A motor cycle built for two - the Pullman model Coventry Eagle, fitted with the standard 250 c.c. Villiers engine
The arrangement of the chassis of the new Pullman model. Note the rear-wheel springing and the large cast-aluminium silencer at the bottom of the front down members.
STAND 31: “Pullman” Two-seaters Arouse Great Enthusiasm: Pressed-steel Frame Models with Super Silencing Systems
Coventry Eagle Cycle and Motor Co., Ltd., Bishopgate Green Works, Coventry.
"M.10 Pullman" Model. 249 c.c. single-cyl, two-stroke Villiers, petroil lubrication: flywheel
magneto ignition; all-chain drive; 4-speed gear,
with foot control.
Price with electric lighting (solo), £44 2s.
THE outstanding motor cycle on this stand—and one of the most novel in the entire Show —is the new “Pullman” two-seater. It is a plucky attempt to break away from the commonplace; but its novelty is not achieved at the expense of utility. This machine is thoroughly practical in every way, and represents a real effort to produce a silent motor cycle.
From this point of view alone it deserves attention, but the whole design bristles with invention, the object of which has been to provide a machine that shall be capable of accommodating two persons comfortably and to give lasting service with ease of maintenance.
The “chassis,” which is exhibited, reveals the unusual construction of the frame and the thorough silencing methods.
There are three different engines available—two Villiers two-strokes, and an overhead-valve Blackburne, all of 250 c.c.
“M.3 Silent Superb” Model.—249 c.c. single-cyl. two-stroke Villiers; petroil lubrication; flywheel magneto ignition; all-chain drive; 3-speed
gear, with hand control; fuel, 2¼ gals.; 25x2.75in. tyres.
Price, with electric lighting (solo), £27 10s.
The “Silent Superb” is now almost too well known to need description. There are several editions of it with varying engine capacities and equipment, but the main design is followed in every case. It is, of course, chiefly noteworthy for its pressed- steel frame construction and complete silencing arrangements.
The 1935 Olympia Show reported in The Motor Cycle, December 5th, 1935.