German Motorrad

Walmobil Three-wheelers

Manufactured by Walter Loebel Maschinenfabrik, Leipzig & Dresden, 1919-1921

A single seat three-wheeler with a sidecar-like body, the small V-twin engine was mounted above the front wheel which was driven via cardan shaft. A beam extends from the steering head well into the body and has a steering device which is not described but possibly acts in steering wheel fashion; alternatively the beam would be shifted from side to side for steering, making tighter turns rather awkward.

Front suspension is by leaf spring leaving one to wonder at the operation of the cardan, and both rear wheels had cable actuated brakes.

Loebel's firm re-located to Dresden in 1920, and then moved back to Leipzig later that same year. They ceased production in 1921.

Carl Otto Landgrebe designed the Walmobil. He left the firm in 1921 and developed the vehicle further in Dresden. Later Universelle of Dresden built a Lastendreiräder (cargo tricycle) designed by Landgrebe.

Sources: motorrä, Automobilia 85-45

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