Omega Motorcycles Coventry

Omega Motorcycles 1914


THE Omega two-stroke, which is manufactured by W. J. Green, Ltd., at Croft Road, Coventry, has undergone several important modifications, and the latest model is a most taking mount. The 345 c.c. engine has a bore and stroke of 76 x 76 mm., and has been redesigned in several details with the view of increasing its efficiency and life. A special roller bearing big end, the outer cage of which, formed by the end of the connecting rod, which is, of course, hardened and ground, allows the crank case to be narrowed considerably, and higher crank case compression is employed

The shape of the piston baffle has been modified and three rings are fitted, the centre one being used to lock the gudgeon pin. Oil is led direct into the inlet port from a neat little adjustable drip feed, and the release valve is connected directly with the exhaust pipe. The fittings throughout are very well carried out, and the rounded sides of the petrol tank lend a very smart appearance to the machine.

In spite of the 26 X 2in. wheels, girder Druid forks, stout stand, carrier, and mudguards, the complete machine is very light, and we are told that 130 lb. includes a two-speed counter-shaft gear. We were particularly pleased to notice, that a large pan saddle is included in the specification. The handle- bars, too, are wide, giving a comfortable riding position.

As regards gears, either a two or three-speed countershaft box may be obtained, but even the single- geared model is very flexible and a sound touring machine for moderately hilly country.

The Motor Cycle, November 5th, 1914. p599

Engine - 3 h.p. two-stroke, 344 c.c.
Iqnition - U.H. magneto, chain-driven.
Carburetter - B. and B.
Change Speed - Toroga two-speed, 5 and 10 to 1.
Transmission - Belt and chain.
Dimensions - Height of saddle from ground, 30in. Ground clearance, 5¼in. Wheelbase, 48in.
Lubrication - Oil mixed with petrol.
Other Features - Druid forks. Semi T. T. bars.
Price - 36 guineas.

W. J. Green and Co., Omega Works, Coventry.

British Lightweights, 1914