Speedy lines are attained in the 749 c.c. Bradbury sporting sidecar outfit.
Many changes, including a new frame, have been made in the smallest model.
Old-established North Country Make Thoroughly Modernised for Next Year.
AFTER many years honourable existence as a sturdy and reliable but not particularly handsome motor cycle, the Bradbury, in all its forms, has undergone a veritable transformation for next year.
It now compares favourably in the matter of appearance with anything else on the. market, and recent records at Brooklands prove that sheer slogging capabilities are not its only commendable attribute.
Three Main Models.
Three main models are offered, all side-valve four-strokes; a 350 c.c. single; a 554 c.c. single; and a 749 c.c. twin. In each case the engine is of Bradbury design and manufacture; in fact, except the gear box of the 350 c.c. model (a Moss three-speed), the whole machines are produced in the one factory.
Chain transmission is employed throughout, light guards only being fitted in every case.
Each model is available as a sidecar outfit, but the big twin machine becomes a particularly attractive solo mount when turned out to a sports specification. A new frame of graceful design, well-curved exhaust pipes terminating in an aluminium silencer at the rear, and foot-rests instead of footboards, combine to make this model attractive to the most fastidious speed man.
Internal Expanding Brakes.
Internal expanding brakes on both wheels is a commendable feature of all the Bradburys for next year.
The makers are Bradbury & Co., Ltd., Wellington Works, Oldham.
The Motor Cycle November 16th, 1922. Page 708
The Olympia Show, November 1922.
BRADBURY. (108.)
Three Sturdy Four-strokes.
6 H.P. Model.
74.5x86 mm. (749.75 c.c); V twin cyl. four-stroke; side valves; drip feed lubrication; B. and B. carb.; chain-driven mag.; 3-sp. gear; clutch and kick-starter; chain drive; 26x2½in. tyres. Price: Solo, £95: with sidecar, £122 8s.
Bradbury and Co., Ltd., Oldham.
The Bradbury twin (750 c.c.) sports model has quite recently broken records at Brooklands, and this machine deservedly holds pride of place on their stand at Olympia, for its general lines are extremely attractive, and it at once commands the attention of those who are seeking a high-powered mount which shall not at the same time be excessively heavy. It is difficult to say exactly how the makers have achieved comparative lightness with this model, but a glance followed by a brief test with the hand suffices to show that they have succeeded, in that without sacrificing solidity.
2¾ H.P. Model.
74.5X30 mm. (350 c.c.: single cyl. four-stroke: side valves; drip feed lubrication; B. and B. carb.; chain-driven mag.; 3-sp. gear; clutch and kick-starter; all-chain drive; 26x2 5/8in. tyres. Price: Solo. £65.
The medium-weight 350 c.c. single-cylinder machine is also an attractive general-purpose mount. It is shown fitted with Moss three-speed gear and all-chain drive, and a feature that will not escape the notice of practical long distance tourists is that 2 3/8in. section tyres are standardised instead of the too common smaller size.
The new 554 c.c. single-cylinder model is similar in general specification to the smaller machine. In all cases internally-expanding brakes are fitted to the front wheel, and Druid front forks are employed. A large silencer is provided so that these machines should run very quietly, and the frames in each case afford a low and comfortable riding position, whilst the centre of gravity is sufficiently well forward to provide easy steering.
Olympia Show 1922
The Motor Cycle, November 30th, 1922. Page 830
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