
Royal Sovereign Motor-Bicycles

London Machinist's Co of 119 High Street, Kingsland, London

Royal Sovereign motorcycles were produced between 1903 and 1904.

1903 An extended frame was used, fitted with a 2¼ hp Minerva engine. The frame had members running either side of the crankcase on the crankshaft line, curved down-tubes and curved seat-tubes. This primitive machine also had rigid forks and belt drive.

1904 A 3hp forecar was available and this was also listed as a tricycle. The make was very short lived.

Report from the Stanley Show 1902

Stand 64.

The London Machinists Co., Kingsland.

This firm show the Royal Sovereign motor-bicycle, built throughout in their factory at Kingsland. The engine, which is vertical, is contained in a horizontal loop, to which it is securely bolted. The forward part of the loop is brazed to the main down tube, whilst the back part forms the bottom bracket. Surface carburetter, silent exhaust, and one lever controls the valve lifter and advance sparking. The wheel base is extra long, and a very steady machine is thus secured

Motor Cycling, 26th November 1902

Source: Graces Guide

N.B. There was a Kingsland motorcycle built in 1902, also of Kingsland, London.