
Motor Manufacturing Co - MMC

Motor Manufacturing Co of Coventry

Successor to the Great Horseless Carriage Co

MMC were the initials of the Motor Manufacturing Co of Coventry, after the restructuring of Lawson's companies. They made motorcycles at the Motor Mills, from 1898 to 1904, and supplied engines to a number of other manufacturers.

1898 January. Company registered.

1898 At the 1898 Motor Show (Stanley) they exhibited a 'Sandringham' model with an engine by George Iden the Works Manager. It had a silent worm gear, and final drive was by a centrally placed chain.

Production began in 1898 with MMC tricycles and copies of the De Dion engine. These were used by the British Army in the Boer War. They also advertised the Motocyclette, with the engine over the front wheel, which it drove by belt.

They did not produce complete motorcycles for long, but engine manufacture continued into the next century.

1902 May. Roger W. Wallace replaced J. H. Gretton as chairman in an effort to resolve the financial problems.

1904 June. The company went into liquidation.

Their buildings were sold to Daimler for £14,000.

Related to Motor Castings Co.

Reports from the 1903 Stanley Show

The Motor Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

This important exhibit will as usual occupy an important position and create great interest. First in order comes the M.M.C. 2 ¾ h.p. bicycle motor, with automatic inlet valve, loose head, and cylinder. This is the motor which has probably won more races, hill climbs, and reliability trials than any other. For 1904 the 2¾ h.p. bicycle motor will have a mechanically operated inlet valve, loose head and cylinder, and will be supplied with and without high tension magneto ignition. This pattern, in addition, can also be fitted with a head and cylinder in one casting. For forecarriages, sidecars, and where great power is required, the 1904 water cooled M.M.C. 4 h.p. bicycle engine has been specially designed, and will be found on more than one manufacturer's stand throughout the two shows. No motor cyclist or manufacturer should miss this exhibit.

The Motor Cycle, November 18th, 1903. Page 797
Stanley Show 1903

The Motor Manufacturing Co.'s exhibit at the Stanley includes the M.M.C. 2.75 h.p. bicycle motor with automatic inlet valve, loose head and cylinder.

The 1904 2.75 h.p. bicycle motor with mechanically operated inlet valve, loose head and cylinder with and without high tension magneto ignition.

The 1904 2.75 h.p. M.M.C. bicycle motor with mechanically operated inlet valve, head and cylinder in one casting, no collonettes, with and without high tension magneto ignition.

The 1904 water-cooled M.M.C. 4 h.p. bicycle engine, designed specially for fore and side-carriage work, trailers, small boats, small cars, suitable also for many other purposes.

The 8 h.p. M.M.C. single cylinder engine, water-cooled, cylinder and head in one piece.

The two-cylinder water-cooled 10 h.p. M.M.C. engine.

The four-cylinder water-cooled 20 h.p. M.M.C. engine.

The well-known 8 h.p. M.M.C. car complete and a well-finished chassis of same type. Accessories, etc.

The M.M.C. engines have proved so successful during the past season, due to excellent workmanship, that this exhibit should prove most interesting.

Motorcycles which employed MMC engines include:

Source: Graces Guide

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