½in. and 28in. wheels shod with 3in. tyres are fitted. The spokes, hubs, and other parts are finished black, the object being to reduce the number of plated parts to a minimum. Quick detachable chain cases with each segment made inter changeable are supplied. The kick starter is contained in an extension of the gear box, which is of the countershaft type, and the gear lever is provided with a gate change having a positive stop for each position. Altogether this seems to be a most suitable machine for Overseas requirements.

The Motor Cycle, November 19th, 1914.


THE Premier Motor Co., Ltd., of Aston Road, Birmingham, are continuing, for 1915, the two models which they have listed during the year now concluding. These are both twin-cylinder machines, being fitted with 6 h.p. and 8 h.p. J. A. P. engines respectively. With the exception of the engine both machines are absolutely identical, and very few alterations have been made, since the 1914 models have given such satisfactory service.

Both machines are fitted with a counter-shaft three-speed gear, closed chain drive. and kick starter. The gear ratios are 4½, 8, and 13 to 1, but for the commercial car which the manufacturers list, lower ratios are recommended.

The design of the gear box casting has been altered so that the kick starter is included in the gear box instead of working in a in a bracket bolted to the engine, as has hitherto been the practice followed by the makers.

A larger plug for inserting oil is now fitted. Attention is also drawn to the strength of the steering head, which is made in one piece. Standard tyres are 650x65 Kempshalls. but 28in. x 3in. wheels are also fitted.

A commercial sidecarrier has been standardised. It has been made to the order of the Motor Carriage Co.

The Motor Cycle, December 17th, 1914.

Sources: Graces Guide, The Motor Cycle