Austrian Motorcycles

ÖWA Bicycle Engines


ÖWA Steirische Motorenwerke, Graz

ÖWA-HJULET AERIOLA, Regeringsgatan 5, Stockholm.

Manufactured in the 1920s under licence from the Austrian Motoren Werke Arsenal, the 83cc ÖWA Hillfsmotor was built in the 1920s. The Austrian factory apparently burned down early in the piece, and the remaining stock was bought by Aeriola of Stockholm. They did not buy the patent, however, and the machines were subsequently manufactured under the name Austro-Motorette.

Sources: veteranmopeder.com; mo-ped.se

Omkring 1926. Hjälpmotor som var monterad på vänster sida av framhjulet och drev på framhjulets nav. En planetväxel växlade ner motorns varvtal till framhjulets. Klafftändning i cylindern och lågspänningsmagnet i svänghjulet. ÖWA förgasare. Hjul, bensintank, reglage och förstärkning för cykelns framgaffel saknas. Cylinder/motornummer 3079. Encylindrig luftkyld tvåtaktsmotor, cylindervolym 83 cc Cylinderdiameter: 51 mm. 2 hk vid 3 500 varv/minut Högsta fart 40 - 50 km/timmen

Circa 1926. Auxiliary motor which was mounted on the left side of the front wheel and drove the front wheel hub. A planetary gear reduced the engine speed to that of the front wheel. Flap ignition in the cylinder and low-voltage magneto in the flywheel. ÖWA carburettor. Wheels, gas tank, controls and reinforcement for the bike's front fork are missing. Cylinder/engine number 3079. Single-cylinder air-cooled two-stroke engine, cylinder volume 83 cc Cylinder diameter: 51 mm. 2 hp at 3,500 rpm Top speed 40 - 50 km/h

Produktion - 1926 — 1929

TILLVERKARE Österreische Werke Arsenal

Source: digitaltmuseum.se TEKS0029948 CC BY 4.0.

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