Grandière, rue J. Rimbaud, Villeneuve-le-Roi, fitted with a Vimer engine in front of the crankset of a bicycle with a reinforced frame. The tank was housed between the seat tube and the rear mudguard, and a housing protects and cools the engine.
Quatre modeles de cyclomoteurs chez Grandière.
Le plus original d'entre eux est celui dénommé ‹ Cyclo-Scooter caréné »,
moteur Le Poulain- 85 cmc., fourche avant télescopique, suspension arriére
oscillante roues 18 x 2.50, 2 freins
tambours, 2 vitesses par dérailleur.
Four models of mopeds at Grandière.
The most original of them is the one called "Caréné Cyclo-Scooter",
Le Poulain engine - 85 cmc., telescopic front fork, swinging rear suspension, 18 x 2.50 wheels, 2 drum brakes, 2 gears per derailleur.
Sources: VELO Moteurs No 9 Octobre 1950 (Belgium), et al