There should be no doubt about the silence of the Matchless single; the silencer is as big as that on the sidecar outfit.
Range of Big Sidecars extended by Solo Medium-weight. A New Sports Twin.
MOST of the big sidecar specialists are turning towards the light solo machine as an addition to their range for the 1923 market.
In this class the Matchless concern must now be included, after long absence from the smaller solo field. The new model is engined by a 349 c.c. Blackburne side valve unit.
A Sturmey-Archer three-speed gear box, including clutch and kick starter, is fitted, and a drawbolt for the purpose' of front chain adjustment is provided. And in this connection it must be pointed out that engine, gear box and magneto are assembled in a special cradle, which can be handled as complete unit.
Above the gear box is the M-L magneto mounted on a sliding platform and provided with a suitable adjuster for the purpose of taking up any slack in the magneto chain.
Points of convenience have been carefully studied, kneegrips being fitted as a standard, and an excellent all-metal tool box situated on the rear of the carrier and fitting practically flush with the top thereof. A Webb brake is fitted to the front wheel and an internal expanding brake to the rear wheel, while the Binks two-jet semi-automatic carburetter forms part of the standard equipment. If desired, a Lucas Magdyno can be provided at an extra cost. Both wheels have voiturette rims carrying 650x65 mm. tyres, and the weight is 220 lb., price £72 10s.
One new twin cylinder model will be introduced, to be known as the super-sports model J, equipped with a 976 c.c. Super-sports J.A.P. engine, Sturmey-Archer three-speed gear box, clutch and kick starter, and 700x80 mm. tyres.
The other Matchless models will remain practically unaltered; all will be fitted with the standard Matchless three-speed gear box.
Small improvements have been made in the sidecars, there now being side shields to the windscreens, while a spring catch is fitted to the scuttle dash. Prices of 1923 Matchless machines range from £110, 976 c.c. J.A.P. or M.A.G. solo to the luxurious model H with two-seated sidecar and J.A.P. or M.A.G. engine at £160 10s.
The Motor Cycle November 16th, 1922. Page 708
The latest big twin Matchless which is of the "sports" type, and has a shapely saddle tank.
The 1922 Olympia Show.
Solo Models Introduced.
8 H.P. M0DEL.
85.5x85 mm. (976 c.c.); twin cyl. four-stroke; side valves; drip feed lubrication : B. and B. carb.; chain-driven mag.; 3-sp. gear; clutch and kick-starter; chain drive; 26x3in. tyres. Price: Solo, £115.
H. Collier and Sons, Ltd., Plumstead, London, S.E.18.
To solo riders one of the most interesting machines in the Show is the 976 c.c. J.A.P.-engined solo Matchless. The engine, despite its size, looks extremely neat, the tank concealing a twin top tube an arrangement which adds considerably to the appearance of the machine while the knee grips are secured by concealed screws to the side of the tank. Very heavy mudguarding is employed, with ample clearance between the tyre and the guard. The chain is partially protected, and the wheel hub carries a gear for the speedometer drive.
No less than eight variations of the side-car outfit occupy the stand. They vary from a sports model with a particularly neat form of carrier to the rear of and above the sidecar, to the latest and most comfortable type of touring vehicle, which has a windscreen with a side panel, a cape hood, and every known accessory which could assist or make more comfortable the occupants; it is listed at £175.
Finally, there are two examples of the new 348 c.c. solo Matchless, which uses proprietary components - Blackburne engine and Sturmey gear box - in a distinctive manner. On one the electric equipment is the new Lucas Magdynette.
Olympia Show 1922
The Motor Cycle, November 30th, 1922. Page 858