An entirely new Bradbury model, fitted with engine of 80 X 99 mm. = 986 c.c.
Six Models, Four Sizes of Engines; Next Year's Programme at Oldham.
FOR 1922 the Bradbury range is to include an 8 h.p. twin outfit of new design. As will be seen from the accompanying illustration, it is quite a handsome mount - an enlarged edition of the well-known 6 h.p. model with the exception that the seat tube is approximately vertical. The Bradbury three speed gear box, with cork inset clutch, is used, and the wheels carry 28x3 in. tyres.
The 6 h.p. model is practically unchanged except for minor refinements, which remark also applies more or less to the other models. These include three 2¾ h.p. machines and a 4 h.p. single-cylinder sidecar model. The engine dimensions, weights and prices are as follows:
The MotorCycle, November 17th. 1921.
Olympia Show Report
With the introduction of a 996 c.c. Bradbury twin, the 1922 range bearing this old-established name is very complete. Engines and gear boxes (when fitted) are all of Bradbury manufacture. Chain drive cia a three-speed box is now incorporated in all the larger models,- i.e., the 554 c.c. single and the 750 c.c. and 996 c.c. twins, which make sturdy sidecar machines of good performance. The 2 ¾ h.p. solo or light sidecar machine may be obtained either single-geared or with a two-speed box with or without clutch and kick- starter. Final drive in this case is by belt. An M-L Maglita, to the single, or a Lucas Magdyno to the twin, may be fitted optionally. Well-balanced lines lend the 6 h.p. Bradbury an imposing appearance.
The three 2¾ h.p. machines vary only in respect of the gear box. The first model is single-geared and has no clutch, the second a plain two-speed gear, and the third two speeds with hand control clutch and kick-starter. The latter two are priced at £75 and £80 respectively. All have chain-cum-belt transmission, but the three larger models are chain-driven.
The MotorCycle, November 24th 1921
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