Australian Motorcycles

Cyclone Motorcycles

Cyclone Factory, Launceston, c.1913

"Cyclone Cycle and Motor Factory, Pfundt & Higgs Proprietors"

Manufactured by Pfundt & Higgs
31 Cameron Street, Launceston, Tasmania, 1913~1918

The Cyclone was powered by Precision engine built by F.E. Baker and imported by Healings of Melbourne, who very possibly supplied the frames and running gear also.

The article below includes the phrase "Mr Baker, the engineer responsible for its manufacture, paid a special visit to Australia to gauge the needs locally."



A stand which should prove a strong attraction to cyclists and motorists at the Elphin Show Grounds to-day is that of the Cyclone Cycle and Motor Company, situated in the main avenue next to the refreshment booth. Though the firm is but new to the Launceston public, both the principals are well known in connection with the bicycle business. Mr H Higgs, being an expert, the repairing department will be in capable hands, and Mr F. Pfundt's long experience as a rider on road and track should bring valuable experience to bear on the manufacture. which of necessity, would tell in favor of reliability and utility in these machines Their display will please any who are on the look-out for first-class workmanship and finish in cycle building, the models being the latest 1913, and mechanism as perfect as latest scientific test can make them. As they stand in bright array the different coloring of the enamelling shows out in striking contrast. In this department this firm's work is guaranteed to stand comparison with the very best English, their special process ensuring absolute immunity from rust. To come more especially to the lines shown, the following brief mention may suffice to indicate some of the leading items.

The Cyclone Racing Machine, fitted with B.S.A. parts throughout, well finished ; a beauty and a marvel at £16

Gents' B.S.A., fitted with Eadie free wheel; a marvel for value, £12 10s.

Model "E" literally the working man's bike, strong, compact, durable, guaranteed for two years, and only £7 10s!

The Cyclone "Precision" Motor Cycle exhibited will compel admiration, it having been constructed especially to suit Tasmanian road work. It is fitted with a 4 1/2-h.p. engine, in connection with which it may be mentioned that Mr Baker, the engineer responsible for its manufacture, paid a special visit to Australia to gauge the needs locally. The "Precision" is the outcome! The cost of this complete machine is £65.

With this firm safety in construction is a first consideration, and even the cheapest (as in all their machines) is fitted with the B.S.A. fork blades, rendering every bicycle turned out of their workshops absolutely safe. The workshops of Messrs. Pfundt and Higgs, which are situated at 31 Cameron -street, are fitted with all the latent appliances for catering for the cycle and motor cycle trade, including electric power, and a competent staff is employed. Terms can be arranged, if desired, to suit clients.

Daily Telegraph (Launceston) Wed 8 Oct 1913 (via Trove)

Sources: Trove NLA, Howard Burrows.

If you have a query or information about this Australian motorcycle please contact us