Quadrant Motorcycles

Quadrant Motorcycles for 1909

Quadrant Motor Co., Ltd.

Earlsdon, Coventry. Stand No. 109.

The Quadrant motor-bicycles have been but little altered for the coming season, except in one important respect, and that is the engine. This has been entirely re-modelled, and contains some very excellent features. In some respects it closely resembles a motor car engine, except that the crank-shaft lies transversely of the frame instead of longitudinally; but there are two valve boxes, one for the inlet and the other for the exhaust, arid each is operated by its own geared- driven shaft running in an oil bath. The gear wheels including that for the magneto, lie in separate casing, which is here at the side of the engine corresponding to the forward position in a car. The main crank case is cast is box form. one side only being detachable. The exhaust valve is front, and the exhaust box is arranged close to the front of the engine. The inlet valve is at the rear, and behind it are the magneto and the carburetter, the latter above the former. The throttle is controlled by a lever on the handlebar. The mixture is regulated by a slide on the carburetter, and one tank filling is usually sufficient for the day's run. The tappets are adjustable, and the lubrication is so arranged that the partial vacuum in the crank case draws the oil through the bearings. For the rest, the machines are complete with petrol gauges, spring front forks, and concealed pump, and one of the machines is shown fitted with a side car. The Company are in favour of supporting agents, to whom they refer all inquiries. Their object is to do a wholesale, not a retail, trade.

Stanley Show 1908
The Motor Cycle, November 1908.