Stanley Show

Stanley Show 1903, p796

W. A. Lloyds Cycle Fittings, Ltd.

This important manufacturing firm of cycle and motor, components and fittings, will have on exhibition several complete motor bicycles entirely built up from fittings of their own make. They will also show several recently patented devices in the way of improvements in the design of the various parts which go to make up a motor cycle engine, amongst which we may mention a patent free engine clutch, with a very rapid and practical method of engagement and disengagement; also two improved details in motor cycle engine parts, of which we give rough sketches herewith...

Continued: Lloyd, W.A. 1902-1903

A. Mabon.

will be exhibiting two motor cycles fitted with Mabon 3¼ h.p. motors, Bowden brakes, exhaust lift, and throttle control. The makers of the Mabon motor cycle have adopted the Phoenix Trimo for their forecarriage attachment. One of the novelties will consist of a small blower or fan for cooling air-cooled engines.

Mabon 1903-1908

W. R. McTaggart, Ltd.

Here will be found the latest patterns of F.N. motor cycles. The engine will be 2¾ h.p., and the construction of the machine has been studied so as to obtain the highest possible efficiency. The driving belt will be V-shape Lincona, and will be 3/8in. longer in the drive than this season's 2 h.p. F.N. The lubricating arrangement will consist of a feed lubricator fitted between the diagonal tube and the back stay. The whole front of the new machine is strengthened by a liner running through the fork stem, branching at the crown right down through the fork blades. The petrol tank itself has been very much improved, being made of oxidised brass. All jointing is avoided as much as possible, one side only being soldered. Two brakes are fitted, acting on the rim of the rear wheel, one of which is worked by back-pedalling, the other being the usual Bowden brake. All the leading features of the 2 h.p. F.N. will be retained, especially as regards the position of the engine in the frame. There is a special arrangement, by which the exhaust valve is in a manner separated from the cylinder, thus precluding the possibility of overheating. The tyres on the new machine will be 2¼ in. Clincher A Won. The tubing used in the construction of the F.N. machine will be nickel steel, which is sixty-four per cent, stronger than the ordinary cold-drawn steel tubing. All the joints, lugs, etc., including the fork crown, will be made from solid steel forgings, which are one hundred per cent, stronger in some strains, and from twenty-five to fifty per cent, stronger in others above malleable iron castings. The crank case bearing will be of the well-known turbine grooved type, which obtains the best results by perfect distribution of the lubricating oil.

FN 1903

Minerva Motors, Ltd.,

have so standardised their patterns that they now have engines of three different horse-powers, which are suitable for anything that is made in the motor cycle line. They will exhibit 2 h.p., 2 ¾ h.p., and 3½ h.p. motor cycles fitted with Minerva engines for both the inclined and the vertical design. In addition to these, a lady's motor bicycle, with a 2 h.p. engine, will be on view, also a trailer and fore- carriage. The racing motor bicycle has not been forgotten, and a sample will be shown with a 3½ h.p. vertical engine, no pedals, and a tank just large enough to run through a short race...

Continued: Minerva Motors 1900s

The Motor Cycle, November 18th, 1903. Page 796