European Motorcycles

Automoto A9

Model Information on French and Czech Motorcycles by a collector and restorer

The French pages cover mostly pre-war Automoto, with specifications and images.

Visit Automoto A9 at automoto-a9.wz.cz (offline, March 2023)

The information is available under the Creative Commons licence

April 18th 2017

To: petr.sitych at seznam.cz
cc: christian.savaete at free.fr

I visited your site some time ago and found a notice that read along the lines that the site was under creative commons:
"Creative Commons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/1.0"

I was led to believe that the site was abandoned, as the Web Archive has no information about it after 2007.
Image attached: Screenshot from April 2017

I copied what I could and began to to build a version of the pages, and credited you here: automoto-a9.htm

An unfinished example of the result here: automoto-1928-250.htm

I seek permission to continue with my interpretation of your work. I perfectly understand if you would prefer me to remove it from cybermotorcycle.com




Sent twice, no reply as of May 2018.