The SÉE Motor Car Supply Co., London
Paris-Madrid Type, 1904
Diploma of Honour, Paris Exhibition, 1900
Winners of both Criteriums for Motor Cycles in 1901 and 1902.
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41 rue du Bois, Levallois-Perret
Founded on June 15, 1899. Became Lamaudiere & Mauger in 1903, moving to rue Danton, Levallois-Perret. (An unidentified model has "59, Rue Rivay, Levaliois-Perret, (Seine)" on the fuel tank.)
Born in 1869 in Montluçon, Paul-Jules Labre entered the family carpentry business and became interested in the development of machinery for the factory, and in 1897 built his first motorcycle. This was constructed in the manner of the Werner machine, with the engine above the front wheel. His second attempt placed the engine in a more central location, giving better stability and easier control.
The machine was presented at the Salon du Cycle in December 1898.
Labre and his brother Francois sold the family business and established a new one to deal in bicycles, motorcycles and automobiles. They were joined by Eugene Lamaudière, who injected a substantial amount of capital into the venture.
They had orders aplenty, but lacked the resources and tooling to manufacture in quantity and could not adequately cater to the burgeoning market. The firm entered liquidation on December 18, 1900.
Lamaudière took control and formed a new company, Lamaudière et Mauger.
Labre rode his machine in the world's first motorcycle race in July of 1899. He was doing very well before a collision with a dog dashed his chances. Similar races were held in the following years and the Labre machine "won both Criteriums for Motor Cycles in 1901 and 1902". A 1904 model was named the Paris-Madrid Type, indicating success in that event.
Their 1901 120cc model had battery ignition, with the engine as a stressed member of the frame directly above the pedal crank. It is covered on page 111 by Bourdache, as mentioned in the catalogue for the Guélon Collection auctioned in February 2018.
The following model had a 277cc engine with spray carburettor.
The company closed in 1907, as did many other during the economic slump of 1907.
The Lamaudiere Motor Bicycle,
This motor cycle, which has an excellent reputation both on the Continent and in England, will be exhibited by the Sée Motor Car Supply Co., of Oxford Circus, W. It is of 2½ h.p., and having a free engine it is claimed that it is as easy to drive in the busiest traffic as on the quietest roads; the engine being constructed entirely of steel is therefore very strong and light, and cools instantly. Indeed, the makers inform us that even when running at 2,000 revolutions per minute the engine does not get hot, and there is no smell whatever. This same firm is also making and supplying the Samson-Hutchinson patent non-skid unpuncturable leather bands, about which such favourable reports have come to hand lately. Specimens of these to fit both motor cycles and cars will be on show at this stand.
The Motor Cycle, November 1903
Stanley Show 1903
Le moteur représenté à part (fig. 58 et 59), est disposé dans l’axe du tube central du cadre, qu’il remplace même sur une certaine longueur ; son cylindre à ailettes de refroidissement mesure 65 millimètres de diamètre intérieur, la vitesse normale de rotation est de 2000 tours par minute, la puissance développée est d’environ 90 kilogrammètres par seconde, enfin l’ensemble ne dépasse pas 8 kilogrammes de poids. Le fonctionnement du moteur s’effectue, bien entendu, suivant le cycle à quatre temps; le volant de régulation, au lieu d’être enfermé dans un carter, tourne librement à l’extérieur ; le graissage est automatique et la commande de la soupape d’échappement est effectuée par un procédé nouveau, fort ingénieux, supprimant les engrenages intermédiaires.
The motor, shown separately (fig. 58 and 59), is arranged in the axis of the central tube of the frame, which it even replaces over a certain length; its cylinder with cooling fins measures 65 millimeters in internal diameter, the normal speed of rotation is 2000 revolutions per minute, the power developed is approximately 90 kilogrammeters per second, finally the assembly does not exceed 8 kilograms in weight. The operation of the engine is, of course, carried out according to the four-stroke cycle; the regulating flywheel, instead of being enclosed in a casing, rotates freely on the outside; the lubrication is automatic and the control of the exhaust valve is carried out by a new, very ingenious process, eliminating the intermediate gears.
Continued: Graffigny Ch. VI, pp 105
1. Bourdache pp 98-102, p111 and many other pages.
2. Yesterdays NL, who credit Patrick Delmont, Les Frères Labre
odd.jarle.lovold at vegvesen dot no
We just got in this motorcycle to our museum in Norway.
I found something almost like this Labre Lamaudiere in your site about French Motorcyckles.
Do you have any idea what model this is? All we know is that the owner in middle of 40's was rebuilding it with a gearbox and other modifications.
The engine is marked with Lamaudiere no529, and it should be a very low production number?
Cannot find any number on the frame.
I hope you can help or can give me any contact-information to someone who maybe know more?
Best regards!
Med hilsen
Odd Jarle Løvold
Statens vegvesen Transport og samfunn
Norsk vegmuseum, Norsk vegmuseum fagavdeling
If you have a query or information about these veteran French motorcycles please contact us