They were made in Germany to the British style and were sold initially by the South British Trading Co of Wilson Street, Finsbury, London. The company later changed its name, and the address became Bishopgate Street Without, London.
1903-1905 The early machines were typical primitives, fitted with a Belgian 2¾ hp FN engine, belt drive and unbraced forks. They had contracting-band brakes on both wheels. The earliest model was soon joined by a 3½ hp single and a 5hp 45° V-twin Peugeot engine. Front suspension with Truffault leading-link forks was an option for all.
1906 Magneto ignition was fitted as standard, and that year also brought a two-speed rear hub with chain drive from the crankshaft.
1907 After much promotion for competition, a VS was entered in the first TT. Billy Wells came second in the twin class.
1908 Early in the year came more success in a private match race at Brooklands - the first ever two-wheeled event on the track. Oscar Bickford came second on his Vindec Special with its Peugeot V-twin engine.
1909 The range comprised 3½ hp singles and V-twins of 5hp and 7hp. They advertised as the Vindec Motor Cycle Co., of the same address. Later in the year they changed the name to V. S. Cycle and Motor Co., in Great Portland Street, London, to avoid confusion with the Vindec name used by Brown Brothers.
1910 The range continued with the use of European engines - the 3½ h.p. single from Peugeot or FN and the 5hp and 7hp v-twins from FN. They all kept the Truffault front forks, but many of the other fittings were now British.
1911 Only the twins were offered.
1912 There were further changes when the agent became Martin Geiger, still in Great Portland Street. The engines became 6hp or 8hp JAP V-twins.
1913 Peugeot engines, in 3½ hp single and 7hp V-twin forms, returned to join the JAP ones.
1914 Business was declining and ceased in that year.
Report from the 1903 Stanley Show
The Vindec 5 h.p. Twin-cylinder Motor Bicycle, automatic valves and spring forks.
The South British Trading Co are exhibiting at the Stanley, and will show the Vindec Rapid motorcycle, a new machine possessing a number of novel features. The F.N. engine and carburetter are used. The engine is 2.75 h.p., 70 mm. by 80 mm., set vertically in a specially constructed frame built to stand vibration without weakening the joints. The forks are very substantial, being continuous with the handlebar, thus making breakage at this point impossible. A novel hinged rear mudguard greatly facilitates the removal of the rear wheel. The cylinder of the engine is designed to give great radiating surface, particularly around the inlet and exhaust valve. Another special feature is the tank, which is so constructed as to contain separate compartments for the petrol, lubricating oil, accumulator, and coil, each compartment being a complete structure in itself, thus making leaks or rattling impossible. Both front and rear band brakes are fitted on the hubs. The levers which actuate both brakes also either cut off the electric current or lift the exhaust valve before applying brake. The machine will he sold at a popular price entirely through the medium of cycle agents, exclusive agencies being granted for specified districts. Unless otherwise specified, the Palmer motorcycle tyres will be used. In addition to the above there will be shown a large variety of accessories, Fisk motor tyres and Lobee circulating pumps.
The Motor magazine, 18th November 1903
The Vindec 5 h.p. Twin-cylinder Motor Bicycle, automatic valves and spring forks.
The Vindec motor bicycles have proved reliable and strongly built machines by reason of their consistently good performances in open competition. Several highly finished models were on view at the Stanley, one having chain drive and a two-speed gear. As mentioned last week the chief alterations are lower frames and 26in. wheels, and with long handle-bars should give a more comfortable riding position. Yet another model of these excellent machines has made its appearance.
This is a V twin-cylinder motor bicycle. The angle at which the cylinders are set is about 45°, and each cylinder has a bore and stroke of 70 by 86, the power developed being about 5 h.p. All the well known Vindec points are to be found on this machine, such as Truffault forks, the stand which allows the rear wheel to be taken out while the machine is still jacked up, and the swinging mudguard, which, when unhitched, exposes the rear tyre. Only one wire is used on the machine, this being a necessity, since it is used to work the front brake, the front wheel being on springs. Rods control the rear brake and exhaust lift.
