The Laver motorcycle was built in Port Pirie, South Australia around 1906 using a Minerva engine and BSA chassis components.
Laver's Motor Garage, Port Pirie, c.1906
Images courtesy Terry Parker.
The following is a list of local businesses sold during the last few days by Mr F. P. Blight: Growden's cycle and motor works to Mr W. E. N. Laver...
Port Pirie Recorder and North Western Mail Wed 10 Jun 1908 (Trove)
Growden Motorcycles
Though the somewhat rough and ready annexe was not an attractive setting, the exhibit from Laver's Motor and Cycle Works was one worthy of more than a passing glance. The five machines displayed were all manufactured at Mr Laver's Alexander St establishment, as one might gather from the engraved trade mark, a capital "L" and a horse shoe intertwined. Among the bicycles was a Laver path racer, while a conspicuous feature was a photograph of a local athlete, Mr S. Konn, winner of the Demonstration Wheel Race. Owing to pressure of work the proprietor was unable to exhibit any new cars or motor cycles, though the very fact that he is unable to keep a permanent stock surely says more for the quality of work produced than any number of unsold samples. The only motor cycle on view was one built by Mr Laver for Mr J. Bottrall two years ago, which still shows but little sign of the constant use to which it has been subjected. In awarding the whole exhibit a prize the judges complimented both the builder and present owner on the cycle's perfect state of preservation. Mr Laver has recently moved into commodious premises in Alexander Street, where, with more room, better appliances, and a staff of experienced assistants, he is prepared to cope with all the demands of cyclists and motorists.
Petersburg Times Tue 13 Oct 1908 (Trove)
Wm.E. N. LAVER, Cycle Agent
The principal cycle agent in Port Pirie is undoubtedly Mr. Wm. E. N. Laver, whose well-stocked premises adjoin the Exchange Hotel in Ellen-street. Intending buyers could not do better than call on the proprietor, who is an exceedingly energetic and popular business man, and inspect his fine range of Massey Harris machines. The reputation of this cycle is world-wide. They are built to last well, look well, run well, and keep running well; also the grade is higher than the price asked. Mr. Laver makes a speciality of repairing work and does a large share.
Another thing, he is a thorough mechanic, and is able to satisfactorily undertake any small engineering johs. The stock of accessories is a large and useful one, and the prices are reasonable. There are many second-hand machines on view at low prices, so those not desiring to pay a good price for a good machine like the Massey Harris, can be suited in other makes. He is a fair dealer. and residents can't do better than favor Mr. Laver with their patronage.
Source unknown
"IMPROVER to Cycle Trade. - The Laver Cycle and Motor Works Alexander Street, Port Pirie."
Port Pirie Recorder and North Western Mail, Sat 9 Sep 1911 (Trove)
In 1924 the firm advertised "Florence-St, Port Pirie, Dodge Bros. District Agency."
Sources: Trove NLA; Terry Parker; et al.
Terry Parker's email included an excerpt from a forum post which reads:
"Hi Brian, Yes, William Edgar Norman Laver ran a cycle shop in Ellen Street, Pt Pirie. He exhibited cycles at their shows and in 1907, the LAVER motor, which is the
dark picture. I have a (not much) better copy on which the name on the tank can be seen. It is a magneto model Minerva motor, Eisemann low tension. The
attached suggests it used BSA frame fittings. We think he built only one, and sold it to Joseph Bottrall of Pt Pirie who registered it 165. The second later photo is too
fuzzy to read the number, but it might be a Rex. Best, TG."
If you have a query or information about this Australian machine please contact us