Alldays & Onions Motorcycles

Alldays & Onions 1902-1903

71. Alldays and Onions, Birmingham are showing a motor-bicycle and a couple of the "Travellers" which have proved so popular. The engine of the motor-bicycle is of 2 h.p., and is placed vertically just in front of the crank bracket. The petrol tank is of special design. A spray carburetter is employed, and the transmission will be by means of a flat belt. The Traveller is a three-seated car, two seats at the back and one in front, wheel steering, electric ignition. Four h.p. engine, with water-cooled head, syphon circulation. Two speeds are provided, together with a reverse, the gearing being on standard lines. Speed from 4 to 20 miles an hour is possible. Ample strength is provided in all working parts, the axle especially being 1¼ in. thick, running on ½in. balls. The inlet valve can always be seen working, whilst it can be bodily removed without touching the induction pipe. Every part is most readily accessible. With upholstered body, the price is £150, and, with open tubular frame seat, £142 10s. The weight of the former is just over five hundredweight, and of the latter just under. Ample brake power is provided.

1902 Stanley Show in Motor Cycling, November 26th, 1902. Page 275

Alldays and Onions

A most interesting exhibit of their new pattern motor cycles, some of which have forecarriages attached. Alldays are also showing their latest pattern "Traveller." There are many special features and inventions throughout this exhibit. The bicycle motor is made wholly by Messrs. Alldays and Onions, and all parts are interchangeable. The frame is designed with a special cradle (registered) for carrying the motor in an upright position.

The tank has compartments for two accumulators, coil, lubricating oil, and sufficient petrol for one hundred and sixty miles. A float register is provided, and is always visible; for showing the quantity of petrol in the tank. The weight of the machine complete does not exceed no lbs. The machines fitted with forecarriages are strongly built, and a specially designed frame is constructed for carrying a well-finished and smartly upholstered bucket seat. The "Travellers" will be shown in two styles, viz., one with seat for two passengers at the back, with a box in front for luggage (the box is detachable and can be replaced by a seat for one passenger), and the other fitted up for three passengers. The speciality of these machines is their hill-climbing capabilities and their economical and inexpensive up-keep.

Stanley Show 1903

N.B. Minor spelling errors in the orignal have been corrected.

Report from the 1903 Stanley Show

Messrs. Alldays and Onions will have an interesting exhibit of their new pattern motorcycles and fore-carriages at Stand 95, Stanley Show. They are also showing their latest pattern "Traveller Voiturette." The motor-bicycle is made throughout by Messrs. Alldays and Onions, and all parts are interchangeable. The frame is designed with a special cradle (registered) for carrying the motor in an upright position. Lugs are provided on the crank case which correspond with faces on the cradle, and are securely held by four bolts. This invention affords great strength to the frame and rigidity of the motor, and obviates the necessity of clamping to or bending tubes. The tank has compartments for two accumulators, coil, lubricating oil, and sufficient petrol for 160 miles. A float register is provided and always visible for showing the quantity of petrol in the tank. The weight of the machine complete does not exceed 110lbs.

The machines fitted with fore-carriages are strongly built, and a specially designed frame is constructed for carrying a well-finished and smartly upholstered bucket seat. The "Traveller Voiturette" is one that particularly appeals to the man of moderate means.

If you have a query or information about Alldays & Onion or Allon motorcycles please contact us