Also from Germany is this Fulda-Mobil 3-wheeler which was exhibited by Elektromaschinenbau Fulda Gmbh., of Fulda at the recent Frankfurt motor show. It has an electric starter for the two-stroke Sachs engine of either 360 or 175 c.c.
Built in Northern Ireland under licence.
A Brief History of the Marque
Manufactured Fulda, Hessen, Germany 1950 to 1969
Carl Schmitt, Elektromaschinenbau Fulda Gmbh
Designed by Norbert Stevenson, the Fuldamobil had rack & pinion steering, hydraulic brakes and independent suspension. Baker & Pölling engines were fitted but these proved problematical and were replaced in mid-1952 with Fitchel & Sachs 360cc two-strokes. In early 1953 F&S 175cc engines became optional to address licencing restrictions for over-250cc vehicles.
Early models were three-wheelers with a vinyl covering over a wooden frame, later replaced with a structure built from pressed aluminium alloy panels which led to the nickname "Silver Flea". This 4-wheeled model was much lighter and sported a more modern F&S engine, whilst retaining something of the appearance of a 3-wheeler due the close spacing of the rear wheels in a manner similar to that of the ISO-designed BMW Isetta.
Production ceased in Germany in 1969. In total, some 400 of these microcars left the factory.
The Fuldamobil was built under licence in a number of countries:
Fuldamobil-Nobel, Chile.
Nobel, Northern Ireland and Turkey.
Greek brands Attica and Alta both produced the vehicles, and both varieties were powered by Heinkel 198cc two-stroke engines.
In Argentina it was marketed as the Bambi.
A Dutch company built a Fuldamobil branded Bambino.
A firm in India produced one named the Hans Vahaar.
In Sweden the King company of Helsingborg built three-wheel versions initially named Fram King Fulda (FKF), the name being changed to King after a complaint by the bearing company SKF.
Norway built the Nobel Viking.
Sources: Wikipedia,, et al.
A comprehensive article on the Fuldamobile may be found at
Hi, I am Tony Marshall. I am researching and collating material for a book (my second) on microcars. I am including the British Nobel, but for background information I would very much like the loan of some pictures of German Fuldamobil cars (and their derivatives in other countries), especially if I could have permission to reproduce pictures in my book.
Details of anyone (English speaking?) who might have personal reminiscences of the Fuldamobil factory would be great, too. Does anyone looking at this website have anything suitable? I would be very grateful for help to make the book as accurate as possible, and contributors would receive acknowledgement in the book, of course.
Tony Marshall -- MMarshall23 at compuserve dot com