The general appearance of the machine is most attractive; the frame is well designed, and the handle-bars look particularly comfortable. The future models of this machine will, we understand, have magneto ignition. In addition to the 3½ h.p. single-cylinder machine, and the 5 h.p. double-cylinder bicycle, the 2½ h.p. model of lighter weight has been retained. The two-speed gear recently introduced by the South British Trading Co., which we described in full in our last issue, is put into operation in the following manner. A long lever situated on the tank when pulled back gives the free engine position; when pushed forward it locks the whole gear, thus giving the high speed. Another lever applies a band brake to the drum on the rear hub, and brings the low gear into action. (See page 1004, Nov. 20th.)
THE South British Trading Co. Ltd., 13-15, Wilson Street, Finsbury, E.C., send us a photograph of their 5 h.p. twin-cylinder Model G light touring motor bicycle, which has been introduced in response to a demand from a certain class of riders for a light, short wheelbase machine for use in hill climbing competitions, etc.
The frame is of the same strength as the ordinary Vindec, and to reduce the weight pedalling gear has been removed and footrests substituted. These latter are adjustable forwards and backwards, and have pedals for the feet to rest upon. The riders say they find these footrests are more comfortable than a fixed arrangement which does not conform to the motion of the rider's ... The lever brake and lever exhaust ... have been dispensed with, and a Bowden wire exhaust lifter and front rim brake substituted. The foot brake for the belt rim is retained. The machine exactly as illustrated, with 2 in. Clincher A Won tyres, weighs ... lbs.
We are asked to state that prompt delivery of this model can at present be made.
Although this is an ideal mount for the purposes for which it has been introduced, as stated above, riders who desire a comfortable touring machine would be well advised to invest in the heavier pattern.
The Motor Cycle March 27th 1907.
Vivian Olsson, 7 h.p., two-speed geared V.S. and Mills-Fulford rigid sidecar being checked in at Land's End by timekeeper D. K. Hall
MR. VIVIAN OLSSON, with Mr. Charles Talbert as passenger, has succeeded in establishing a motor bicycle and sidecar record from John-o'-Groat's to Land's End. The machine used was a 7 h.p. twin-cylinder two-speed V.S., and the sidecar a Mills-Fulford fixed wheel. Mr. Olsson prepared for this record in a very systematic way. He chartered the services of a timekeeper, D. K. Hall, who gave the word to start at 1.35 a.m. last Thursday, and also travelled to Land's End to check the rider at the finish and examine the seals around the cylinders and frame which he had fixed at the start. These were found to be intact. Mr. Olsson had a supply of postcards on which were printed the following :
Mr. Vivian OLsson and Mr. Charles Talbert arrived here at .......... and left at ...
Riders' signatures ............
Witnesses .........
Dated this .... day of August, 1909.
These postcards, duly signed, we began to receive immediately after the start, and thereafter they arrived regularly, showing the excellent progress being made by the record breakers.
Dingwall was reached at 8.25 a.m., Blair-Atholl at 2.10 p.m., and here a thirty-five minutes' stop was made. At 10.15 P.M. Lanark was reached, the riders resting here until 2.30 a.m. Friday. Pressing onwards Carlisle was the next stopping place, the time of departure 7:30 a.m., ... and a thirty minutes' stop was made.
The journey's end was reached at 6.49 on Saturday evening, the total time elapsed since the departure from Land's End being 65h. 14m. The motor bicycle ran with great regularity. Two punctures were experienced in the back tyre, and the operating rods for the low gear were adjusted once. The sidecar attachment gave some trouble, on account of the bolts supporting the front portion shearing twice. The first time the passenger just saved himself from going out backwards. With the exception of some rain near Denny, the weather was perfect during the whole trip. Up to the present there has never been an attempt to establish a Land's End to John-O'-Groat's passenger motor cycle record, so that Mr. Olsson may feel proud that his first attempt has proved so entirely satisfactory. His average speed, including all stops, was between fourteen and fifteen miles per hour.
The Motor Cycle August 10th, 1909. Page 604
Sources: Graces Guide, The Motor Cycle
Tue Feb 24 2009
masonc at
Vindec Special 1904
Can any one tell me an approximate value of this old motorcycle. It
is in original condition and been well looked after.
New Zealand
[The Vindec-Special was a German Allright rebadged for the English market and made from 1903 to 1914. Source: Henshaw]
Thu Sep 27 2007
donald at donaldhadendot com
South Africa road race 1907
Vindec Special
Placed 3rd in Witwatersrand Motor Cycle Club annual race.
Rider B Rosenburg.
Ist and 2nd places were Haden New Comet Do you have any more info?
If you have further information or a query related to this page, please contact us