Italian Motorcycles

Altea Motorcycles

A Brief History of the Marque

Made in Via Brioschi, Milan, from 1939 to 1941 by Alberico Seiling (who previously worked with MAS engineering the Harlette), the Altea had a unit-construction 198cc four-stroke OHV engine and cantilevered rear suspension.

Altea 1939
Altea 1939

Alberico Seiling, born in Bavaria, after selling MAS to Anthony Guidetti founded a new motorcycle called Seiling which was soon renamed Moto Altea, between 1938 and 1939. The production included a model with rear swing arm and central spring under the seat, and another model with rigid frame. Seiling was Italy's general representative for Max Turkheimer, the Italian importer of Ariel.

Motociclismo magazine, in its issue of January 5, 1939, published a very detailed article on the Altea which noted the availability of the rigid frame model but focused almost exclusively on the rear suspension model and all the images are of this model, undoubtedly more interesting to readers of the magazine at the time of publication.

The motorcycle in question, with a displacement of 196cc, is still quite well preserved, and apart from the main stand (perhaps not original) is not too shabby, the motor turns freely and it has good spark. The Burman OJ gearbox is fitted with foot-change Velox, but originally the machine had a hand-operated transmission lever mounted on the tank.

In 1941 Seiling designed and built an interesting engine; the Delta is a twin-cylinder 750 cc overhead valve unit for industrial use and for motorcycles with sidecars. The engine did not go into production, and the company ceased trading in 1941.

1939 198VT Specification

MOTORE: SEILING, monocilindrico verticale 4 tempi, alesaggio 62 mm., corsa 65 mm., valvole in testa con aste e bilancieri completamente racchiusi, punterie facilmente accessibili e rapidamente registrabili con la semplice rimozione del coperchietto protettivo. Testa fusa assieme al cilindro, biella su cuscinetto liscio tipo automobile, pistone in lega specialee

CARBURATORE: DELL'ORTO a due comandi per aria e gas, studiato per un basso consumo

LUBRIFICAZIONE: forzata con pompa ad ingranaggi, completamente immersa. Usare OLEOBLITZ Sport semidenso

ACCENSIONE: magnete dinamo rotativo BOSCH ad alta tensione

CAMBIO: BURMAN a3 marce, comando a mano a mezzo di praticaleva al serbatoio. Frizione a dischi multipli a secco, comando da leva al manubrio

TELAIO: F.I.T. interamente in tubi dí acciaio trafilati a freddo. Sospensione elastica brevetto SEILING. Forcella posteriore fissata anteriormente al telaio su perno lavorante su cuscinetti a sfere registrabili, molla particolarmente robusta e registrabile inserita tra forcellone e parte rigida del telaio: questo sistema nella sua estrema semplicità assicura grande durata, una stabilità assoluta, una riposante andatura di guida. Cavalletto centrale, portabagagli ricavato nello stesso telaio, parafanghi di moderno disegno avvolgente

SELLA: DE STEFANI, elastica, larga, indeformabile

RUOTE: cerchi a canale, raggi rinforzati. Gomme MICHELIN 25x3 (19x3.00)

SERBATOIO BENZINA: in lamiera di acciaio, largo bochettone, tappo cromato a chiusura ermetica. Capacità 9 litri circa; consuma un litro ogni 40 Km. circa

FRENI: a larghi tamburi, anteriore azionato a mano, posteriore con comoda leva a pedale

TRASMISSIONE: catena REGINA EXTRA tipo rinforzato, primaria completamente racchiusa da carter in alluminio e lubrificata, secondaria protetta da carterino in robusta lamiera

IMPIANTO ELETTRICO: completo di: faro originale BOSCH a 3 luci, batteria a secco, fanalino di targa e catarifragente

FINITURA: accuratissima in nero a fuoco, filettatura in oro. Manubrio, tubo di scarico e silenziatore fortemente cromati; parti in alluminio lucidate

ACCESSORI: dotazione in apposita borsa, pompa per pneumatici

VELOCITĂ: 75 Km/ora


NOTE: prezzo Lire 3800. Lo stesso modello viene prodotto a telaio rigido a Lire 3400. Rappresentante per l'Italia: MAX TURKEIMER & C. via Lanzone 22 MILANO

ENGINE: SEILING, 4-stroke vertical single cylinder, 62mm bore, 65mm stroke, overhead valves with fully enclosed pushrods and rocker arms, easily adjustable by simply removing the protective cover. Head cast integral with the cylinder, connecting rod with plain bearing, special alloy piston.

CARBURETOR: DELL'ORTO with two controls for air and fuel, designed for good economy.

LUBRICATION: forced with gear pump, completely immersed. Use OLEOBLITZ Semi-dense sport

IGNITION: BOSCH high voltage dynamo magneto

GEARBOX: BURMAN 3-speed, hand control by means of a lever on the tank. Clutch with multiple dry plates, controlled by handlebar lever.

FRAME: F.I.T. entirely in cold drawn steel tubes. SEILING patented elastic suspension. Rear fork fixed to the front frame on a pin working on adjustable ball bearings, particularly robust and adjustable spring inserted between the swingarm and the rigid part of the frame: this system in its extreme simplicity ensures great durability, absolute stability, a restful driving pace. Central stand, luggage rack obtained from the same frame, mudguards of modern enveloping design

SADDLE: DE STEFANI, elastic, wide, non-deformable

WHEELS: channel rims, reinforced spokes. MICHELIN tires 25x3 (19x3.00)

FUEL TANK: made of sheet steel, large filler neck, chromed hermetically sealed cap. Capacity about 9 litres; consumes a liter every 40 km. approximately

BRAKES: with large drums, front operated by hand, rear with a comfortable pedal lever

TRANSMISSION: REGINA EXTRA reinforced type chain, primary completely enclosed by aluminum carter and lubricated, secondary protected by sturdy sheet metal carter

ELECTRICAL SYSTEM: complete with: original BOSCH headlight with 3 lights, dry battery, number plate light and reflector

FINISH: very accurate in black enamel, gold pinstipe. Heavily chromed handlebar, exhaust pipe and muffler; polished aluminum parts

ACCESSORIES: supplied in a special bag, tire pump

MAX SPEED: 75 km/hour


NOTE: price 3800 Lire. The same model is produced with a rigid frame for 3400 Lire. Representative for Italy: MAX TURKEIMER & C. via Lanzone 22 MILAN

Sources: Tragatsch, Renato Paganini, Moto di Lombardia

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