The journal for all Hurley-Pugh Enthusiasts,
people who know what a proper motorbike is
Issue 7 - Christmas 1998
Finally - the issue that they wouldn't print!!!
- The Zeglie-Hurley-Pugh: The
testing of the holder of the pre-war land speed record.
- "A Word": The Board
of the Grand Lodge of the H-PEC, in secret session, has met to
consider the latest pernicious attempts by Aliens and Philistines
closer to Home to subvert the Graet Marque and the Founders'
- Tales from the shed: From the
Christmas workbench of "Brown Overall". Where questions
about the restoration of the lacquer finish on auxiliary pannier
petrol tanks, the porpoise skin covering of the folding
umbrella and the Pughmatic Petroleum Monitoring System
are answered.
- Pughcheer to One and All: A
Christmas greeting from the Board and High Council of the Grand
Lodge of the United & Consolidated Chapters of the Hurley-Pugh
Enthusiasts' Club, (Graet Britain, Colonies & Empire)
Back issues
Issue 1 - June 1997
Issue 2 - July 1997
Issue 3 - August 1997
Issue 4 - September 1997
Issue 5 - October 1997
Issue 6 - November 1997
("The Fettler" issues 1 to 6 originally appeared in Motor Cycle International. All material is copyright "The Hurley-Pugh Owners & Enthusiasts Club"). |
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