The company was founded in 1899, and their factory built around 600 motorcycles during the 1920s at 25 Rue de Fontainebleau, St Etienne. The city of St. Étienne was for many years the centre of the French bicycle industry. Their bicycles used the Svelte marque and motorcycles of that name were also produced, see below.
La Panthère
In 1924-1925 the firm marketed their motorcycles as La Panthère, and they used a very similar logo for their SMAC-branded motorcycles.
The B2 used an LMP 250cc two-stroke engine. Other models used engines from Villiers and Zurcher.
There is some discussion as to whether the 1904 Peugeot-engined Panthere on display at the Collection de Maurice Chapleur is from SMAC.
S.M.A.C. built bicycles and motorcycles named Svelte.
Their 1936 catalogue listed a Model 100 velomoteur along with 175, 250, 350 and 500cc motorcycles. For the first few years they used Zurcher engines, and after 1931 almost all of their motorcylcles used Favor engines.
In the early 50s they listed a rigid-frame running a 70cc Alter two-stroke engine.
Sources: La Moto Francaise, advertising literature, Bourdache p440, correspondence, et al
For other makes using the Panther and similar names see Disambiguation
Mon Dec 12 2011
poncet.herve at
SMAC La Panthere
SMAC La Panthere Motos de Saint-Etienne (France)
Ou avez vous pris ces infos nombre de motos ainsi que SMAC travaillait avec l'Allemagne ?
Vous confondez la marque la panthère avec Panther
Smac (Société Manufacturière d'Armes et Cycles)
était une entreprise situé 25, rue Fontainebleau à Saint-Etienne.
Fondée en 1899 par la société veuve Bloch et Lévy.
Fabricant des cycles Svelte et des motos la panthère. (motos à moteur Villiers, LMP, Zurcher)
Cette entreprise n'était pas un fabricant à part entière mais un assembleur de ces motos.
A Saint-Etienne, il y avait des entreprises comme Paya (AYA) , GAM etc ... qui fournissaient cadres, réservoirs, moyeux de roues etc...
Alors je pense qu'il y a aucun rapport avec l'allemagne ou l'angleterre.
A bientôt
Rough translation:
Where did you get this number of motorbikes as well as SMAC working with Germany?
You are confusing the brand with Panther
Smac (Société Manufacturière d'Armes et Cycles) was a company located at 25, rue Saint-Etienne at Fontainebleau.
Founded in 1899 by the remnants of Bloch and Lévy.
Manufacturer of Svelte cycles and La Panthere motorcycles which used engines from Villiers, LMP, Zurcher
This company was not a manufacturer but an assembler of motorcycles.
In Saint-Etienne, there were companies like Paya (AYA), GAM etc. ... which provided frames, tanks, wheel hubs etc., So I think there is nothing to do with Germany or England.
Wed Mar 04 2009
ben.wieringa at
la pantherre ( smac) type B2 framenr [frame nr.?] 305
An other model of the french panther
Model B2
engine LMP 250 cc ts
Mon Nov 03 2008
laurentmartinaud at
Smac La Panthere
Bonjour je recense les modeles Smac envoyez numeros de cadre et moteur
Thu Oct 09 2008
hennermayer at
S.M.A.C. La Panthere
s.m.a.c. la panthere s.m.a.c. la panthere
i have pictueres of two other models of french panther. i want to get in contact with owners of pictuers or motorcycle itself.
Karlsruhe Germany
October 2008
Hello. Iv found older brother my SMAC-Panther in Barcelona- model
T-1.Owner-Jesus Sola.Gretings
Mon Sep 22 2008
bjrustic at aoldot com
P&M Panther - SMAC licence
Hi, I am the author of The Panther Story - (P&M/Panther). The SMAC-Panther isn't a British P&M/Panther design; it may however be a German Panther design. I very much doubt P&M would have entered any licencings agreements.
Best wishes,
Barry M Jones
Wed Aug 27 2008
czypor at
S.M.A.C St. Etienne 175cc 1924-25?
Panther? S.M.A.C
Who know this motor
There is an image of a panther on the tank, with S.M.A.C. St Etienne underneath it. Ed.
hello.all my informations are only from old mann from France when he sold his mtorcycle. In the 1924-25/two years/ this model was produced under Enlish/Panther/ licence in St.Etienne. There was produced about 600 motorcycles.On
the benzin tank there is a part of adress this fabric or garrage- St.Etienne 25 rue de Fog....? I'm not sure but i think S.M.A.C -its name of firm whitch produced this France version English Panther.I think it was only
assembled in St. Etienne of Engish parts-most of thread are no metric,carburettor -BHAM England AMAC Ltd,tyres -England,I live in Poland and internet it's single my way to find information about my motor. I its single
in Poland i suppouse mayby single in the world? greetings .
Sept 08
Hello. I've found younger brother of my motorcycle on The Panther Page Non-P&M Panthers, on the end of page -France/. There is also S.M.A.C but its too small foto to read all letters on the fuel tank. This motorcycle was
build in 1927 ? -it looks yonger , but technical elements looks like from one mother. France Panther on the fuel tank is rather sliping /like my/.I,m waiting to get into touch with his owner . greetings.
Here is completly adress - "younger brother"
If you have a query or information about S.M.A.C. motorcycles please contact us