
Clement Motor Bicycles

Clement motorised bicycles were produced from 1922 to 1924, by Mr A. Clement of Regent's Park in London.
They are not related to the Clement-Garrard

Of Belgian design, it was originally manufactured in Germany.

    The Belgian designers London address is 26, Albany Street, N. W. l, but the manufacture. so far, has been carried out in Germany. The Motor Cycle, August 17th 1922.

    1922 By the middle of that year, the Clement was brought to the British market. It was a miniature with open frame and four-stroke ohv engine fitted in front of the frame downtube and the pedalling bracket. Because the weight was carried low, the Clement was workmanlike and stable. The tiny engine was 63cc maximum, and was in-unit with a reduction drive gear of eight to one. It had an outside flywheel and carried its magneto upturned under the rear of the unit. It had chain transmission and a special butterfly-choke carburettor.

    1923 A sports model was listed and a miniature was entered for its class in the Grand Prix de l'Auto, at the Parc de Princes, Paris.

    1924 During that year there was a dispute over the British manufacture of the design, when there was an announcement that it would be built by Jennen Engineering of High Holborn, London, under the name of Wren. Clement contested the claim and managed to retain his interest, so the Clement continued under that name. Retailing went to James Grose, a large retail outfit on Euston Road, London, (who also retailed the Grose-Spur) and the firm began to trade as The Clement Motor Company. Different options were introduced and there was talk of increased engine capacity, but the marque quietly disappeared.

CLEMENT. (Stand 181.)

Only 43 c.c. Capacity.

¾ H.P. Model.

35x45 mm. (43 c.c); single cyl. four-stroke; overhead valves; splash lubrication; gear-driven mag.; single-sp.; chain drive; 28xl¾in. tyres. Price £24 3s.

A. Clement, 26, Albany Street, London, N.W.1.

The smallest engine in the Show is fitted to this motorised bicycle, a Belgian design assembled in this country. The cylinder is an exact model of that on the Gnome aeroplane engine, and is a special attraction to model-makers. The machine itself is little more than a pedal cycle with a fork employing a leaf spring. That the engine is of the high-speed type may be judged from the fact that the gear ratio is 12 to 1, with which it is capable of maintaining an average speed of 24.56 m.p.h. The makers hold an A.C.U. certificate showing that on an observed test covering 59 miles this speed was accomplished, and also that the machine, with a 159 lb. rider, ascended Hindhead without pedal assistance. "Ten miles a penny" is one of the claims made by the manufacturers. A lady's model is also shown, and is priced at one guinea extra. A special racing model is also on view, with dropped handlebars and wooden rims. Its weight complete is but 38½ lb.

Olympia Show 1922
The Motor Cycle, November 30th, 1922. Page 845

Source: Graces Guide

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