Spagthorpe Motorcycles

Classic Spagthorpe:

One of many off-road Spaniels, and the first iteration of the Viking.

Of course, the Spaniel line's acme was the awe-inspiring "Springer", which retrocatively inspired Mr. Wm. Davidson and partners on this side of the pond. The front suspension was a Byzantine arrangement which could only have sprung from the mind of Sir Julian himself, with his well-known penchant for Turkish hashih. The friction from this creative leaf-spring-and-94-links front suspension design, when used in off-road riding and particularly competition, of course, generated all the heat necessary for the early integrated heaters which debuted in the Springer Spaniel's second year of production. This heat-generation capability was discovered by original Team Spagthorpe enduro rider, one Reginald deCodswollop, during the fourth annual Pudleby-On-The-Marsh To Currey Mallet Endurance Race. Reggie was mounted on a very early-production Springer, and while negotiating a particularly rough bit of forest corduroy, his genuine Spag-line chaps burst into flame at the shins, inspiring the catch-phrase "flaming Codswollop". This was curiously linked with the sensibility of anyone who would ride a 764-pound enduro machine through the infamous Pudleby Marshes, but that's Reggie's tale, and another story.

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