January 17th

    17th January 1949

The first example of the Vincent Black Lightning was despatched to Cimic in Buenos Aires, Argentina. This is perhaps unsurprising as Phil Vincent lived in Argentina before attending boarding school in England.
Vincent Black Lightning

    January 17, 1967

Motocross Grand Prix World Champion Donny Schmit is born in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Donny Schmit

    January 17th, 2019

UCLA Semel Institute Neurobiological Study Shows Benefits of Motorcycle Riding. In summation:

Riding a motorcycle decreased hormonal biomarkers of stress by 28 percent

On average, riding a motorcycle for 20 minutes increased participants' heart rates by 11 percent and adrenaline levels by 27 percent - similar to light exercise

Sensory focus was enhanced while riding a motorcycle versus driving a car, an effect also observed in experienced meditators vs non-meditators

Changes in study participants' brain activity while riding suggested an increase in alertness similar to drinking a cup of coffee
UCLA Neurobiological Study